Sunday, July 3, 2011

May 12th 2011 'Arab Spring'

This was a video presentation in the form of a collection of videos from various sourse such as;

Al Jezeera television and the 'James Corbett Report'.

Israel woman Caroline Glick a specialist on Middle East politics addressing Representatives Washington DC.

The address opens with Egypt: Egypt using law to conduct war presumed against its citizens.

M's Glick then said Hosni Mubarak is a friend of U.S. Other struggles are taking place, as with the P.L.O. waring with Israel and U.S. Israel and America don't have the same policy towards Egypt.

Egypt not a Liberal Democracy but populist with assumed Muslim Brotherhood anti- American, anti-Semitic where poverty etc determines attitude.

Yes (as above) M's Glick says Mubarak had shared interests with Israel and U.S. -- No successor has this interest.

At this point in her talk Tunisia is mentioned as another country in turmoil. Attention again on Egypt she refers to the "mob" ousting Mubarak, imputes the brotherhood's anti-Semitic and anti-American sentiment.

With the arrest and imprisonment of Hosni Mubarak she shows the military rules. From the talk comprehension ( see COMMENT later) is that Mubarak was replaced by the military by a person she called a Nazi, this person presumed to be Ahmed Nazif 05/03/2010 to 15/04/2010.

So Egypt becomes an ally of Hamas(?) and the military wants to increase their budget and allow other Arab states access to the Suez Canal e.g. Iran et al.

Apparently since H. Mubarak's overthrow Israel is the only country the U.S. can trust in the Middle East, M's Glick closes her delivery by proposing (U.S.) containment of Iran and Iraq.

Question Time:-

Q. Israels' Army?

Ans. Israels' escalation of training of its military recently, since earlier wars with Egypt and Lebanon, but draft numbers down with greater "selectivity" when recruiting.

Q. Iran and Syria?

Ans. Syria needs regime decentralization for Israel's protection -- West should do more to remove Bashar al- Assad. Syria is a "way-station" (CG's word) for Jhadists and Hamas. She mentions Lebanon and Iraq, maybe the Muslim Brotherhood takeover in Syria better than Assad.


# The Muslim Brotherhood ONLY political movement with viability OTHER than established regimes in the Arab World (CG's words).

Israel should build its defenses against the brotherhood but government according to CG not listening.

The second Media Player capture, titled Empire courtesy of Al Jezeera.

The documentary commenced showing demonstrations in Arab countries, where regimes have dominant armed services to sustain them. Interviews with people in various Arab lands undergoing upheaval since Jan.-Feb. 11.

Thereafter a four eminent peoples panel (in studio) were introduced:

Professors Bishara,

El Mahdi,

C. Dickey

Dr. P. Seale

M. Bishara was the convener posing questions.

Notably the first question as to whether the civil unrest coming from that part of the World amounted to Revolution(s), there was no consensus from the other three.

R. El Mahdi at another time took exception when in a question the word "asleep" was used in reference to the degree of unrest (its genesis).

A question considering "commonality" and "differences" in the greater region brought forth responses encompassing history, nature of regimes, the diversity of people and economic comparison etc; indeed Egypt with its population of 80 million seemed favoured as a yardstick.

The panel pondered on when the "revolution" started perhaps 10 years earlier (or before), and the part of the Muslim Brotherhood, the concept of the "Old Brigade" versus the "New".

After an excised interval (removed from the video stream) came regime representatives from Egypt, Yemen and Libya disavowing and accusing Al Jezeera's coverage of events as giving encouragement to the unrest.

Also suggestion from those rulerships under pressure, the C.I.A., Mossad, Muslim Brotherhood and Iran were co-instigators of the turmoil.

Before the panel again took to microphone and lens the part technology had played, I.T. digital phones with cameras and especially satellite communication; put to the panel for consideration they acknowledged technology figured largely.

Dr. Seale (possibly) prompted by a question drew attention to the movement of people within the region is more prevalent now.

Diversification of Arab people, country by country, meant issues pertaining all tended to be dealt with by each country uniquely.

R. El Mahdi categorized periods of Arab political development since WW11, the 60's to 70's termed independent, 80's to 90's termed liberal and now democratic which should necessitate "foundational reform".

As the time line moved on with the visual stream, colonization and occupation within the Middle East got mention.

However, C. Dickey denied Israels involvement in the "youth movement" identified with the Arab Spring. Dr. Seale (a Syrian specialist) cites Turkey as an "important player" in that part of the World, so is Iran.

C. Dickey said Iran regardless of the past, now is a State where the "old guys" (Edit. Ayatollahs?!) rule, a comparison. with Turkey.

So the question as to a model/models -- R. El Mahdi above and "foundational reform" -- aftermath of the Arab Spring: The longer the conflict leaders and extremists will come to the fore (C. Dickey). As banners and signs passed across the screen M. Bishara suggested the "revolution" began with quips and jokes before Mubarak was deposed.

The last Media Player capture: James Corbett Report; Arab Spring and WW111.

A woman's voice, in reference to the Middle East ... casting off shackles for freedom. An Arab speaker (unseen) voicing support for protests. Direction protests are heading, an Iranian commentator, in regard to murders in Tunisia and Egypt. An American speaker's criticism of President Obama sending a questionable message to the Middle East.

J. Corbett reflects on happenings both in Egypt and Tunisia. A Western commentator indicates Mubarak has not got sufficient support from NATO, U.S. etc. Iran the Mossad, U.S. (State Dept.) and Brooking Inst., the former targeted by the latter three because of nuclear plans and genocide, other countries mentioned.

Mr. Cavaluchie -- a writer for -- claims U.S. State Dept. either has, or is currently participating in the removal of the Iranian government.

Next the West (America and Europe) should not allow Assad (Syria) to do what Gaddafi (Libya) did to his people. Syria could be the next political player (edit. as in chess) to experience West intervention, since force was used successfully against Libya.

Assumed the next comment was from J. Corbett: Iran and WW111. Neocons and the "grand game" with a message for China who has interests in Middle East oil and also have this resource in China.

Russia encircled by NATO and the Reagan-Gorbachev Agreement has now been dishonoured, noting oil from Libya is not getting to China because of current events, but China and Russia have nuclear weapons to deploy (i.e. WW111; edit. a fearful consideration).

Apparently there is a Globalist agenda explaining the immediate foregoing, not in interest of people U.S. and everywhere. A master plan according to L. Williams is operating throughout the Middle East, H. Clinton (Sec. of State U.S.) has met the Muslim Brotherhood, the last country to fall to the brotherhood will be Saudi Arabia.

Why, narration provided says oil will reach $200 U.S. a barrel -- Intention? To collapse the $U.S.! Narrator says "U.S. must eventually default on its debt" -- Result! A World government and a new currency. Finally globalists it's claimed are behind moving citizens from county to cities, Thailand according to narration is one such country where this conspicuously must be happening.

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