Tuesday, May 8, 2012

April 12th 2012 Financial snippets and 9/11 of 2001

Because of delay caused by confused room allocation at the RSL, the meeting commenced once our secretary (ASC) had connected his electronics to that provided by the RSL. 

Don already having told those at the last meeting of the 9/11 documentary contents. From attendee comments after the viewing: 1) Where other aircraft hijacked on the same day? 2) Where seven buildings -- excluding the Pentagon building -- destroyed on that infamous day?  AND of course 3) Was public indignation turned in the right direction; "... buildings don't fall that quickly".

Sufficient time remained for three economic discourses, one a audio cast the other two from the same sourced back in February (audio-visual).

The three covered subjects:-

  •  Validity of statistics, how reliable are they as related to those attributed to China and the US currently.
  • Government released financial statements at variance with "GAP/GAAP based accounting" goto http://www.investopedia.com/terms/g/gaap.asp#axzz1ty7V8e43 for definition.
  • Immediate above and the G.A.O. (Government Audit Office) -- Why it will not "sign off" submitted financial statements.
  • National insolvency
  • Money creation
  • Budget deficits
  • Hyper-inflation
  • Affects of stock and bond prices both domestic (America) and in Europe.
Criticism of government and federal agency's actions since GFC and possible economic, social and political consequent.

Following Don summed up the comments presented in the dialogue question and answer format just viewed and heard:-

  1. Taxes raised don't cover debt.
  2. Unemployment figures in America more likely at 22%, an increase to that officially stated.
  3. Wages less than what they were 10 years back in the US.  Don thinks it most likely the same here as  would be that for unemployment.
  4. Funding from Europe supporting Asian business's have sharply declined e.g. The Chinese government intend removing the central bank's monopoly to lend.
  5. In America because of homeland security and welfare etc., the federal government can barely raise money by taxing and cannot borrow sufficient funds for much else.
  6. Apparently banks as well as government since the GFC burdened with debt print money into circulation.
  7. From 2. and 3. above, the economy is worst than in 1930's.
ABC 7.30 Report 29/03 Don said told viewers there are 80,000 457 visa workers -- Chinese miners and Irish scaffolders -- with visas issued to people claiming to be administrators.  He is not chuffed by this as he has been looking for work.  Don has since being retrenched now has university graduate qualification ... I guess ... have to watch space?!?!

Friday, May 4, 2012

March 8th 2012 Criticism of Utopias and Technocracy

The meeting opened Don went on to summarise what we would hear, taken from a radio talk program, broadcasted from of all places Japan, by an American, so it was heard in the English language. 

The subject of this 1 hr. audio documentary covered concerns raised by outcomes of technocracy.  Technocrats "who harvest technology" selling their ideas to a populous but do so on behalf of a social elite.

Taking from the pod cast yet to be heard, Don emphasized the presenter/narrator's attitude: technocracies are failed utopian concepts, and examples provided, prior to and since the Industrial Revolution of the 18th century.  Both in his summary and later confirmed when listening to radio blog, currently Mediterranean countries identified where economic eminent(sic) people appointed by fiat to resolve debt crises.

Resulting from what was a long production the following provided:-

  1. Apparently technocracy is a consequence of population numbers.
  2. The author H. G. Well's tome of 1933 "The Open Conspiracy" is quoted from by presenter/narrator. 
  3. Technocrats who were "non-democratically appointed" i.e. "bureaucratically appointed" in two named South European countries heavely in debt.
  4. Machines endowed with reason and logic will be the determinant organisers making for a better society.
  5. Presenter introduces two technocrats from Technocracy Alliance of Nth. America (and Canada) --     Summary answer of 1st questioned (Technology Incorp.): WW1 did not affect production with its  demand on military service, however by 1930 to much production, so system of exchange NOW out modded due to latter day technology.   Summary answer of 2nd questioned: This commentator's expertise in city planning probably after WW11, in any case the opposing views at the time were: Should development follow a linear concept or should cities grow outwards in a circular design.  Stating that technocracy is a process of inquiry.
  6. At this point the presenter says that technocracy can lead to "totalitarian ends".
  7. A satirical monologue by a lady what living in a future technocracy could be like -- from the narrator a  planned/plan "obelisk"  [Edit.a reference to society structure].
  8. Technocracy equates to tyranny -- people beholding to others who promote them, in this instance economic [Ed. in reference to 3 above].
  9. Bio-ethics as another social engineering concept.  For meaning and association goto http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/technologies see "Related Words".
  10. Technocracy according to presenter is the combination of bio-ethicists, multi-nationalists and bankers ... convincing the public of their right to dominate in their respective fields.
  11. A pod cast borrowed from Empire, Power and People inserted, extracts from the author W.  Lippmann's works "Public Opinion" and "The Phantom Public" spoken -- Web search " Of Prophets, Power and Purpose of Intellectuals: Class War; Part 3; Andrew Gavin Marshall".  Apparently this man's writings gave rise to the epithet "Think Tank" for technocracy.
  12. The sound track from "Against Utopia" introduced, citing instances of failed utopian initiatives, and the joining of "technological" with "utopia" (Technological Utopia).  "In this utopia the proponents of this movement tell us there will be no evil people, no elite class wanting to control others, no one at all trying to control others, no one at all trying to control the system because human nature will no longer allow for it."  More said on the subject but this should suffice.
  13. The presenter concludes with a questioning of who controls technology, who programs the computers. From past experiences technocracy (i.e. the utopian dream) if unchecked will lead to tyranny.

After the radio blog Don brings attention to a video track exposing questions arising from 9/11: 1) Free falling buildings consistent with planned wrecking NOT as a result of airborne attack, as in the case of New Yorks twin towers. 2) Molten metal (presumed to be steel) running down stair well within the said buildings, but NOT consistent with burning fuel BUT consistent with heat generated by explosion. 3) A 3rd or 4th building somewhat removed NOT attacked but filmed in free fall. 4) Questions arising from the strick on the Pentagon Military HQ building and why the unexplained cover-ups?!?!  Though familiar with the foregoing, no mentioned made by attendees of seeing this particular production.

Then Don told us of another clip yet to be seen, how the American War of Independence and thereafter, the problem associated with circular credit creation and money by financial institutions.

The meeting wound down with an attendee mentioning a publication "Twenty two Steps to Global Tyranny", the restructuring in Australia and centralisation of government, raising the question of how to stop it?  The attendee answered his own query with "by keeping the human contribution alive".  Don 's response was that a lot of people get "... what they have been told from TV".  As for the "Good" book (Bible) its bearing on the federal constitution (from the attendee) a member said most people know nothing about history pertaining.  The member comments on impressions of attitude held by an "underclass", a rejoinder to another comment from attendee regarding "God's love ..." with "plenty of that around".  The member then elaborates by asking: with the Mardi Gras, euthanasia and the UK riots last year as rejections of standards, questioning with this "where's the utopia ...(?)".    

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

February 9th 2012 Boeing et al. Air Safety

After the secretary opened the first meeting for the year, Don indicated there were to be forthcoming radio and pod casts on global economic circumstances.  These presentations to spread over forthcoming meetings, virtually during the first quarter of the year.  For this evening Aircraft Safety was the main attraction, a 52 minute documentary.  Don's introduction stressed an inability of government agencies do their job in this vital matter of safety supervision. 

The video dealt with the production of Boeing's 737 NG commercial jet between 1995 to 2002 -- revealing three recent landing accidents -- assertions by employees and independent experts of poor quality control i.e. "non-conforming parts".  If what we were shown is true, a truly disgraceful situation involving America's FAA, NTSB (National Transport Safety Board), FJD, The Federal Government, Boeing and its supplier Ducommun Technology.  Then there is the "whistle blowers" (Boeing ex-employees) lawyers and hundred of thousands of documents for court adjudication.

After the viewing a club member commented on what might await those ex-employees, when big money and the legal system come together.  How a well known media entrepreneur in this country dealt with a "whistle blower" situation some time ago.

Next presentation was the first of three Internet gleanings on and from the United States.  Spokesperson critical of post GFC actions in part taken by federal government and its agency.  Dealing with the background to the situation and the fallacy of borrowing by government to get out of (deficit) trouble.

Before closing the meeting Don talked about economic commentaries (mentioned earlier) and those economists he would subsequently present.  He talked on unemployment statistics and erroneous economic stimulus's, drawing from content found.  Mentioning that economists and politicians are divided on how to avoid GFC's.  Debt, disappearing currencies and consequence of (currency) inflation, citing recent known facts regarding debtor and creditor countries. 

Recorded talks later to be heard, though dealing with woes confronting other nations, can be analyzed with application here, whereby those with power conceal truth ... "by concealing they (politicians) control public opinion"; as in Australia he said so they do elsewhere.  Tells the meeting of one commentary dealing with negative aspects of technocracy, elaborates by explaining that technocrats usurp democratic process.   Then a member mentioned something contemporary with a US presidential nominee's platform to introduce the "gold standard", he being an adherent of the Austrian School of Economics [Edit. A. S. of E. an explanation goto http://mises.org/etext/austrian.asp].  Concluding this blog (and ASC formality 09/02) by another present relating how check-out machines at libraries and super markets could affect employment.