Wednesday, October 12, 2016

8th September 2016 M. L. King the man; Man's limitations; religions & persecution; demographics

The agenda presented by the club secretary Mr. D. Brooke
Subjects presented in order with the secretary's recorded introduction


Recorded Introduction:
Link to alternative site for immediate play 
[ Don.s Intro. ASC Audio_29  09//16

Audio_29 09/16

Present 1.

Whilst listening to this presentation my mind cast back to the Present on Karl Marx. The story as told was similar to that of Marx, a parallel life juxtaposed by half a century (circa). This as related to Rev. Martin Luther King.  The difference detected, Rev. King's astuteness, carefully hiding communistic beliefs, he surrounded himself with  fellow travelers recognised communists.  The opinion expressed by the monologist, King was a socialist ...  Accused of plagiarism to achieve his doctorate -- Rev. Dr. M. L. King -- it has been documented, K. Marx was not a originator of communist/socialist thought, but more a assembler of tracts and essays from thinkers who came before. However, from both respective short audio biographies (the current on the civil right activist), the understanding is that both to achieve their ends needed to achieve greater "State Power" control, this certainly emphasized by the current doco content. Also emphasized forced cohesion  and broadening of "State Power" control eventually end with contrary outcome; examples spoken of in respect of the Afro-Americans since the time of King and the Civil Rights Movement. It is noted prior to C.R.M. action at the time, it was government enforcement; dispelling a notion public and private sector discretionary activity was a cause for Afro. disobedience.                  

Now to see the outcome regarding the grey hound racing industry here in N.S.W.  I suggest the civil agitation resembles that of the C.R.M. without the physical disobedience.  There's a directive from a minority to retain this past-time and those that oppose. Here put to Don and on behalf of members, hereafter, Don's agreeable to accept a similarity to what was concluded by the speaker as recorded above.   At the time of punching (keyboard) this out, there seems to be a resolution and capitulation by government.  The resolution a broadening of "State Power" by those clamouring on behalf of industry retention -- in lieu of closure.  Now to wait -- for how long -- a empirical outcome, hereby intended a realisation to the above suggestion (re. grey hounds) and will a absolute materialise i.e.,a foreseeable regrettable outcome.

Link to alternative site for immediate play of discussion following. 

712_0196 09/16

Present 2.

A lot of examples on "pretense of knowledge", Don in his introduction refers to and elaborates on this (theme) from the radio monologue.  Another aspect when people use "pretense of knowledge" in a political context is "statism" ( online radio announcer).  He (announcer) then speaks on historical development of fractional reserve currency v's gold standard.  Emphasizing that no one person has all the answers to social related considerations, thereby able to come-up with a "optimal" course for all to follow. Then finishes with thoughts on the establishment of an alternative novel competitive currency system, careful not to conflict with his original premise.  This is when members deducted meaning from Don's comments regarding Ayn Rand.

Link to alternative site for immediate play of discussion following. 

712_0197 09/16

Present 3.

A short presentation on persecution (naturally) of Christians by adherents of Islam.  Degree of persecution varies between Islamic held countries.  Countries where Christianity predominated in bye gone times.  Christian observant days and like periods when carnage and destruction of Churches and adherent property reaches a crescendo.  Maps of Christ later day followers escape routes, also followed by their tormentors are shown.  The very routes Muslims increasingly in numbers have take ...  This led to condemnation by the narrator of the lack of Media interest in the plight of the escapees.

[Edit. The Barnabas Fund (online) also promote a bi-monthly publication to counteract Media dis-interest -- as taken from above, narrator's words on the subject].

Link to alternative site for immediate play of discussion following. 

712_0198 09/16

Present 4.

This doco. compared reproduction rates of subject European populations with those of Muslim
immigrants(sic); Alarming! -- from a point of view of a non-Islamist -- the exponential
increase of the latter to those of the former.  A retroactive reproduction in competition
with people of fecundity and comprising virile males, means extinguishing the
former people and their culture, to be replaced by the latter.  This according to the
revelations within the doco. is what's happening in named countries ... kafir countries!
Facts and figures cited not to enter herein, as they are not in the purview of record of

Link to alternative site for immediate play of discussion following. 

712_0199 09/16

CONCLUSION with a vote of thanks for the secretary evenings events.


Present 1. August last:

-  Muhammad Raza Saqib asked to leave the country because of comments directed against
God's chosen as western religion would have it. [SMH Thurs. Oct. 6 2016].  Awaiting the
subject gentile-goyim there's that section 18 (c) dealing with anti-discrimination.  Should
a subject person make the same error as M. R. Saqib, undoubtedly gaol time a real

-  Week starting 2nd October, radio station 2GB a caller to the Chris Smith program: claimed to be the only witness to a murder.  Required as a consequence to front ICAC where compelled to testify -- a forum dealing with real serious criminality.  Fearful for self and family declined invitation; as understood no witness protection or dispensation to secure a weapon ... probable gaol for refusing -- no further inference hereby need be entered.

-  Week commencing  October 16 people of N.S.W. are told people convicted of capitol crime to remain gaoled, till the alleged victims whereabouts revealed.  So there's more votes in pandering to a co-victim class and the emotionally crippled.  Goal thought of as a place intended to punish and rehabilitate.  Better legal and legislative mind in the past dismissed this foolishness for apparent reason -- where does this type of thinking lead, apart from what seems a re-defining of habeas corpus.

-  During the week starting 9 October the people of N.S.W. told: legal attention will follow, a attorney available once a "consent form" is signed (and presumed processed?) by a person detained.  So does this mean a detainee is now deprived as a right to legal assistance, subject to a signature on a document?

-  Later in the same week as the above a bloke is tazered and charged at a hospital (Canterbury Hospital).  Assumed the estranged partner/husband of a woman about to deliver.  Whatever transpired at the hospital ... it can be concluded for want of explanation, the bloke has a AVO  against him -- no such orders existed in the 18th and 19th centuries.  So the vulnerable child with no father(sic) in sight, a common law right due to legal intervention has now placed the issue (baby) in an invidious situation.  Beware of men in green gowns and colourful poker-dot head coverings hovering near theater rooms.

 As our membership was left to ponder on the topic delivered last month.  Whether it be "wilting violet" capable of testimony in open courts but ushered to a side room to deliver evidence with possibility of prompt or tutoring, depending what's caught on camera.  Or gaol time for looking at something prescribed -- deprivation of possession (last month).
With the inclusion  of this addendum and with Don's acceptance, by his agreement to "publish", this will be closure.  Foregoing intended to answer the proposition: people had more (unfettered) freedom in the past when compared with now.    [Edit. Don and "pretence of knowledge", can it be said increasingly with the passage of time,  multi-nationalism  has a bearing on tainted legislators who reveal a "presumption of superiority"?]    

Not to elaborate on the subject of Australia Building and Construction Commission Bill.  The latest from a minor party senator Mr. David Leyonhjelm radio station 2GB 18/10/2016.  This Bill has aspects contrary to accepted legal standards.  A reversal of onus of proof and probable other prejudicial concerns he highlighted.  Liberal Party legislation to clean-up and/or clean-out a alleged corrupt industry.  The consequence a denial of protection to those summoned before a future inquiring body.  This body may conduct their quasi judicial function outside established limitations. Arising the question the intended body, a creation of government, will its conduct impinge on a interrogated subject's right to protection and freedom lost.     

Thursday, October 6, 2016

11th August 2016 Peace in our time; gold danger ...; eco. sustainability; Aus. immigration

The agenda presented by the club secretary Mr. D. Brooke
Subjects presented in order with the secretary's recorded introduction


Recorded Introduction:
Link to alternative site for immediate play 
[ Don.s Intro. ASC Audio 28_08/16]

Audio_28 08/16

Present 1.

A school students modern history, for the members a revision with the presenter emphasizing the effect and behaviour of people caught up in the two World Wars.  But this was to set the basis for a conclusion.  That conclusion is the lose of freedom since the last war with Germany.  Causation, unreasoning and stupid demand of the Allies after the armistice.  As no substantiation for this presented, members were left to consider what freedoms and liberties lost. The freedoms lost he com- paired with those before the Great War.  [Edit. Believe a presentation by the same educator on the subject of "freedom" is in this person's stable.  Don could possible bring this to the club later.]

For the purpose of this blog in absences of 18th and 19th century society liberty, a few things brought to mind:

- Imposed international cosmopolitanism of diversity and adversity that follow. Allows governments to legislate away rights and thereby freedoms.

- A example of the above the act of a former Prime Minister and his government.  The dis-arming of the Australian people on a pretext this made Australia a safer place.  In fact the opposite!  A act some predecessors in the same office undoubtedly contemplated, but knew the country would have been put in a greater jeopardy.  Loss of a freedom to ensure the maintenance of freedom.

-  Now what this leads to is what a listener to government radio (ABC), news 7 am early in the week 18 September.  Gun crime alleged a concern to the establishment, so dob a member of your family or a neighbour to the authority if he/she is in possession of a fire-arm.   Now if this is not frightening enough, from ones knowledge of history and infamous regimes the following.

-  The consequence of social media and potential for hooking-up -- reminded, a licence not required -- using the Internet and there's a chance you'll be raided by the peace police - policy police and have electronic possessions seized.

-  Now if true education is where dumbing-down starts.  With the curriculum now days, a subject called Law studies is part of the secondary schooling -- not so when ASC members  were schooled.   I feel assured nothing taught on the subject of agreeable social determinants, established by the English and peoples of home countries;  principles and standards once established, gave these people of UK  a comfortable and internal security enjoyed for a long time.    

-  Police with attachable plastic tubes and bifurcated blue sticks, the latter to be placed in the mouth where the tongue meets the throat and then draw forward.  In both cases (tube and stick) conduct considered alarming, legal behaviour by policy police of questionable lawfulness when the above cogitated.

-  Detention laws, if not entirely contemptuous of habeas corpus, sure have the potential for sadists to bully.  Bully (questionable) confessions by unendurable detention.

-  Then the wicket attack on speech and promotion of public interest issues contrary to the wishes of   "social engineers" promoting "political correctness".  Discrimination Act sect. 18 (c) ...

-  Finally, as a gesture to harmonize with Muslims within Australian boarder and deter peace police unwelcome knocks.  There's that restriction imposed by government disallowing young Arab family members travelling back to the homeland(s) of fore-bearers.  Nomads of a much earlier time, later settlement in lands now these youth consider unjustly caught up in incessant internationalist interference.

Hope the foregoing not taken out of context with the Present, freedom might mean different things to different people.  A little girl (now a big girl) a long time back in her and my life openly said " The cost of living is a little sacrifice".  Maybe I got it wrong, now having to re-think what she could have meant. But, Shock horror, if contrary to my experience to this time and beyond (God willing); the "little girl" and a platitude of that time: "Stop the World I want to get off" now relevant once again.

Sydney-siders (and outsiders for that matter) having difficulty with the above. All welcomed to the club -- see " Start here if accessing for the first time" --  for our secretary to elucidate should he publish this post.

Link to alternative site for immediate play of discussion following. 

712_0191 08/16

Present 2.

We've learn't things about gold its storage (or non-storage) and now in this video how Germany is being delayed in repatriating its gold by America.  A few stratagems employed explained and other possibilities explored.  Inferred when the US went of the Gold Standard in the 1970's a new economic and morality began.  A long word defined and explained in a sound file by Don, repeatedly mentioned by presenter; also infers a very dangerous business when dealing with US Central Bank when gold involved, and business conducted on a term implied by the "long word defined" by Don.  

Link to alternative site for immediate play of discussion following. 

712_0192 08/16

Present 3.

A repeat of last month which is a presentation (also) of current objectivity.  Deals with money in dollar terms sustaining a over optimized World.  All that can be said with the numbers of people in occupancy of planet Earth, resources aplenty for iPhone production now and into the future.  We (incl. self) the pejorative need consider other finite resources should the money plug be pulled.  As again the debt is unsustainable.  A wonderful God ...

Link to alternative site for immediate play of discussion following. 

712_0193 08/16

Present 4.

Immigration fraud involving the department, corruption by immigration agents and some employers.  So called "whistle blowers" interviewed and the money passed to achieve a result i.e., many tens of thousand of dollars.  However the visas are not worth the paper authorisations that are written on.  So apparently there are fake nationalisation ceremonies, or over time fake nationalisation papers sent by mail endowing subject status.  Only conclusive statements offered, the system of checks ineffectual, a system out of control and this due to lack of funding where wanted.

 Link to alternative site for immediate play of discussion following. 

712_0194 08/16

CONCLUSION with a vote of thanks for the secretary evenings events.

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

14th July 2016 Crime US figures; debt and the US people

The agenda presented by the club secretary Mr. D. Brooke
Subjects presented in order with the secretary's recorded introduction


Recorded Introduction:
Link to alternative site for immediate play 
[ Don.s Intro. ASC Audio_27  07/16]

Audio_27 07/16

Present 1.

As introduced by Don, incarceration and arrest figures supported by explanatory narration.
All illustrated in various graphical formats. However not all line, pie and bar graphs, divergence from those formats promoted consideration of the training people outside the Central American federal agency who compiled the information would want.  For detail comprehension statistical analysis seems a prerequisite, this concluded after a second viewing of this presentation.  Who other than a statistician would know what " correlation rate" means.

The presenter brought to members attention the part played by current genetic discovery of
the MAO A gene.  He the presenter, referred to academic papers by contributors to provide
explanation to America's social predicament.  Also countries on the other side of the
Atlantic don't mirror what seems unique to the US.  Similar (if not the same) society groups
presented -- numbering four -- in this doco., do not trend the same elsewhere.  Trends represented demographically, reactions of people to environment according to race as a demarcation of criminality; ASC members and I who viewed this, could only comprehended i.e., trends of behaviour,  From the accompanying sound file little by way of surprise voiced.

A link to comment during this audio-visual

712_0187 07/16

To summarise the presentation:- Presenter addresses reason for graphical anomalies over  
                                                    about four decades.

                                                   - Graphs of various compilation.

                                                   - Criminality and IQ
                                                   - Gene MAOA R1/R2 (Warrior gene) its relationship to man    

The presenters conclusion, firmly held opinion promoted ...

You might care listen via podcast to the first 2016 Boyer Lecture Sir Michael Marmot which
was first heard on radio recently.  It would appears to complement this ASC presentation and might
by the Lecturer's conclusion, provide alternative ideas on the subject of criminality and
violence by perpetrator(s) and as per victim(s).          

[Edit. One thing to mention where there's information pertaining to Australia is to be
found online.  Don and myself time wanting ... supplementary comment by inclusion in the
sound files would have given this present a relevance regrettably lost.]

Link to alternative site for immediate play of discussion following. 

712_0188 07/16

Present 2.

"When money is socialised, assets become privatised" and therefore there are no "free
market" of note worthiness.  A discourse on debt and money creation at the same time to
stem inflation of the "hyper" kind.  A concise and revealing interplay between the FDR and
banks of substantial standing, how in the circumstance the $US has survived, but as put
by the presenter FOR HOW LONG!  Debts attributed to government and those so called
"Unfunded" are inconceivably large, beyond what the American tax paying (and other) public
can come up with to extinguish DEBT.

COMMENT.  A short well delivered address on the subject, conforming with other economic
commentators, those Don has over time introduced to the club.

Link to alternative site for immediate play of discussion following. 

712_0189 07/16

CONCLUSION with a vote of thanks for the secretary evenings events.

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

9th June 2016 K. Marx the person; G.Motor to China; Wikileak; Human Rights ...

The agenda presented by the club secretary Mr. D. Brooke
Subjects presented in order with the secretary's recorded introduction


Recorded Introduction:
Link to alternative site for immediate play 
[ Don.s Intro. ASC Audio_26  06//16]

Audio_26 06/16

Present 1.

This present has to be regarded as the Don's head offering for the night.  It causes me to
remember some repeated utterances from my long departed parents, these to be covered later.
 My generation have a lot in common with that of Marx and his contemporary F. Engels, these
two lived in a Europe much dominated by secular Catholicism.  They the post Napoleon
generation; we the children of post WW11 and subject to a dominant Catholic political-
social cohesion -- unlike in the Mother Land.  After the Napoleonic Wars Industrial
expansion was taking effect everywhere, possibly lagging in Australia. Now many countries
including Australia without secondary industry seemed sustained by the second revolution
the Digital age.  What comes of this is a questioning of the Marx-Engels Manifesto.  Was
their intention to develop a ideology in step with temporal Catholicism or as a counter.
Because in Australia the power within this State's (N.S.W.) structure was and probably
still is a amalgam of socialist and Catholic (proactive) domination as ascertained.  This claim self-evident, as a subject(?) --  there's a confusion about this as well -- one who has over intervening years whilst resident been subject to abnormality, not whilst with parents abroad.  So this Satan debasing culture (I didn't volunteer) to be a victim, if this is what it seems (to a reader), don't you be targeted by whatever "...ism" -- with wars and revolutions seeming to serve a legacy going back to a time after the early church.

With the lead subject of the evening the personal life of K. Marx the originator who's name
is given to the doctrine.  Why expect other than turpitude from someone who caused the loss
of many lives over many years. Don in summoning up a long discourse on the life and times
of K. Marx  said " ........ he was not a good man" (ref. file Audio_26), this a under-
statement as club members can testify after listening to the offering.  

My mother (from earlier above) would would say about this person or that person, depending
on her assessment as a "natural person"; perhaps in the case of Marx a man who gave
himself over to conduct of all kinds of passion(?)  My father would "bang on" about "the
great socialist", did he mean that Karl (Marx) was the promoter of a deceptive doctrine
promoting, I have to assume a culture that the Church of Rome in former time promulgated.
Or his, i.e. Marx's implication in the distress (unto death) of many ... by his authorship(?)
More could be said on the matter of my father and his opinion of intellectuals. Father
would say civilization has advanced due to a very small number of people, at any one time
maybe two to three percent of the population, nothing contributed by the proletariat(?)
[Ed. From the foregoing father was quite conservative and would have placed a bailet to
this effect].

The presenter's discourse follows along a line of different reasoning, Marx a Jew was a
hypocrite, immoral man and reprehensible for what he advocated in his writings.  A person
showing himself not to be a exemplar of values his writings advocated.  A lapsed Christian
of Jewish ancestry, a scholar devoid of seeing the mayhem he was to sew into history's ...
or, he just didn't care as a man given over to a obsession?!?!  Also criticised for
improvident handling of money.  Recalling that in N.S.W. divorce laws where until the time
of the Whitlam government of the 1970's was based on the concept of entitlement: a divorced
wife entitled to be maintained at a standard she had prior to the alleged misdemeanor of
either party, with particular reference to the husband, subject to law court resolution.
So apparently in Jewish thinking is "entitlement" -- Jewish influence not to be
underestimated in law and politics since WW11 with refugee immigration.  So is it not natural
K. Marx's claim on a standard of survival in keeping with his expectation, though be it
banked rolled by others?!?!

[Ed. To add to Don's summary, the presenter (referred to as in "discourse" earlier)
couldn't have done a better job of assassination if using a scatter gun -- nothing missed.
Reminiscent of another "...ism" surviving, seems to co-op acolytes to operates on its behalf.]  

Link to alternative site for immediate play of discussion following. 

712_0183 06/16

Present 2.

General Motors (America) the diversion of tax payers money -- after the GFC -- bailout
money used by the company to establish its operation largely in China.  China so the story
went, propositioned GM ten years before the economic melt-down and subsequent corrections
to "diversify" and the CCP indirectly scored $1,000,000,000 -- or was it $1,000,000,000,000
-- dollars US, apparently a good business deal the consequence of free trade, President
Obama "crowning" achievement.  Where did this leave America: deals cut to keep American GM
employees in jobs; AND China funding strategic enterprises on American soil to supply
munitions to Muslims wagging hostilities in the Middle-East.  [Ed. Seems this streamed
video production made before the South China sea, its islands became a heated topic of
international concern].

Link to alternative site for immediate play of discussion following. 

712_0184 06/16

Present 3.

Thinking not our members would disagree with this 15 minute revelation, researched and
incisively presented on the motive for the seizure and public humiliation of Julian Assange.
 The master race (international controllers) who have been embarrassed by the Wikileak's
founder, for exposures, revealed in classified documents, those revelations so far seem to
have minor or no repercussions.  Yet a example as a warning for us lesser mortals --
especially in positions to do our masters damage -- what our powerful overlords can do to
us by "long drawing and quartering" Mr. Assange.  A suggestion from the presenter for more
to be revealed, something to break into headline in the future, possibly next year.  The
presenter's analysis exemplary.  [Ed. What remains outstanding in relation to Mr Assange is
his senate candidature in the Australian Federal election 2013 failed.  Do we assume if he
became a senator this unpleasantness with his voluntary with drawl from society
unnecessary?  Shame on the Victorian electors if that be the case.]

From what we've been told and what may still remains unsaid, if it wasn't for Julian's
morality, members (and I) would think a couple of manipulative public(sic) Personal Service escorts, doubling as business women, were seeking attention to market porn.  A "black-widow" styled attempt,  Julian their victim; the Yanks to resuscitate then finish the bloke off.

Link to alternative site for immediate play of discussion following. 

712_0185 06/16

Present 4.

The title Human Rights putting countries where Islam prevails and Islamic Law.  Club
members shown aggressive examples both by religious authority and parents of delinquent women
being brought to obedience.  Custom and parental authority where honour is due (to family
maintaining a good reputation) has in rare circumstance lead to a death of a loved-one.  As
 a people of Christian heritage -- Catholic though we (may) be -- we have shown intolerance
to sects and cults outside the "faith" so called by adherents; persecution and death to the
heretics ...  So killing of priests, burning of churches and the blowing up of icons not so
un-natural if you know popular history -- disregard source and accuracy when convenient.

What's should be more concerning is a horrific bill to be brought to parliament, detaining
classified prisoners after court judgement and statutory procedures.  It's taken --
stating on behalf of the club -- this intention is a misuse of habeas corpus without
clear evidence of intention, thereafter commitment through to implementation.  Laws
regarding "conspiracy" to do this, that or something else are frightening.   Don't
legislators understand when a "line" so called crossed, many subjects think -- many more
should also contemplate --  consider well consequences, both positive, and not the negative
 as this reversal of established principle would challenge.  These people (politicians)
with their abhorrent plans to abet more than one purpose -- Human Rights huh!  We (members)
are reminded when opportunity presents, what they (government) do is done (as a ploy
meaning "prank") for "The Safety of the Australian People?!?!

 Link to alternative site for immediate play of discussion following. 

712_0186 06/16

CONCLUSION with a vote of thanks for the secretary evenings events.






Wednesday, July 13, 2016

12th May 2016 Chincanisation of Afr.; Search for repositories ...

The agenda presented by the club secretary Mr. D. Brooke
Subjects presented in order with the secretary's recorded introduction


Recorded Introduction:
Link to alternative site for immediate play 
[ Don.s Intro. ASC Audio_25 05/16]

Audio_25 05/16

Present 1.

A doco that questioned the commerce, politics and struggle, agreed strategy concocted in what appeared to be a internationalists "tri-lateral" post-colonial carve up of Central Africa.  China portrayed as benign participant by putting development into the region where they have been accepted by African government oligarchs, China in return granted concessions to resource extraction.  Narration proposed intervention in the case of Kenya when its military entered Somalia to resist Alshabaab, this action taken with American and French encouragement. [Ed. Wheeling and dealing in whose interest? China's?!?!]  The Al Jezeera presenter interviewed numerous people with assumed understanding of the politics and international interest in the region to complement the narration.

Educated Africans spoken to, a cross section of native people of representative countries, seemed to understand the situation as a low order predicament, given time could be resolved  (or would be ...) with favourable outcomes.  However it seems a existential perplexity for me -- my formal education ended at the secondary level -- exists, what was meant by "externalise" (this from a African journalist) the status quo will remain, only after "internalising" will Africans look to the future and "innovate" according to those asked to commentate?!?!  Resulting from the Brexit outcome the "perplexity" seems resolved (for me) -- club members of varying educated standards higher and possibly lower than myself -- with England and Wales "internalising" and Scotland and Wales "externalising"?!?!  I/we look to Don for future definitive information, and probable he to a less "political correct" America, Al Jazeera etc. for detail.

[Ed. At another time club members saw evidence of Chinese co-habitation in Africa then engaged in numerous infrastructure projects].    

Link to alternative site for immediate play of discussion following. 

712_0179 05/16

Present 2.

Gloom with charts, S. and P. graph of 500 with companies taking advantage of negative to low interest rates.  Another chart NASDAQ comparing relationship of indices recent past and current.  The presenter's intention to forecast potential for another GFC should the assessed "bubble" burst.  Terms as "tapering QE", "Ponzi scheme" understood to mean eventual run-down of fiat money with rates pushed up -- "Bubble Burst" (again as in 2008).  The reinsurance sector we (club members) told gold is the preferred store of value with a possible crash, made more pronounced by derivatives sliding to the "south" pushing up gold price.  Another graph shows a upward glitch in US employment, as a pointer to economic improvement questioned by those providing indicators and comment.

Terms club members are familiar with are bitcoin, crypt o-currency and start-coin, maybe more.  However new terms "Block Chain" and "Block Chain technology" introduced.  When financiers and entrepreneurs gather on a Caribbean island earlier this year to consider associated matters (Cyber World exchange).  Reminiscent of of a island meeting that took place about 100 years back, and being told (within this present) the initiative is to assist the Third World -- Maybe the interviewer presenter suddenly had a thought rush amounting to a realisation "burst".   But therein may be a answer to Don's query concerning the abrupt end to what was a Q and Ans session, interspersed with the presenters elaboration, this between two remote participants.

Link to alternative site for immediate play of discussion following. 

712_0180 05/16

CONCLUSION with a vote of thanks for the secretary evenings events.

12th May 2016 Chincanisation of Afr.; Search for repositories ...

The agenda presented by the club secretary Mr. D. Brooke
Subjects presented in order with the secretary's recorded introduction


Recorded Introduction:
Link to alternative site for immediate play 
[ Don.s Intro. ASC Audio_25 05/16]

Audio_25 05/16

Present 1.

A doco that questioned the commerce, politics and struggle, agreed strategy concocted in what appeared to be a internationalists "tri-lateral" post-colonial carve up of Central Africa.  China portrayed as benign participant by putting development into the region where they have been accepted by African government oligarchs, China in return granted concessions to resource extraction.  Narration proposed intervention in the case of Kenya when its military entered Somalia to resist Alshabaab, this action taken with American and French encouragement. [Ed. Wheeling and dealing in whose interest? China's?!?!]  The Al Jezeera presenter interviewed numerous people with assumed understanding of the politics and international interest in the region to complement the narration.

Educated Africans spoken to, a cross section of native people of representative countries, seemed to understand the situation as a low order predicament, given time could be resolved  (or would be ...) with favourable outcomes.  However it seems a existential perplexity for me -- my formal education ended at the secondary level -- exists, what was meant by "externalise" (this from a African journalist) the status quo will remain, only after "internalising" will Africans look to the future and "innovate" according to those asked to commentate?!?!  Resulting from the Brexit outcome the "perplexity" seems resolved (for me) -- club members of varying educated standards higher and possibly lower than myself -- with England and Wales "internalising" and Scotland and Wales "externalising"?!?!  I/we look to Don for future definitive information, and probable he to a less "political correct" America, Al Jazeera etc. for detail.

[Ed. At another time club members saw evidence of Chinese co-habitation in Africa then engaged in numerous infrastructure projects].    

Link to alternative site for immediate play of discussion following. 

712_0179 05/16

Present 2.

Gloom with charts, S. and P. graph of 500 with companies taking advantage of negative to low interest rates.  Another chart NASDAQ comparing relationship of indices recent past and current.  The presenter's intention to forecast potential for another GFC should the assessed "bubble" burst.  Terms as "tapering QE", "Ponzi scheme" understood to mean eventual run-down of fiat money with rates pushed up -- "Bubble Burst" (again as in 2008).  The reinsurance sector we (club members) told gold is the preferred store of value with a possible crash, made more pronounced by derivatives sliding to the "south" pushing up gold price.  Another graph shows a upward glitch in US employment, as a pointer to economic improvement questioned by those providing indicators and comment.

Terms club members are familiar with are bitcoin, crypt o-currency and start-coin, maybe more.  However new terms "Block Chain" and "Block Chain technology" introduced.  When financiers and entrepreneurs gather on a Caribbean island earlier this year to consider associated matters (Cyber World exchange).  Reminiscent of of a island meeting that took place about 100 years back, and being told (within this present) the initiative is to assist the Third World -- Maybe the interviewer presenter suddenly had a thought rush amounting to a realisation "burst".   But therein may be a answer to Don's query concerning the abrupt end to what was a Q and Ans session, interspersed with the presenters elaboration, this between two remote participants.

Link to alternative site for immediate play of discussion following. 

712_0180 05/16

CONCLUSION with a vote of thanks for the secretary evenings events.

Monday, June 6, 2016

14th April 2016 eco.-politic reports(x2); family Rothschild

The agenda presented by the club secretary Mr. D. Brooke
Subjects presented in order with the secretary's recorded introduction


Recorded Introduction:
Link to alternative site for immediate play 
[ASC Audio_24 04/16 ]

Tape Intro. Audio_24 04/16

Present 1.

Terms used by the presenters in the report: crapercation, crapalism, churning.  Each
denoting employment trend affirmed by what's happening in countries in the Western World.
The replacement of simplicity within bureaucracy with complexity. The multiplication of
paper-work, forms and digital recording with inherent error. A oft criticism from Don
(secretary) of what's happening here (Australia) heedless job multiplication.  The
presenters cite three employment and/or government services, providing explanation where
this latter day complexity is evident (UK and US), here as well and probably many other
countries.  Occupation classifications:  education, hospital and health, law; anywhere where
there's an opportunity to layer upon layer of bureaucrats.  "Churning" a example, where
people can jump between Obama Care and Medicare when a service is denied by one, the other
is accessed and visa versa.

From teleology to the Catholic Eucharist and transubstantiation how digital devices are
impinging on the physical World, the physical World losing its "Fantasy" and becomes
timeless.  Yes, said the interviewed but people using those devises are not as a
generalisation conscious of the cost involved to make the various devices available and
maintainable.  Yes again, he seems to agree, the "aurora" of the digital age, the "wafer"
in devices has replaced J. C. for many people these days, the "opiate" ( alluding to a
saying of K. Marx communist ideologist) their VR headset and smartphones are their god.
Finally "digital rights management" a concept for "micro payments" for the use of copy
right material, hidden charges, say like for the use (maybe) of the content included in the
following Present.      

Link to alternative site for immediate play of discussion following. 

712_0175 04/16

Present 2.

When to complement the Present, and to discover the ancestry presumed maybe of Ashkenazi
after the time of Noah, or of a Jewish-Kazar antecedence, stemming from people escaping
early East European pogrom(s), the following is the best time allowed.

"The ancestry of the Rothschilds can be traced back to 1577 to Izaak Elchanan Rothschild
(Isaac (Isaak) Elchanan Bacharach, zum Hahn), whose name derived from the house he occupied
in the Judengasse—zum roten Schild ('at the sign of the red shield'). His grandchildren and
descendants took this name as the family name and kept it when they relocated in 1664 to
another house in the Judengasse—Hinterpfann ('house in the back of the saucepan') — which
became the family's home and business location through to the early 19th century."

"Amschel's* father had a business in goods-trading and currency exchange. He was a personal
supplier of coins to the Prince of Hesse. The family home above the shop had a front wall
only 11 feet (3.4 m) wide, where more than 30 people lived at that time."

"Mayer *Amschel Rothschild, written also Anschel, (23 February 1744 – 19 September 1812)
was a German banker and the founder of the Rothschild banking dynasty, which is believed to
have become the wealthiest family in human history."

Keeping to the primary historical intention of the doco's, and how impression can be in
error, see "Judah" below cf. Present's opening para.--

"Niles' Weekly Register, Volume 49 had the following to say about the Rothschilds influence
on international high finance in 1836;

'The Rothschilds are the wonders of modern banking … we see the descendants of Judah, after
a persecution of two thousand years, peering above kings, rising higher than emperors, and
holding a whole continent in the hollow of their hands. The Rothschilds govern a Christian
world. Not a cabinet moves without their advice. They stretch their hand, with equal ease,
from Petersburgh to Vienna, from Vienna to Paris, from Paris to London, from London to
Washington. Baron Rothschild, the head of the house, is the true king of Judah, the prince
of the captivity, the Messiah so long looked for by this extraordinary people. He holds the
keys of peace or war, blessing or cursing. … They are the brokers and counselors of the
kings of Europe and of the republican chiefs of America. What more can they desire?'"

"In the words of the Daily Telegraph: 'This multinational banking family is a byword for
wealth, power – and discretion... The Rothschild name has become synonymous with money and
power to a degree that perhaps no other family has ever matched.'"

"Writing of the Rockefeller and Rothschild families, Harry Mount writes: 'That is what
makes these two dynasties so exceptional – not just their dizzying wealth, but the fact
that they have held on to it for so long: and not just the loot, but also their family

" Nevertheless, during the Second World War they had to surrender their [Ed. Austrian] bank
to the Nazis and flee the country. Their Rothschild palaces, a collection of vast palaces
in Vienna built and owned by the family, were confiscated, plundered and destroyed by the

"Elisabeth Pelletier de Chambure (1902–1945), the only member of the Rothschild family to
die in the Holocaust."

Also noted during the centuries since the Napoleonic Wars other branch members were
sacrificed in war.

"Paul Johnson writes: The Rothschilds are elusive. There is no book about them that is
both revealing and accurate. Libraries of nonsense have been written about them... A woman
who planned to write a book entitled Lies about the Rothschilds abandoned it, saying: ‘It
was relatively easy to spot the lies, but it proved impossible to find out the truth.’"  "He
writes that, unlike the court Jews of earlier centuries, who had financed and managed
European noble houses, but often lost their wealth through violence or expropriation, the
new kind of international bank created by the Rothschilds was impervious to local attacks.
Their assets were held in financial instruments, circulating through the world as stocks,
bonds and debts. Changes made by the Rothschilds allowed them to insulate their property
from local violence: Henceforth their real wealth was beyond the reach of the mob, almost
beyond the reach of greedy monarchs."  "Johnson argued that their fortune was generated to
the greatest extent by Nathan Mayer Rothschild in London; however, more recent research by
Niall Ferguson [Edit.Documentary film Ascent of Money: A Financial History of the World –
The early history of the Rothschild's family business feature in the second of a four-part
series by Niall Ferguson] indicates that greater and equal profits also were realized by
the other Rothschild dynasties, including James Mayer de Rothschild in Paris, Carl Mayer
von Rothschild in Naples and Amschel Mayer Rothschild in Frankfurt."

"But then the Paris business suffered a near death blow in 1982 when the socialist
government of François Mitterrand nationalised and renamed it Compagnie Européenne de
Banque. Baron David de Rothschild, then 39, decided to stay and rebuild, creating a new
entity Rothschild & Cie Banque with just three employees and €830.000 ($1 million) in
capital. Today the Paris operation has 22 partners and accounts for a significant part of
the global business."

Excerpts WIKIPEDIA and contributors

Link to alternative site for immediate play of discussion following. 

712_0176 04/16

Present 3.

This report's primary concentration was on the Panama papers (aka. Mossack Fonseca), hereby
names of personage omitted.  Told the assets, corporation and valuable real estate are not
owned in many instances by national entities, but held in the name of many off-shore
nominees -- London having un-numbered commercial buildings owned by middle East potentates
using tax havens.  The recent exposures by Australia's national TV broadcaster by its
program "Four Corners" could have financial and economic consequences, if not affecting
Australia but elsewhere.  Suggested America since the Panama papers revelation has become a
secure place to deposit money, apparently till things blow-over; proviso no further naming
of those in control of what's called "real money", those in control Capital investments,
such personages can create economic swings.  Then Greece cited as a country where
international financial "heavies" foresaw that it was better to let the place "die".
Reminding ... Off-shoring the theme, so with a recent plebiscite in Holland as to the
Ukraine admittance to the EU (its larger community), a presenter to the report analogizes
this may not be in the EU communities interest.  Just as naming and shaming of prominent
personages (earlier) can have adverse consequences. The presenter concludes with what seems
to have become a truism: democracy is what you force onto others (states) but its not for
your own nationals ...  Undoubtedly if Mr Putin at some stage has a say on the Ukraine
issue, we (club members) don't think he would take kindly to a invitation from the EU

John from Bankock next interviewed on the subject of gold, its market, paper money and the
distortion of derivatives when considering returning to a gold standard based on the
recognised reserve currency (US dollars).  John states, a large portion of people in the
World traditionally regard gold as a commodity, and now days is treated as such, apparently
to accommodate these people.  The Old and New World settled countries, people according to
John accumulate gold and silver to a lesser degree. Before he could explanation why this is
so ... the programmer called time.

Link to alternative site for immediate play of discussion following. 

712_0177 04/16

CONCLUSION with a vote of thanks for the secretary evenings events.

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

10th March 2016 Europe its Arabs; housing policy Ozze cf. UK

The agenda presented by the club secretary Mr. D. Brooke
Subjects presented in order with the secretary's recorded introduction


Recorded Introduction:
Link to alternative site for immediate play 
[ASC Audio_23 03/16 ]

Tape Intro. Audio_23

Present 1.

Having nothing else to do a consequence of flu, took up the issue of the March blog.
During this period viewed a video (a subject of the March agenda) and had time to
concentrate on the radio for company.  However, found emphasis on the so called Port Arthur
incident -- from our Anzac Day 25/04 till 28/04 -- the enforced federal government buy
back, the trotting out of the PM (now retired), in conflict with the subject of the video
confusing as well as disconcerting.  With shock-jocks, news readers one after another
repeating the platitude "Australia is now a safer place" -- the buy back of rifles circa
1997.  Twenty years later, and the viewed doco. apparently produced before the Paris
incident late 2015, the subsequent Brussels incident earlier this year and not forgetting
the increased refugee invasion of Europe. We the Australian people are to believe
disarmament of (our) subject people in a time of increasing threat, when politicians take
the attitude the threat can be managed with probable collateral damage to people and
property -- two incidents in N.S.W. recently -- makes this country safer?!?!

Now what did members see on the streamed content with sub-titles.  It can be called a tri-
state endeavour by a Israeli production company who visited: Sweden, Malmoe its suburb
Rosengaard; France's Marseilles and Montfermiel and oft time Denmark to interview a English
speaking sociologist and author.  Journey for our members starts in Sweden.  Significant
(with members in mind) a Swedish girl was raped the up-shot a riot, conclusion the Arab
blokes declaring a "right of passage" now to be recognised in their new adopted(?)
homeland.  We (members) can deduce from what followed -- its there transcribed -- the
Swedish girls don't mind offering it up to Arab boys, if the boys will offer Hashish down
to the girls.  Thereafter the Danish Mafia arrive from over the ..., anyhow this indicated
a momentary patting-down of conduct and a heighten tension among the Arab lads in
Rosengaard.  Rosengaard Arab held, presumed a gehetto of choice or chosen?!?!  Now to France
for this purpose -- as the production crew moved forward and back between states named

As presented Marsellies with a lady mayor, Algerian, accordingly confessing her ancestry.
 Seems Marsellies is relatively peaceful.  However, Montfermiel with a male mayor a French
man with historical "homeland" ancestry, here the history of Arab occupancy shown to be
intimidating and violent, with a momentous disturbance 2005.  Now as we members gain some
insight into what is a growing peril, two scenes one of a  caffè latte  set, could be anywhere
where there's Arab threat, a discussion among English speaking French people of
interrogation and assimilation; the other, two women questioning why it is so, (
elsewhere) and why French people in this instant are amenable to others claiming French
turf.  Though there's 7 million Arabs representing 10% of the population, and by 2060
estimated 50%. There was suggested by a young man, "the young guns" to whom he undoubtedly
assumes identity, won't wait that long before asserting rights to possess and that's not by
recourse to the franchise.

Whilst inconvenienced by the flu and whilst idle, time was given over to listening to the
radio.  It was the weekend of round nine of the NRL competition, by the end of the round
noticed a disparity between contestants, confirmed by those wireless commentators.
Thoughts of the two women bemoaning imposed(sic) intransigence, came to mind.  Here were two
subjects people of a re-constituted Europe, consequence of the aftermath of WW11, with what
seems to be the loss of national pride inherent and political centralisation consequent.
Unlike the NRL, unable to attract "bums to seats", whereas Europe having a attraction to
hoards from the Eastern and Northern Mediterranean.  So both it seems both could learn from
the mistakes of the other: The NRL with its loosely aligned autonomous clubs, a
coordinating independent body whose authority a grant of the clubs.  The European economic
and political union the design of political centralists to make participating countries
stronger to withhold invasion?!?!  So it appears its the limits imposed on authority that
was handed up in the case of the NRL, not the converse as the designers of new European
have skilfully(sic) brought to fulfillment.  You would think to overcoming "disparity" and
draw more people to the NRL code, stronger governance from above.  Whereas for the people
of Europe a return to nation-hood, individual rights reclaimed and the unwelcomed resisted.
Earlier mentioned a Danish author and sociologist who (ASC) members were left metaphorically
questioning, where did the "communists" and "socialists" their descendants go after giving
up neighbourhoods to the latter day Arab settlers?!?!

Don offered more of the same (a continuation of the foregoing), more doco's for members
consumption, they unanimously said No!  The reason they rejected "more of the same" perhaps
what people do when they are made impotent, dependent on the armed services of government,
who in turn are submissive to there masters, themselves and respective family ties as a
priority to protect.  So for the general population of Australian people, whom ASC club
members identify and don't fall into the "protect" category, the question: Twenty years
after the gun buy back, now and in the future are the Australian people truly SAFER(?)

Links to alternative site for immediate play of discussion following. 



Present 2.      
A report comparing housing policies of Australia to the UK.  Australia is first introduced
with statistics, two graphs the first sighted showing house costs have risen
dis-proportionally to wages, CPI inflation etc; the second exposing the state of the economy
according to industry grouping, exponentially curving upwards and outwards from the
vertical axis. Mortgage and financial services here in Australia taking a dollar lead above
all other GDP producing asset groups.  Since the GFC bank loans and financing have dropped
off, a labor government of the day (6 years) on the treasury benches, did what a professor
panelist stated: pumped debt raised money into the community to counteract bank
participation withdrawal.  However, financial institutions during (and probably
subsequently) had no hesitation in lending money on inflated property values, enabling
borrowers to raise more negative gearing advances.

In the UK the position was/is different to here (Australia).  Government had more latitude
and subsidizes habitable living acquisitions, raised there participation from 20% to 40% of
assessed value.  It seemed that following, foreign money found its way into England and
maybe home countries; money assumed from European communities and Mediterranean countries,
moved in advance of potential "bail outs".  Mentioned Chinese investment to the UK has
slacked due to a change in China's leadership.

 Link to alternative site for immediate play of discussion following. 


CONCLUSION with a vote of thanks for the secretary evenings events.

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

11th February 2016 Euro. refugees, employ; Leb. lady ... ; stock loss & Senate addr.

The agenda presented by the club secretary Mr. D. Brooke
Subjects presented in order with the secretary's recorded introduction

Note. Including Don's reading tribute to Australia Day Matthew Flinders report to Sir Joseph Banks, 26 to 36 min approx. no transcript to link.

Recorded Introduction:
Link to alternative site for immediate play 
[ASC Audio_22 02/16 ]

Audio_22 02/16

Present 1.

The first doco for the year, intricate in so far as getting to understand how a people 
forced into a nomadic survival over the last two thousand years have become international 
power brokers.  How those people now with a homeland at the expense of neighbouring people, 
 though in hostile engagement have a greater hatred to a country that former housed them.  A 
country two immense wars were conducted.  A treaty organisation thereafter, the rest of 
us were sold "a pup".  Now exposed as vulnerable as sovereign nation -- another lie.  The 
doco shows horde/hordes of refugees and fellow travelers (male) moving off a ship at a 
port of disembarkation.  A amorphous mass (Muslim in composition) moving across Greece then 
into four Central European countries to the intended target i.e., the treaty established 
non-sovereign state to the West.  So it seems the hordes don't dissipate there and continue:-

"It seems too many people in this country (ED. Australia) are so blinkered they can’t 
appreciate just how good it is to live here and to have that little blue passport in their 
bedside drawer.

In Europe they are expecting 2.6 million people to arrive in the next two years flooding 
across the borders from countries like Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan and Africa. The refugee 
emergency is out of control and seven countries Germany, France, Sweden, Austria, France, 
Denmark and Norway have re-introduced border checks to stop of influx.

On New Year’s Eve its now been confirmed that there was a mass attack on women inside the 
Cologne train station by refugee men who fondled them while police looked on.

There are hundreds of thousands of desperate people sitting in frozen refugee camps on the 
edge of the English Channel hopeful of sneaking into the UK. Reports across the weekend saw 
43 people, including 17 children, confirmed drowned when their boats capsized off the 
Turkish coast.

Three other people died from hypothermia in Greece and the European Union is starting talks 
to re-introduce border controls not seen since the EU was formed.

Australia is blessed by being an island and we have largely solved the boat people issue 
with not one boat arrival in the last calendar year. As the barbecues fire up and the lamb 
chops start sizzling we should all pause to appreciate more what we have.

Australia is clean, peaceful, we have outstanding health and education and just about 
everybody who truly wants a job has one. If you happen to be unemployed or sick the 
taxpayers look after you.

Fuel is cheap, food plentiful and we have a free press and largely freedom of speech is 
respected. It’s those freedoms that allow people like ... to make the complaints he makes 
and allows people like me to disagree with him.

Sure Australia like the rest of the world has some threats from home grown terrorism and 
the downturn in mining activity has us scrambling to transition into a new economy.."


[A helpful recommendation to the last para. to read George Megalgenis "Australia's Second 
Chance"; Review by Ross Fitzgerald, SMH January 2-3 2016 Spectrum].

Moving too far from intention i.e., refugees from the Mediterranean into Europe, the 
following link provided "The Washington Post (WP Company Lic) [US]"

At the time of blogging it came to pass a tit-for-tat between a presidential candidate and 
a World Church Leader who happens to be a Argentinian by birth(?)  The point being, 
approach by the former and reproach of the latter as spokespersons, they being either a 
subject person or a citizen of truly sovereign country's.

Those alive with access to a tv 60 years ago may recall the series "The Twilight Zone" with the 
writer/host's either expressing during the introduction or conclusion to a episode, came out with     "gute dominierende",  Undoubtedly reference to post-war Germany, the story line of the episode 
long forgotten only those words phonetically recalled remain. Now understood and accepted 
as cynicism.  From the Present  extracted " Since then, an unholy alliance of leftists, 
capitalists and Zionists(sic) supremacists ..." [ Nicholas Griffin believed to be addressing the European Parliament].  This directly to the Muslim et al. sponsored invasion of Europe and especially Germany.

From the Present extracted words impart of Barbara Le Spectre founder PAIDIA Sweden: "... 
Jews are going to be at the centre of that (Ed. multiculture) ... and Jews will be 
resented because of our leading role. But without that role and without that 
transformation, Europe will not survive".

Now back to the "tit-for tat", America a sovereign country (unlike Germany) with a large 
Jewish establishment. Should we conclude massive Latinos injection from the South, advise 
from that World Church Leader -- surely more than just future dialogue intended -- into the US;       what advantage to the leader and the church represented(?). But the question if put to club 
members ... what would, could and more likely be the consequence/consequences(?).  
Emulating the European experience by doing the same in the Americas, would they                   (members etc.) not say, Truly Realpolitik!?!?   

Link to alternative site for immediate play of discussion following. 
Note. The abrupt finish should have started (sound file) with the secretary's comment, subject, B Le Spectre, her words part quoted above.  

712_0166 02/16
Present 2.

As introduced by Don, understood to be a impromptu interview Gerry Harvey (retailer) with 
James Saleam (Australia First Party).  Subject, the government of Australia, Syrian 
refugees and their future employment.  A.F.P. opposes foreigners being employed at the 
expense of job losses sustained by those generational Aussies.

Link to alternative site for immediate play of discussion following. 

712_0167 02/16

Present 3.

As introduced by Don; only thing to be said a few Christian Lebanese girls to whom 
acquainted.  A conclusion that can be drawn, Muslims remove the men to get access to the pretty girls ... Anyhow, her experiences as related seem extreme but have to be believed...  

Link to alternative site for immediate play of discussion following. 

712_0168 02/16

Present 3.

Don shows and reads from three finance editions stock market losses during 
the last 6 months.

It should be understood those losses don't diminish the number of shares registered by 
companies, except in known instances in known circumstances.  Orchestrated activity, 
whereby, financial advisers claim insulation from those (analysts) in "back rooms", 
acting on the advise of the latter destroy asset value.  As investor and/or superannuated you 
might have seen asset slide(s), and not necessarily during shake-outs, rhetorically thinking to yourselves, what happened(?) ... could this be tantamount to a swindle(?)    

Link to alternative site for immediate play of discussion following. 

712_0169 02/16

Present 4.

Again introduced hereby via sound file Don: "Senator Bernardi report to the Senate".

If interest listen to pod cast 2GB radio Sydney, Thu, 2016-02-18 12:49; Cory Bernardi in 
dialogue with Mohamed el- Mouelhy. 

This gathering the first for the year --

CONCLUSION with a vote of thanks for the secretary evenings events.
712_0170 02/16