Sunday, April 7, 2019

14th February 2019 Death by gov's; discrimination case; Banks and gold; social imperative

The agenda presented by the club secretary Mr. D. Brooke
Subjects presented in order with the secretary's recorded introduction

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Recorded Introduction:
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[ Don.s Intro. ASC Audio_52_02/19]

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A edited version of a doco. shown sometime ago.  The information delivered by content viewed what constitutes mans greatest fear or it should. The fear of threat ever present and on going, experienced almost everywhere governments assume, or granted sovereignty over subject people.  The narrative and the film's object was to establish in the viewer's mind this truth: When there's a imbalance in gun ownership/control existing between authority (government), nasty consequences can -- and in the case presented -- do arise -- governments or a controlling establishment have taken more lives than random fatalities due to other causes.

People of the ANZAC countries have delightful representatives jeopardising their subject people.  Holding the region open to incursion.  Perhaps parliamentary representatives shouldn't be allowed to directly determine foreign commercial outcomes.

There are now threats that were not evident at the time of the Port Arthur alleged one man attack. And more surely will come from the New Zealand Christchurch incident.The immediate above offered in place of the countries and regimes bringing death to millions. As recalled suffering pre-millennium.  Perhaps more international pro-activity but all the same surely the
number count is steadily ticking over.  Should Sharia take hold as government anywhere what then ..., and then there's the Rohinga, their plight this club (Don) certainly first brought to my attention.   

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Present 2.

A racial legal case caught public attention in Australia in recent time.  The defendants white university students and access denied to a laboratory.  The laboratory primarily but not solely for aboriginal students.  The white students denied entry to this laboratory, then went public through the social media.  The employee (guardian) takes umbrage at the media posted remark(s).  The employee (guardian) in conjunction with the Anti-Discrimination Board chairperson takes court action, which fails.  The pointed issue of this report, people can't go on merrily with their lives whilst as the presenter explained: Section 18(c) of the Anti-Discrimination Act "18(c) used for malice".

Present 3.

Central Banks buying up gold as a store of value in light of reserve currency concern.  US debt is 6 trillion dollars -- believing this agrees with something recently blogged on this subject.  Another store of value banksters are actively engaging is/are bitcoins according to what we are told.  Also the US holds 10 thousand tonnes of gold, compared with India's 20 thousand tonnes, understood mostly assets of individuals.  May be in time coming it might become known from whence rupees were/are exchanged to dollars ($#au) to buy "your car" as advertised.  Charitable contributions to our society made possible by president Modi's currency initiatives?!?!

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Present 4.

How climate historically conditioned people according to latitudinal location.  People in bye gone days living in the upper latitudes developed differently than those in the temperate zone.  A different ethic and adaption according to weather imposed vicissitude. This though not mentioned, seemed to relate to inhabitants in Europe's North.  Taken as a given, population drift is/was northwards, due to imbalance of population to resources in the temperate climate regions.  In lock step with population increase political development in the post industrial era, allowed governments to ease hardship by welfare.  Printing and distribution of money promoted a "maƱana" (what will be, will be) complacency, governments have desensitised people from hardship and cooperation to survive.  The rigorous ancestors of northern European stock had to endure and adjust too.  It was/is suggested the
historical evolution with declining need to socially coalesce brought forth the popinjay.  "Foot lose and fancy free" the popinjay a product of modernity and government interference, a person with this personality had no place in what was once a struggle for mutual survival.

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712_0269 02/19.

CONCLUSION with a vote of thanks for the secretary evenings events.