Saturday, December 28, 2013

December 12th 2013 Glue meat, Iraq & Afganastan Wars and WHY?

The club apologizes for not posting a notification of cancellation of its November 2013 meeting.  This due to the secretary's absence overseas and lack of time for others to substitute adequately, for reasons not needed here to be aired.

The agenda presented by the club secretary Mr. D. Brooke
Subjects presented in order


1. Recorded Introduction:
Link to alternative site for immediate play

EDIT tape Don et al 12/13

A download of a few minutes from a TV current events program shown.

The question asked (Introduction) as to the name of the glue meat "Transglutamainase" 

Link to alternative site for immediate play of discussion following.

The last offering for the evening and lasted for more than an hour and a half.  The two things to bring to our attention from this film were:-
  • The abhorrent incident in 2007 when alleged camera men were gunned down on instruction to the crew of an Apache gunship in Baghdad.  This led to the public awareness of Wikileaks ...
  •  In 2010 a flotilla of relief  ran the blockade of Gaza -- food, medical supplies etc. -- being intercepted in the Mediterranean for the relief of a Palestinian territory by the Israeli army.  The brutal treatment of the ships complement.
 The thought provocation after the viewing, relates to what our secretary said commenting on an earlier meeting's related topic.   People with questionable claim to refuge, running from parts within the equatorial zone where conflict is an everyday event.   The secretary's opinion these people are not made of the stuff advantageous ... when they won't defend their Home Lands.  Also, the dubious sincerity of their coming ... and modes of arrival; Manus Island's internee Reza Berati's death and the Iranian government's reaction, causes one (specif. an Australian born national subject)  to wonder if these would be insurgents  are not sponsored (or assisted) by foreign governments.
Since the influential "left field" media has imbued us (dumb downed gentiles) with the wonderful endowments of multicultural diversification.  Why question immigration, boarder protection and internecine(sic) conflicts ... this film at least prompted reflection.   
 Link to alternative site for immediate play of discussion following.

CONCLUSION with a vote of thanks for the secretary evenings events. 

From 2014 sound files will be downloaded from "".  The format will be Mp3, how long sound files can be accessed from there has become uncertain. The club has been supported till now, but indication after proceeding to login ... shows a subscription may be required -- the free trial period is coming to an end, or a change of conditions to host.

Ever since blogging the meeting 11th July last, google.sites has been a frustration.  Disallowing uploads of voice files for replay.  Could it be an article "Stop The Snoops" APC (magazine) Sept. 13 gives explanation.  If so, some where within earlier files(?) because of apparent umbrage, causation for time wasting annoyance imposed trying to achieve -- at what conspiring level (access point) an by whom(?) -- the unachievable.    

The cheapest hosting (above) plan is well(!) beyond what the club can afford.  Disappointing if termination eventuates as the club's contribution surely is not extravagant of that(!) media's resources.

October 10th 2013 cancelled due to power failure AND 14/11/2013 postponed ...

By the time the club concluded its AGM for 2013, the day being unusually hot for the time of the year, electricity supplying the suburb terminated in a blackout.  All patrons to the Burwood RSL by 9.15 pm were told to evacuate the premises.

The meeting for November would  be postponed to December ... all known attendees were duly notified, there has been no indication of inconvenience cause by the November Cancellation!  

Saturday, December 21, 2013

September 12th 2013 Address by guest, market manipulations & ponzi ... a book

The agenda presented by the club secretary Mr. D. Brooke
Subjects presented in order


Under the title "Introduction" is the club secretary's opinion of candidature entitlement -- this meeting shortly after a Federal election in Australia.  Following an address to members and guests by E. Caruana (represented PUP for the electorate of Barton) and thereafter a short question time.  Total time for the recorded introduction approximately 50 mins.

The juxtaposition of what Don (secretary) said and later Mr. Caruana can only be termed distressing.  It brings to mind the following:-

"In examining this violence, we must look behind the poor workers who are being used against their own interests. We know there is a hidden hand which preys on tribal sentiments; a hidden had which seeks to use blacks to undermine our new democracy." [ South African Government Information Website -- Address by President Nelson Mandela at Sifikile Village, Rustenburg]

Surely it would be naive to believe the subtle, and not so subtle influences, acting from on high (cf. Ephesians 6:12) only works at a "priestly class" level, as Don will have it. There must be a lesson to be learn't from the wrap-up from Mr. Caruana as he describes what over took him, since he addressed the Rockdale/Bexley group in July.  Take heed if intending a political career, particularly when considering a minor party, at least in Australia.

1. Recorded Introduction:
Link to alternative site for immediate play

1st. Present.

The first screened video report was marvelous.  It incorporated commodities into a monolithic sales structure by named financials (institutions).  The defining of velocity trading and how the city of Detroit became a victim of "low velocity trading" -- the subject of the next presentation.  The reporter likened what happened under capitalism with the controlled communist system of target achievement, the difference the means taken i.e. "financialising" definition provided.  Inflation a consequence offset by cheap imports e.g. (from) China.  Apparently hid masses of money a cited energy corporation funneled "financialised" money into entities, hiding these funds as stated "off balance sheets".  Others took up the practice and eventually this can lead to shock-horror consequences.  Stated in the case of the former (the energy supplier)  "... determined trade in derivatives is actually more profitable".

Since 2003 with lifting of government regulation oligopolies have engaged in an escalation of price fixing and insider trading.  A result of these practices was "book" debt "... there's a case going on against former Goldman Sachs about the sub-prime mortgages that were dumped into collateralize debt obligations and sold on to pension funds around the World.".  On top of all this indexes that are manipulated" distorting investment outcomes "... of course that ends up being thrown into pension accounts, one reason why Detroit has to go bankrupt".

Discussion among members and supporters 1st. present.
Link to Google Sites ["client-asc-09/13"]

Before the next consideration is put to screen the evenings guest Mr. E. Caruana departs.

Link to alternative site for immediate play

2nd Present.

Author and commentator is questioned by presenter, and from the outset of approx. 20 mins. of interview the intention is to question current economic macro initiatives.  Concisely, "basically what we have is debt, credit and leverage that actually runs the markets now, so that the QE, global QE is basically a giant roach motel, there's a big welcome sign outside: you can come in but you can't exit, so there's no exit strategy to get out and it's all perpetuated by excessive leverage ...".

The presenter describes how a "ponzi" like scheme arises when banks are not required to abide to Statutory Reserve Deposit (Australia etc.)  Action that could be taken to counteract growth of debt.  Explained, it's a misnomer to believe there's economic growth by revaluation assets when other indicators are contrary.  Interestingly the interview introduces a concept once in-placed by the Fed's, the Federal Discount Rate" to control debt and falling interest rates .  Now superseded since 2008 by out right purchase of mortgages and bonds?!?!

The program winds down:-

  • Debt(?) to moneterize or regulate ????
  • Eco. harm of integration, particularly of mineral and wheat markets as earlier described in 1st               Present..
  •   Named titans in economics, finance and a politics both in US, UK and Southern Europe, having          one thing in common i.e., they had worked for Goldman Sachs.  

Discussion among members and supporters 2nd present.   Link to alternative site for immediate play

CONCLUSION with a vote of thanks for the secretary evenings events.
 Link to Google Sites ["client-asc-09/13"]

Note.  Present on "Stat-ism" mentioned in the introduction did not get aired.                                                            

Friday, December 20, 2013

08th August 2013 Why no goal time ..., brothers in service & accident enigma

The agenda presented by the club secretary Mr. D. Brooke
Subjects presented in order

 Recorded Introduction:
Link to alternative site for immediate play.
Orig.Tape Intro.Don et al 08
From the introduction 1.

The discussion was first reported before 08/13, coincidentally at the time of preparing the blog 05/13 the SMH announced "Billionaire Steven Cohen's hedge fund SAC hit with $1.26 billion fine."  SAC was repeatedly cited as a financial institution within "Wall Street's Oligopoly".  Like other bankers assisted by the FRB and government, but with SAC also indicted for insider trading.  Spoken of later other players [ house names with financial reputation(?) ] engaged in commodity markets.  Criticism of the extent horizontal integration practiced by those players and how the game of "monopoly" is an illusion when it comes to considering the real World.

GOLD, the crux of what followed: Bullion banks, Central banks and gold traders.  With "backwardation" underpinning the market, paper money released apparently to bullion banks, reducing the spot price to encourage traders to sell.  At the time reported highly leveraged bullion banks acquiring physical gold on selling to investors, would issue what referred to as "paper gold"(?)  So parties involved with arbitrage apparently require physical delivery of gold; so a future market price must be at, or below a selling price, but at a figure the seller (B. b.) can service debt.As a lay person questioning what was barely comprehensible (foregoing) maybe evident in the precis, acknowledging probable misunderstanding.  Provided a sound file what members wanted to say?!?!

Link to Google Sites ["client-asc-08/13"]

From the introduction 2.

This present from the outset established that Islam (Muslim being synonymous  is not a church because the Muslim Brotherhood is a secular organisation. The show as screened was originally made public sometime during 2012 after Mussi ( the brotherhood's man) and Mubarak's dismissal.  The question then asked "... what is the Muslim Brotherhood, where did it come from and where is it going ...(?)". Dates relevant 1928; 1952, 67-68 during the presidency of A. G. Nasser, with the brotherhood's opposition to "Nasserism" abetted by UK and US agencies. [Ed. "Nasserism" another name for (unique) nationalism]. The presenter linked many Arab 

sounding names that gained publicity over recent years, alleged person engaged in ferment internationally and 

nationally. In 1979 the Bilderburg society gave recognition to the brotherhood simultaneously with the Shah's exile -- they were complicit in the removal of Iran's monarch. I guess a lot of good information on the brotherhood and the middle-east, condensed into a period in excess of half an hour. And no under-stressing of the importance Western powers, especially America" has had in the Geo-political formation of this region. Effected in conjunction with the Muslim Brotherhood.                    

Link to Google Sites ["client-asc-08/13"]

From the introduction 3.

The questionable death of a journalist in the US was the last present.  A guy (a male) made to seem obsessive as ET's -- if you've had the displeasure of their presence -- to turn up "dirt" on earthly mortals. As meticulous as the the malicious afore mentioned but different.  These ET's or others (in spirit form) contrary to the journalist, cause and encourage improprieties.  Scheming, they create a "dirt" file -- and if the truth is known many file have been exercised and others archived ... Ed. who's the next case study and for what purpose?!?!  But in seriousness, he (the journalist) was reaching in a sense, socially too high to get a story, with a history of doing so over a shortened career.  So while those hands reaching for a story, other hands were possibly reaching down ... The vehicle the guy was in disintergrated displacing its engine block 50 or 60 metres from the vehicle and passenger.This incident, the independent inquiry, the documentary presentation and a statement that a toxicology report(sic) would be forthcoming.  Apparently the police treated the incident as an accident.

Discussion among members and supporters present and CONCLUSION to the evening's convene.

Link to Google Sites ["client-asc-08/13"] 

Thursday, September 5, 2013

11th July 2013 Google link denied, Events interview and S.E.C (U.S.) & gold


A Preamble this month cannot be provided. Though one was prepared Google has repeatedly disallowed its upload, the excuse conveyed in the "error message" a server error. At least three times Google notified of their server error during the week starting Sunday 18/08. This failure to correct the alleged ("server error") anomaly persists till now 03/09, even after following instruction to over-come the predicament.      

Link to report Daily Telegraph 19.08.2013 published Sydney Australia -- Google.
2013-08-23 19-21pdf

The club blog for the preceding two months carries voice files where Don -- club secretary -- defends an action that brought him to a coroners court earlier this year.  Don, legally trained, has provided material and consented to what's in the blog. So if there is no impediment for him to defend himself at club meetings, and coincidental with the problem besetting Google as reported above; why is this aspect of service denied? So Mr (sic) Google the voice file is not exceptionally long, has nothing therein related to Don and the law-justice system (here). Have to conclude that American law limits a persons ability (in the public domain) to defend themselves, that's after courts intersection.  Then it becomes a "no brain er" why the people would have demanded the right to have guns and keep them close by, back in the days of James Madison 1789 circa.

Further to the above in an attempt to resolve what is assumed  -- a legal prohibition regarding Don -- page "Client ASC 07/13" removal resulted in all pages being deleted from Google-sites.  The client page mentioned re-established and those sound files "permitted" linked.  For followers, files related to Don's predicament, attempts to be made to restore.  Sound files accessible from the alternative site.

Thanks to Spreaker for the time being -- it's not known what happens when total upload reach service limit -- can be linked.  [The all files are uncompressed wav. format.]

EDIT.[1]TapeA&B Preamble Don et al. 07

The agenda presented by the club secretary Mr. D. Brooke
Subjects presented in order

1. Recorded Introduction:
Link to Google Sites ["client-asc-07/13"]

Edit.(1)TapeB.Intro.Don et al. 07
Link to alternative site for immediate play
EDIT.[1]TapeB.Intro.Don et al. 07

1. Traces the genesis of "Security and Exchange Commission" 1934.  Then brought to the last decade of fraud exposures -- Madoff and ponzi -- even recent attempts to control financial trading -- Dodd-Frank Act -- empowering SEC according to the speaker.  C.F.T.C. commenced 1974 enactment "C.F.T.C. Act" [cf. Sarban-Oxley Act 2002]. We were told of Sarban-Oxley and a "whistle blower" R. Grove.  This was a short informative exposure on how regulation doesn't work [Ed. I guess intended by Don (secretary) for us to take heed.  Don has it what happens elsewhere correlates to what can happen here].

2.  A interview conducted with participants from geographical different countries.  The questioned asked about diverse matters predominantly regarding the Northern Hemisphere.  Residing North of Africa and the Mediterranean with family connections in Algeria and Egypt, first asked about the position in Egypt.  He relates to what transpired in Algeria 30 years earlier and expectations in store for Egypt -- the US presence and motivation, the Muslin Brotherhood -- and its strategic importance.  Commenting the interviewed regrets people suffer when there is social unrest and a questioning as to democracy being the answer for attaining stability of conduct between people thereafter.

Then questioned on the aircraft intercepted on its way to South America, allegedly carrying Edward Snowden to freedom(sic) and exile.  Apart from J. Assange in similar circumstance others mentioned who ran foul of that acknowledge Western super power -- acting contrary to the intent of its Constitution's 1st. amendment -- and actions questionable towards other sovereign nations.  We were reminded of the past and this super power: : Josef Mandssenty, Hungarian Catholic cardinal.  He spent 15 years in the US embassy in Budapest from 1956 - 1971." (BBC News Magazine)
Followed by an increasing tendency for reporters and journalists who write-up on irregularities, when it comes to "whistle blowers" in their turn be ill-fated.  Such as the recent controversy, "Michael Hastings, top US journalist killed in crash".
With a new governor installed at the Bank of England, asked to comment.  Essentially central bank bosses defer to Goldman Sachs -- maybe represent a class of international investment bankers -- who apparently figure largely in setting the global economic agenda -- low interest rates and money printing.    
Finally the current fall in the price of gold.  Understood the situation has debased gold as a store of value, "a dichotomy" as it was put, whereby fiduciary issue to be seen as "paper money" (nonbacked by gold) and the other "paper gold".  We were told of market positions taken by "hedge funds" and "banks".  Advice to a audience to this radio show is to place trust in gold ...  However the speaker seemed compelled to say the abilities -- a personality named --  of market manipulators to sustain eco. survival is unquestionable (they know what is wanted), but what is questionable, who's advantaged(?)

3.  A radio report with participants electronically linked, they were either economists or financial business people.  For about 10 minutes we lay persons (club members) were given a educational insight into economic thought and analysis.  It is said if you have a room filled with economists you will hear a room full of differing opinions.  Thus it was ..., with no conclusions drawn for the US economy, nor the future of precious metal markets.  Australia like elsewhere gold etc. is internationally traded, so a nexus of similarity with America [Edit. For Aust. the $AU is falling compared to $US,in the US there is QE, here we have public debt.  From the lesson by listening intensely, nothing conclusive can be drawn confronting this nation's economic situation.  Ascertain we have not travelled the same eco. path as the US.].

  4.  The last report for the evening and current at the time of the meeting dealt with the cause of the price of gold falling since about April. the speaker attributes the cause to "speculators" and the consequent affect this is having on producers. In a eco. (America) the indications were for improvement with moderate inflation, rising property prices and the FRB buying bonds; markets -- especially gold -- should be bullish. However gold price was going in the opposite direction. But the lessons from history of gold, tells this trend will not continue indefinitely. The message conveyed for now (Ed. yet to come) is eco. "recession" eventually. [Ed. So has history also told us at any price(sic) gold held is the best of alternatives as a store of value?!?!]

Link to Google Sites ["client-asc-07/13"]
Link to alternative site for immediate play

Discussion among members and supporters present (#0044 and #0045) and CONCLUSION to the evening's convene.

Link to Google Sites ["client-asc-07/13"]
Link to alternative site for immediate play

Monday, August 5, 2013

June 13th 2013 Legalites ...?!?!, money action-reaction & ... wars


 The following is separated from Don's introduction, contextually it bears nothing with the recorded social media contribution viewed later.

More from Don on a predicament, which more suburbanites could face, as a lawlessness becomes a ever growing aspect of culture.   

Link to Google Sites ["client-asc-06/13"]
Edit(1)tape Intro. 06/13_incl.
Link to alternative site for immediate play

Link to Media reports to this time posted to Youtube:-

 "Self defence or murder"

 "Donald Brooke may be charged with murder."

Link to Google Sites ["client-asc-06/13"]
Edit(1)tape Intro. 6/13_Preamble2.
Link to alternative site for immediate play

Copy of a letter to Premier and Opposition Leader State Parliament N.S.W. Australia
Inquest re. A. Naboulsi

The agenda presented by the club secretary Mr. D. Brooke
Subjects presented in order

[Edit. Associated with the recorded introduction are two short documents.  It's the readers choice as to when they may care to view, links provided following ...]  

1. Recorded Introduction:
Link to Google Sites ["client-asc-06/13"]
Edit(1)tape Intro. Don et al. 06 

Link to alternative site for immediate play

Doc. link.
1. "RBA Gold Sales"
 Page link.
2.  "Calculations"

 Present 1 of 2.

From recent meetings and now members etc. learn of current strategies internationally to be in lock-step, with at least 20 trading nations participating: Quantitative Easing, currency creation and devaluation against gold; thereafter criticism of the US and UK in "disembarking" from the mercantile concept regarding gold as currency value determent. This we've heard before.  The speaker goes on to say "... miss allocation of time, energy and capital with too much time spent on micro-managing exchange rates throughout the World" with banking fraud and manufacturing base destruction(sic) a consequence.  Stock market volatility and speculation at all levels within society resulting.  From earlier in the report the speaker refers to "currency wars" resulting from low (bank) interest rates  -- subject aired later -- stock markets a beneficiary.  Apparently another beneficiary are bankers and central banks.  Those presenting compare the mechanics of real World economics with the game of "Monopoly".  Throughout Japan is mentioned as an economy to watch, as it has embarked on  a course of hypo-inflation of the currency.

Discussion among members and supporters present 1 of 2.

Link to Google Sites ["client-asc-06/13"]
Link to alternative site for immediate play

Present 2 of 2.

Under the title "Currency Wars" (a book) the interviewed after questioning talked about (1) "Sequential" and consecutive currency revaluation.  (2) G16 V's G4 i.e. deflationary countries V's inflationary.  (3)  "Reserve" and "Trade" currencies, the latter e.g. China's Yuan agreeable to Brazil as a trading partner.  Also to facilitate trade "Clearance of payment system" as initiated by Britain. (4) However converse to this "... getting away from this economic event into military events, getting away from currency wars into financial wars" a method whereby America through payment system controls countries throughout the World e.g. Iran.

Interestingly Britain has toyed with the idea of creating a new money system, but according to the interviewed the IMF and FDR/FBR(?) (Ed. FDR Framework?) will predominate.

(5) Questioned on the gold holdings of India and China.  The latter considered as a latter day hoarder (Ed. Maybe as a hedge should eco. reversal eventuate).  This realised could cause currency reactions (devaluations) internationally.

[Edit. Considering "sequential" devaluations in the 1st half 19th Century, begs the question as to those European countries and WW11.

Now with consecutive arranged devaluation among countries participating, particularly Australia, in "currency wars" and consequence.  Have we become the servant to a lender in principle.  Where the debtor trade (servant) nation is to a creditor and must -- in fairness and Principle -- accept creditor terms?!?!]

Discussion among members and supporters present 2 of 2 and CONCLUSION to the evening's convene.

Link to Google Sites ["client-asc-06/13"]
Link to alternative site for immediate play

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

May 9th 2013 Multi-culture a consequence, Q.E., gold; another rort

The following is separated from Don's introduction, contextually it bears nothing with the predominant portion of the  agenda assembled by Don -- Don to explain reason for inclusion to evening's program.

The secretary found himself in a situation November 2011 confronted by an intruder in his home,  something most families in this part of the World would (till now) not have experienced.  Don's reaction led to an enquiry 16 months later and now another wait for determination.  He was interviewed by Australian TV station channel 9, 27/05/2013 "A Current Affair".  What follows is not the first time he has spoke to members, but his address in May hereby understood to be the second public exposé.  Let Don explain:

 Link to Google Sites ["client-asc-05/13"]
Intro. Don 05/13_TrimSect. 
Link to alternative site for immediate play 

The agenda presented by the club secretary Mr. D. Brooke
Subjects presented in order

1. Recorded Introduction:
Link to Google Sites ["client-asc-05/13"]
Intro. Don 05/13_JoinSect.
 Link to alternative site for immediate

The secretary reads: "American bases in Germany and the gold basis"

Link to Google Sites ["client-asc-05/13"]

Link to alternative site for immediate play 

Document "Official Reserve Assets"

Link to Google Sites ["client-asc-05/13"]

Link to alternative site for immediate play  
 Audio-visual "REPORT" so called, third (3.) present:

Predominantly Mediterranean countries mentioned with enormous debt to central banks aligned with ECB structure will claim gold in lieu of payment.  An economist put forward a proposal to tax what hitherto has avoided political attention -- Don in his introduction commented and again later.   Gold interestingly has lost value, but apparently not so in Japan in circumstance where QE (money printing etc.) as elsewhere is currently fashionable.  It was pointed out eco. inconsistencies e.g. gold and Yen (March-April) both at all time high [Ed. see later].  Presenter -- a co-hosted format -- concludes with gold will always be the standard by which currency is valued.  With Japan hyper-inflating, buying up gold contracts this is said  to have a "knock-on" effect for the rest of the World.  "Smart money" it was stated will always find gold [Ed. Earlier in the report of 04/13, we heard "several hundred  millions of tonnes of gold were stolen from investor portfolios", is this where "smart money" is intended to find refuge?]

Don's introduction to forth (4.) present
Link to Google Sites ["client-asc-05/13"]
Link to alternative site for immediate play 

Audio-visual "REPORT" ..., 2nd present -- 1st half:

Don already brought to the club a presentation detailing exposure on "Libor".  Now the evening 10/05 another financial "rigging", "credit swaps" controlled we (attendees) understood within the London business district of a square Km or two, which correctly and in truth is called the "Crown".    There are six predominant banks and fifteen more participants.  Another body manipulating is euphemistically called "treasure island" because of propensity to "coining much more", domiciled in New Jersey US.  "Front running" (ahead of market) either London or New Jersey makes for questionable derived dollar (US) gain.  Between "interest rate" fixing and "credit swap" $800 trillion US is involved.  A history of conspiracy from the "Illuminate" to "Bilderburgers" is inferred, when competition is replaced by collusion [Ed. "As much as 'things' change, 'things' remain the same"].

Audio-visual "REPORT" ..., ... -- 2nd half:

The Australian Don referred to explained -- assisted by the report host -- the consequence of QE as practiced in Japan.  Apparently the gov. is a major participant in asset ownership, financed by bonds acquired by the central bank.  It seems because of high energy cost due to imported fuels, cost push inflation results, this pushes up bond yield but this is barely covered by taxation, even now at a time of low interest rate.  There are paradoxical considerations, one such, by keeping interest rate low and price pull inflation working against this, a weak Yen, means a potential inability to purchase essentials e.g. food and petrol etc., Don elaborated on this aspect earlier (ref. voice file 712_0039.1).

Discussion among members and supporters: CONCLUSION to the evening's convene.

Link to Google Sites ["client-asc-05/13"]
Link to alternative site for immediate play