Monday, November 3, 2014

11th September 2014 Islam in the West, elsewhere; IS/ISIL ...

The agenda presented by the club secretary Mr. D. Brooke
Subjects presented in order


1. Recorded Introduction:
Link to alternative site for immediate play 
[ASC Audio_5 09/14]

Edit. Tape Intro. Don 09/14

Audio 5 09/14

Links provided to documents mentioned by Don (the above audio file).

Forth Generation Warfare

A Clean Break


Present 1.

The only thing the lady presenter -- (now) called Claire -- didn't introduce into her 
narrative; how in less than 100 years Arabs from the Middle-East who sought liberation from 
Ottoman Turkey, assisted by armies from the West (Europe and New World).  Now number a 
considerable menace to descendants of their former liberators.

Claire claims jihad is the means whereby shariah (law) and a caliphate will be imposed.  
The way the most recent caliphate (Turkey) worked is well documented and understood.  Like 
shariah this caliphate had some good (maybe not admirable) features.  But Claire said 
acceptance of shariah disallowed "cherry picking" it's all or nothing proposition.  Jihad 
as the "sixth pillar" of Islam -- there are 5 pillars ( basic principles) -- ceases with 
capitulation of opposition.  [Ed. Sheikh Taj-El-Din Hamid Hilaly, once Grand mufti Lakemba 
Mosque, Australia, said, " Islam is intolerant of all other religions"].

If strife in the Middle-East is over oil and water, and we've been assured it's the case.  
Using this as a metaphor, what international cabala has prevailed on NGO's to get them to 
believe the two can mix?!?!  Claire doesn't directly appropriate a identity who's behind 
the mischief; nor does she directly attribute the "wriggle opportunity" afforded Pres. B. 
Obama by Al Quaeda's Ayman al Zawahiri, respectively 50 minutes apart in the doco.;  a 
message to the President from the latter and a public address by the former.

All in all, the excepts from learned writings e.g. Qur'an,  Hadith ... etc., photos, maps 
and emblematic representations made the doco. one of the outstanding club presents.  
Significant time was given to a comparison of America's Constitution and what follows, as 
against chosen extracts from the Qur'an as it's to be practiced within Shariah 

I'm sure Don's advice to members inferred, or would have been to effect a saving of the 
doco. to disk or memory devise.  When you (we) should realise we've been overtaken by new's 
distraction, e.g. currently Ebola, play the doco. if nothing more relevant on the subject 
is to ... Available!

Believing the Clare presentation has been edited, there may have been a suggested directive 
to the threat i.e. What you can do.  As she is a American citizen and undoubtedly entitled 
to the protections granted by the Constitution particularly its 2nd amendment.  However, 
Don has done diligence (listen to the following).  Take what he says as comments of a 
realist and pragmatist with vision.  Advise parliamentarians and governments to act: Lest ye 
be slain by those who are passive invaders and also hold dear the code of Jihad.

Link to alternative site for immediate play of discussion following.  [ 712_0093 09/14]

712_0093 09/14

Don remarks in the following sound file of  a recorded interview not shown -- translation text not fully capable of being displayed.  Translated transcript follows.

Present 2.

A report on life in the Syrian city of Raqqa, made possible with a media production company
assisted by the IS media officer.  Noted, this making of this doco. had other than Middle-
East participation as the credits showed.

At the time of the doco's development IS (ISIL) tentacles stretched far into Iraq, though
the city had a Syrian army garrison.  Through the lenses of cameras a viewer of the present
was taken through the city accompanying the Shariah enforcement police, to a mosque,
indoctrination assembly and a court building where shariah was the only institution.  A
reminder from present 1. why there were insurrections throughout this part of the World:
attacks on regimes not practicing Islamic law.

Apparently (male) people seen were largely representative of the political opposition party
that was in existence prior to the uprising against Basha al-Assad's regime. None whether
armed or not wore face covering.  So do we take from what Don said during his introduction,
hostages murdered by tall disguised knife holders dressed in black(sic), ( seen in still
and streamed uploads ...) a enforcement group within the IS (ISIL) movement.  Those people
in black are they the Takfirists(?)          

Link to alternative site for immediate play of discussion following.

712_0095 09/14     

CONCLUSION with a vote of thanks for the secretary evenings events.

See Daniel Pipes Middle East Forum # 4 for explanation to the following Qu'ran surah, incl. surah 5:32   [Ed. disregard the "Hitler" reference].

August 14th 2014; IMF, M. D., C. Lagarde addressing ...

The agenda presented by the club secretary Mr. Victor Waterson
Subjects presented in order


1. Recorded Introduction:
Link to alternative site for immediate play 
[ASC Audio_5_08/14]

Tape Intro. John, Victor et al. 08/14

After the formal introduction Madam Lagarde begins by stating, at the time she was speaking, a calendar year was ending and a lunar year was soon too also.  Then to relate the number seven (7) to its numerology ... and 7 years had elapsed since the GFC.  Other interesting facts she enumerates by tinkering with the numerator 2014 and denominator 7.  Surmises 7 lean years and thereafter 7 (economical) fertile, but with qualification as to global prosperity and wealth-income distribution.  [Edit. Madam Lagarde would have been aware when addressing the press of the 8th biblical tetrad since 1AD.]

Using seven her talk divides thus:-

1.  The World
2.  America
3.  The Euro. zone
4.  Japan
5.  Asia: Myanmar, Korea and Cambodia
6.  Mali and Kenya
7.  Arab countries, Middle-East specifically

There are the advanced economies and emerging ones (from the above), each with similar or divergent concerns and she deals with each.  Towards the end of her speech in proper (and before Q and Ans. time), as managing director of the IMF states that since the GFC: 
-  154 assisted loans to members.
-  90% of members technically(?) assisted.
-  Membership of the fund totals 188

Though the questioning was hard to follow, Madam Lagarde's answers helped with the following abbreviated:

1.   a)   IMF and US work for future stability;  b) IMF and US govt.: co-operation not forced  cohesion. 
2.   IMF 2010 a years when governance reform(s) enacted
3.   IMF help extended to Euro. countries and others (2nd World) incl. Pakistan
4.   IMF and American Congress: support for developing countries
5.   "Tapering" down of assistance and consequence, particularly for emerging economies. 
6.   Government's FRB (Fed.) premature exit from post GFC correction
7.   IMF's first woman M.D. attitude to lady chairperson FRB and its significance
8.   Her attitude to women in top jobs e.g.s provided, incl. GM CEO Kenya (a woman)
9.   Asked about women in Japan, Saudi Arabia and the US gets a mention
10. IMF past economic events are they relevant, she said forecasts based on model developed assisted by             188 IMF desks around the World.
11. "Currency wars" she said after 3 years were a non-event.
12. Could there be more than on reserve currency, yes with a qualification
13. Banking stability since GFC, subject to cross boarder resolution and derivatives remain a concern.
14. Derivatives still a problem for the US
15. Inflation as related to Japan cf. euro. area
16. US Congress and observance of fiscal, economic principle pertaining to budget
17. Stock markets and monetary policy
18. Viability of the euro. v's US$
19. Europe and deflation
20. Japan "add-in-economics", she said more to be done  
21. IMF's Article 1. its implementation as remedying inequality  

From the impersonal to the personal before the conclusion of this national press recording
Q:  Madam Lagarde's French political aspiration.

Link to alternative site for immediate play of discussion following. [712_0090 08/14]


 Link to alternative site for immediate play of discussion following.

CONCLUSION with a vote of thanks for Victor showing the evening's event. 

July 10th 2014 Eco. theorists & free marketer; GFC Part 2 ...

The agenda presented by the club secretary Mr. D. Brooke
Subjects presented in order


1. Recorded Introduction:
Link to alternative site for immediate play 
[ASC Audio_4 07/14]

Edit. Tape Intro. Don 07/14 

Edit. Tape Intro. Don 07/14

Present 1.

Undoubtedly Don (who arranges the evenings presents) was fully aware, when juxtaposing this with the second part from what he showed members 05/14.  The significance of  this 10 minute American Meet the Press panel Q. and A. was to promote the philosophy of  a business personality (with a regular online show) -- Don introduces from time to time.  The inability of two eminent economists to answer questions, that was, to the satisfaction of the "business personality" was the issue.  However as one of the two explained the tools they (as economists) rely upon are not necessarily entrenched preferred positions.  So, the relevance of this present to what follows (Second part from 05/14 blog), has to be taken as judgement:  Big economic issues, demand big government intervention, not so said the "business personality" (?!?!)

Link to alternative site for immediate play of discussion following. [Edit. 712_0087 07/14]

 Edit. 712_0087 07/14

Present 2.

Second Part:  The American housing boom 1996 to 2006, house price rises, mortgage debt led to banks increasing their debt levels (leverage) this allowed by regulator FRB -- the era of "sub-prime lending" -- termed a "gigantic ponzi scheme" by one commentator and while this was taking place (a economic "bubble") the SEC didn't intervene i.e. "did nothing" to derivative markets. Told of a big insurance Co. AIG creating CDO's "credit default obligations" and how CDO's were to work, that's by investor insurers (and others) taking out insurance, hedging against CDO's going bad.  These "obligations" apparently commutable and known as "swaps"*.  The term "credit default swaps" appeared in an address of an independent economist prior to the GFC, his paper " Has Financial Development Made the World Riskier?" (R G Rajan)  The essence "more debt more risk" contrary to then prevailing 
establishment position "less regulation less risk".
The doco. gives over to addressing characteristics of Wall Street (America) career people and how the booty was dived up and spent as a result of derivative and sub-prime mortgage trading.
A leader in the financial "tragedy" Goldman Sach, we learn of the deals involving AIG and swaps and selling CDO's to unsuspected (mainly superannuation funds) this brought to attention of the general public in 2010 Congress Committee hearing.  
The final serve in this part of the doco. was on the rating agencies -- those cited daily in the media -- who apparently are paid by those listed (corporate) clients, (allegedly) positioned according to how highly regarded their solvency and viability, based on "opinion" of rating agency-agencies. [Ed. This is not pure science!]

Guess the thinking was at the conclusion of this part (of 2 of 4), the grand scam (its creator/creators) may be set-up one or more integral participants as collapsible(s). That what went around (US$) would again come around (US$), incredibly believing no one would be badly hurt.  [Ed. Was it going to be AIG ...?]

The doco. indicated there was "hurt" and investors (super. funds) are carrying on through the courts.   

* A kind of derivative a development of AIG.

Moving on to the next part, told of the soothsayers (economic controllers) lost contact with the unfolding reality from 2004 to 2008. A suggestion evident people in high places in government were complicit in the GFC innovative fiasco.  During the "crises" period, numerous warnings from diverse sources, regardless ended with large scale mortgage defaults and a drying-up of loans: "Investment banks left with 100's of billion dollars of loans, CDO's and real estate they couldn't sell".  By 2008/9 the evidence was then, investment banks were in various degree of financial difficulty, though leading market rating agencies were not letting on ...  Regulators and critics then interviewed and asked as to why a implausible situation had been arrived at; eventuating in "cannibalization" of the least financially viable by competing financial houses ad-finitum (significant take-overs the narrative cited, incl. the governments move on the two F.M. institutions).    
The doco. next turns attention to Lehman Bros., the Barclay Bank and Lehman's London office.   The consequence apparently caused further "drying-up" of liquidity on the other side of the Atlantic.  At the same time AIG (American International Group) subject to a US$13 billion default.  The secretary to treasury, Henry Paulson acts (critics consider belatedly) by getting the George W. Bush administration to "bail out" investment banks.  The treasury, particularly its secretary gets a "serve" from the doco's initiators.

AIG link.
Expansion to credit default insurance market  

A global recession 2008/9 had begun and spreads into Asia, touched leading US industrial's named ... Unemployment is the consequence and tent cities result in America.  [Ed. As mentioned, did 15 million mortgage defaults eventuate?] 

Link to alternative site for immediate play of discussion following.
Edit. 712_0088 07/14
CONCLUSION with a vote of thanks for the secretary evenings events.