Wednesday, October 12, 2016

8th September 2016 M. L. King the man; Man's limitations; religions & persecution; demographics

The agenda presented by the club secretary Mr. D. Brooke
Subjects presented in order with the secretary's recorded introduction


Recorded Introduction:
Link to alternative site for immediate play 
[ Don.s Intro. ASC Audio_29  09//16

Audio_29 09/16

Present 1.

Whilst listening to this presentation my mind cast back to the Present on Karl Marx. The story as told was similar to that of Marx, a parallel life juxtaposed by half a century (circa). This as related to Rev. Martin Luther King.  The difference detected, Rev. King's astuteness, carefully hiding communistic beliefs, he surrounded himself with  fellow travelers recognised communists.  The opinion expressed by the monologist, King was a socialist ...  Accused of plagiarism to achieve his doctorate -- Rev. Dr. M. L. King -- it has been documented, K. Marx was not a originator of communist/socialist thought, but more a assembler of tracts and essays from thinkers who came before. However, from both respective short audio biographies (the current on the civil right activist), the understanding is that both to achieve their ends needed to achieve greater "State Power" control, this certainly emphasized by the current doco content. Also emphasized forced cohesion  and broadening of "State Power" control eventually end with contrary outcome; examples spoken of in respect of the Afro-Americans since the time of King and the Civil Rights Movement. It is noted prior to C.R.M. action at the time, it was government enforcement; dispelling a notion public and private sector discretionary activity was a cause for Afro. disobedience.                  

Now to see the outcome regarding the grey hound racing industry here in N.S.W.  I suggest the civil agitation resembles that of the C.R.M. without the physical disobedience.  There's a directive from a minority to retain this past-time and those that oppose. Here put to Don and on behalf of members, hereafter, Don's agreeable to accept a similarity to what was concluded by the speaker as recorded above.   At the time of punching (keyboard) this out, there seems to be a resolution and capitulation by government.  The resolution a broadening of "State Power" by those clamouring on behalf of industry retention -- in lieu of closure.  Now to wait -- for how long -- a empirical outcome, hereby intended a realisation to the above suggestion (re. grey hounds) and will a absolute materialise i.e.,a foreseeable regrettable outcome.

Link to alternative site for immediate play of discussion following. 

712_0196 09/16

Present 2.

A lot of examples on "pretense of knowledge", Don in his introduction refers to and elaborates on this (theme) from the radio monologue.  Another aspect when people use "pretense of knowledge" in a political context is "statism" ( online radio announcer).  He (announcer) then speaks on historical development of fractional reserve currency v's gold standard.  Emphasizing that no one person has all the answers to social related considerations, thereby able to come-up with a "optimal" course for all to follow. Then finishes with thoughts on the establishment of an alternative novel competitive currency system, careful not to conflict with his original premise.  This is when members deducted meaning from Don's comments regarding Ayn Rand.

Link to alternative site for immediate play of discussion following. 

712_0197 09/16

Present 3.

A short presentation on persecution (naturally) of Christians by adherents of Islam.  Degree of persecution varies between Islamic held countries.  Countries where Christianity predominated in bye gone times.  Christian observant days and like periods when carnage and destruction of Churches and adherent property reaches a crescendo.  Maps of Christ later day followers escape routes, also followed by their tormentors are shown.  The very routes Muslims increasingly in numbers have take ...  This led to condemnation by the narrator of the lack of Media interest in the plight of the escapees.

[Edit. The Barnabas Fund (online) also promote a bi-monthly publication to counteract Media dis-interest -- as taken from above, narrator's words on the subject].

Link to alternative site for immediate play of discussion following. 

712_0198 09/16

Present 4.

This doco. compared reproduction rates of subject European populations with those of Muslim
immigrants(sic); Alarming! -- from a point of view of a non-Islamist -- the exponential
increase of the latter to those of the former.  A retroactive reproduction in competition
with people of fecundity and comprising virile males, means extinguishing the
former people and their culture, to be replaced by the latter.  This according to the
revelations within the doco. is what's happening in named countries ... kafir countries!
Facts and figures cited not to enter herein, as they are not in the purview of record of

Link to alternative site for immediate play of discussion following. 

712_0199 09/16

CONCLUSION with a vote of thanks for the secretary evenings events.


Present 1. August last:

-  Muhammad Raza Saqib asked to leave the country because of comments directed against
God's chosen as western religion would have it. [SMH Thurs. Oct. 6 2016].  Awaiting the
subject gentile-goyim there's that section 18 (c) dealing with anti-discrimination.  Should
a subject person make the same error as M. R. Saqib, undoubtedly gaol time a real

-  Week starting 2nd October, radio station 2GB a caller to the Chris Smith program: claimed to be the only witness to a murder.  Required as a consequence to front ICAC where compelled to testify -- a forum dealing with real serious criminality.  Fearful for self and family declined invitation; as understood no witness protection or dispensation to secure a weapon ... probable gaol for refusing -- no further inference hereby need be entered.

-  Week commencing  October 16 people of N.S.W. are told people convicted of capitol crime to remain gaoled, till the alleged victims whereabouts revealed.  So there's more votes in pandering to a co-victim class and the emotionally crippled.  Goal thought of as a place intended to punish and rehabilitate.  Better legal and legislative mind in the past dismissed this foolishness for apparent reason -- where does this type of thinking lead, apart from what seems a re-defining of habeas corpus.

-  During the week starting 9 October the people of N.S.W. told: legal attention will follow, a attorney available once a "consent form" is signed (and presumed processed?) by a person detained.  So does this mean a detainee is now deprived as a right to legal assistance, subject to a signature on a document?

-  Later in the same week as the above a bloke is tazered and charged at a hospital (Canterbury Hospital).  Assumed the estranged partner/husband of a woman about to deliver.  Whatever transpired at the hospital ... it can be concluded for want of explanation, the bloke has a AVO  against him -- no such orders existed in the 18th and 19th centuries.  So the vulnerable child with no father(sic) in sight, a common law right due to legal intervention has now placed the issue (baby) in an invidious situation.  Beware of men in green gowns and colourful poker-dot head coverings hovering near theater rooms.

 As our membership was left to ponder on the topic delivered last month.  Whether it be "wilting violet" capable of testimony in open courts but ushered to a side room to deliver evidence with possibility of prompt or tutoring, depending what's caught on camera.  Or gaol time for looking at something prescribed -- deprivation of possession (last month).
With the inclusion  of this addendum and with Don's acceptance, by his agreement to "publish", this will be closure.  Foregoing intended to answer the proposition: people had more (unfettered) freedom in the past when compared with now.    [Edit. Don and "pretence of knowledge", can it be said increasingly with the passage of time,  multi-nationalism  has a bearing on tainted legislators who reveal a "presumption of superiority"?]    

Not to elaborate on the subject of Australia Building and Construction Commission Bill.  The latest from a minor party senator Mr. David Leyonhjelm radio station 2GB 18/10/2016.  This Bill has aspects contrary to accepted legal standards.  A reversal of onus of proof and probable other prejudicial concerns he highlighted.  Liberal Party legislation to clean-up and/or clean-out a alleged corrupt industry.  The consequence a denial of protection to those summoned before a future inquiring body.  This body may conduct their quasi judicial function outside established limitations. Arising the question the intended body, a creation of government, will its conduct impinge on a interrogated subject's right to protection and freedom lost.     

Thursday, October 6, 2016

11th August 2016 Peace in our time; gold danger ...; eco. sustainability; Aus. immigration

The agenda presented by the club secretary Mr. D. Brooke
Subjects presented in order with the secretary's recorded introduction


Recorded Introduction:
Link to alternative site for immediate play 
[ Don.s Intro. ASC Audio 28_08/16]

Audio_28 08/16

Present 1.

A school students modern history, for the members a revision with the presenter emphasizing the effect and behaviour of people caught up in the two World Wars.  But this was to set the basis for a conclusion.  That conclusion is the lose of freedom since the last war with Germany.  Causation, unreasoning and stupid demand of the Allies after the armistice.  As no substantiation for this presented, members were left to consider what freedoms and liberties lost. The freedoms lost he com- paired with those before the Great War.  [Edit. Believe a presentation by the same educator on the subject of "freedom" is in this person's stable.  Don could possible bring this to the club later.]

For the purpose of this blog in absences of 18th and 19th century society liberty, a few things brought to mind:

- Imposed international cosmopolitanism of diversity and adversity that follow. Allows governments to legislate away rights and thereby freedoms.

- A example of the above the act of a former Prime Minister and his government.  The dis-arming of the Australian people on a pretext this made Australia a safer place.  In fact the opposite!  A act some predecessors in the same office undoubtedly contemplated, but knew the country would have been put in a greater jeopardy.  Loss of a freedom to ensure the maintenance of freedom.

-  Now what this leads to is what a listener to government radio (ABC), news 7 am early in the week 18 September.  Gun crime alleged a concern to the establishment, so dob a member of your family or a neighbour to the authority if he/she is in possession of a fire-arm.   Now if this is not frightening enough, from ones knowledge of history and infamous regimes the following.

-  The consequence of social media and potential for hooking-up -- reminded, a licence not required -- using the Internet and there's a chance you'll be raided by the peace police - policy police and have electronic possessions seized.

-  Now if true education is where dumbing-down starts.  With the curriculum now days, a subject called Law studies is part of the secondary schooling -- not so when ASC members  were schooled.   I feel assured nothing taught on the subject of agreeable social determinants, established by the English and peoples of home countries;  principles and standards once established, gave these people of UK  a comfortable and internal security enjoyed for a long time.    

-  Police with attachable plastic tubes and bifurcated blue sticks, the latter to be placed in the mouth where the tongue meets the throat and then draw forward.  In both cases (tube and stick) conduct considered alarming, legal behaviour by policy police of questionable lawfulness when the above cogitated.

-  Detention laws, if not entirely contemptuous of habeas corpus, sure have the potential for sadists to bully.  Bully (questionable) confessions by unendurable detention.

-  Then the wicket attack on speech and promotion of public interest issues contrary to the wishes of   "social engineers" promoting "political correctness".  Discrimination Act sect. 18 (c) ...

-  Finally, as a gesture to harmonize with Muslims within Australian boarder and deter peace police unwelcome knocks.  There's that restriction imposed by government disallowing young Arab family members travelling back to the homeland(s) of fore-bearers.  Nomads of a much earlier time, later settlement in lands now these youth consider unjustly caught up in incessant internationalist interference.

Hope the foregoing not taken out of context with the Present, freedom might mean different things to different people.  A little girl (now a big girl) a long time back in her and my life openly said " The cost of living is a little sacrifice".  Maybe I got it wrong, now having to re-think what she could have meant. But, Shock horror, if contrary to my experience to this time and beyond (God willing); the "little girl" and a platitude of that time: "Stop the World I want to get off" now relevant once again.

Sydney-siders (and outsiders for that matter) having difficulty with the above. All welcomed to the club -- see " Start here if accessing for the first time" --  for our secretary to elucidate should he publish this post.

Link to alternative site for immediate play of discussion following. 

712_0191 08/16

Present 2.

We've learn't things about gold its storage (or non-storage) and now in this video how Germany is being delayed in repatriating its gold by America.  A few stratagems employed explained and other possibilities explored.  Inferred when the US went of the Gold Standard in the 1970's a new economic and morality began.  A long word defined and explained in a sound file by Don, repeatedly mentioned by presenter; also infers a very dangerous business when dealing with US Central Bank when gold involved, and business conducted on a term implied by the "long word defined" by Don.  

Link to alternative site for immediate play of discussion following. 

712_0192 08/16

Present 3.

A repeat of last month which is a presentation (also) of current objectivity.  Deals with money in dollar terms sustaining a over optimized World.  All that can be said with the numbers of people in occupancy of planet Earth, resources aplenty for iPhone production now and into the future.  We (incl. self) the pejorative need consider other finite resources should the money plug be pulled.  As again the debt is unsustainable.  A wonderful God ...

Link to alternative site for immediate play of discussion following. 

712_0193 08/16

Present 4.

Immigration fraud involving the department, corruption by immigration agents and some employers.  So called "whistle blowers" interviewed and the money passed to achieve a result i.e., many tens of thousand of dollars.  However the visas are not worth the paper authorisations that are written on.  So apparently there are fake nationalisation ceremonies, or over time fake nationalisation papers sent by mail endowing subject status.  Only conclusive statements offered, the system of checks ineffectual, a system out of control and this due to lack of funding where wanted.

 Link to alternative site for immediate play of discussion following. 

712_0194 08/16

CONCLUSION with a vote of thanks for the secretary evenings events.