Friday, November 30, 2012

November 8th 2012 Carbon tax, Internet truths and AIDS ...

The club's agenda for the evening introduced by the secretary D. Brooke.
Subjects presented in order:-

1.  Recorded INTRODUCTION :
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 Secretary's Introduction
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First clip seen.

A interesting 5min 10sec commentary from M's Anna Luis in Manilla on fallacies regarding taxing carbon (carbon oxides). Whereby private money e.g. R. M. Williams and Qantas, financiers and government money (i.e.from tax payers) -- as then legislated(?) -- potentially bring sizable profits in comparison with outlays.  However, those not contributing, more likely to experience financial stress with increasing costs.  She or the script from which is read, suggests farm produce is replaced with carbon sequestrating alternatives intended to keep the planet clean.

Preliminary to the following:-
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Second clip as introduced.
  • Internet facilitators IXP's (Internet Exchange Point) and ISP's (Internent Service Provider)
  • Rogers one such provider and your "personal information"; question asked to consider as a web user, (did you know?) because of service agreement your information can be shared, say with Third World regimes.
  • Apparently it's IXP's (Internet Exchange Point)that scrutinize online data.
  • Example, Max (an Austrian) obtained 1222 pdf pages from Facebook, stored about "Max", obtained by FOI as Max is a European.
  • Social network providers e.g. Facebook and Twitter etc. have operations in multiple jurisdictions.
  • Apparently even Skype can be censored, example mentioned was China with "trigger word" "Tiananmen Square" eliminated from communications as political sensitive. Verified New York Times 2008.
  • The presenter an employee of firm "Cyber Lab."
  • Presenter does not liken cyberspace to a filing cabinet, cyberspace beyond an individuals control, cyber crime proliferating security inadequate and "rate of change cannot keep up".
  • Presenter talks about offense and defense tools e.g. "Bot-nets", spyware, Cyber Lab's "Ghost Net Report" and a surveillance tool "Host Track".
  • World governments forced to react to "hacking" primarily to protect government data. In so doing, " ... given abilities unimaginable" to impinge on "human rights" and "liberties".
  • Attention turned to geographical Internet growth, to parts where torture is known of resulting from authority surveillance. Software from Britain and Italy developed, ALAS for the purpose of repression.
  • A benign vision a "Global Library" originated with H G Wells.  The conservation movement and the "Net" seen as a means whereby (Ed. handled correctly) to protect the Earth.
  • Concluding with an invitation to think laterally, likened to that of a "hacker", with the question: just who may be intercepting your Internet communications(?)
Secretary's summary of preceding and what followed.
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 A documentary which could have been titled Research Into Polio Vaccine; Alternatively, Chimpanzees, Denials and AIDS. It is titled otherwise.

When HIV and AIDS became a concern in the 80's over two decades earlier, there was literature that came into my possession at that time.

Recall the names of the French discoverers Messrs Luc Montagnier and F. BarrĂ©-Sinoussi. Also literature to hand at the time  named another doctor, a Pole or Russian, who earlier in central Africa was experimenting with green monkeys,then suggested as implicated in the AIDS story.

I guess since the beginning of the 21st Century and some time before, we were told less and less about the subject other than pharmaceuticals had developed to control the disease. Though in the documentary we were told (or reminded) many millions in the third World still succumb to the "Reaper". So when a one time friend and co-worker in a Bible based movement during a discussion referred to white women pairing with men of dark complexion, he used the term for the women as "green".

It was confusing because this could not be in the context of the Bibles Ezek 17:22 (cf. Isa 11:1) he would know of "the tender (i.e. 'green' meaning immature) twig", so what did he mean(?!?!) Expressed during the documentary, long before the AIDS scare, there had been detected throughout the World a virus SV40* in human populations ... Was this term "green" as used by my co-worker, an immigrant from Holland, derived from an idiomatic saying out of  Europe?!?!  [ED. "In 1963, US authorities decided to switch to African green monkeys, which are not natural hosts of SV40, to produce polio vaccine."**]

The production mostly digitized from film shot during the latter half of the last Century.  [ED. the only criticism is the majority of sub-titles (translations) could not be read.]  The production viewed over 1 hour and half, and if someone had to determine a theme from the forgoing, will be me, is:-

1.a) The work done by three greats of the medical world: Doctors  J. Salk U.S.A; A. Sabin U.S.S.S.R. and especially H. Koprowski (believed to be the Pole or Russian 1st para.) located then in the Belgian Congo (now The Democratic Republic of the Congo).

(b) It is understood the three though working independently knew one another, had their differences, the latter and colleagues at Stanleyville (now Kisangani) was the supplier of the product with which the former worked.
Link:  Scroll: "First Polio Vacine".

2.   Polio vaccine was NOT prepared from "green monkeys" but chimpanzees (NB. Koprowski and colleagues) caused AIDS. It was in 1989 SIV* and HIV were linked by research of the two Frenchmen (above), with SIV discovered in chimpanzees according to the story.
Link:  Scroll:  "Transmission from non-humans to humans".

Complementing the narrative two independent assessor critics heard, they approximately given equal time. The first a Dr. Cecil Fox and for the second half a journalist-writer Mr.Edward Hooper, author of a book on the subject of  and the Congo etc. titled "The River: A journey back to the source of HIV and AIDS" published 1999.

Discussion amongst members and supporters: CONCLUSION to the evening's convene.
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1.  In 1959 blood samples from Congo inhabitants showed HIV, 20 years before arriving in America.
2.  Because of deaths in the U.S., tests carried out in U.S.S.R. and Congo; result NO HIV recorded in U.S.S.R. but HIV discovered in the Congo.
3.  As mentioned there where differences of the accusatory type documented between these protagonists. Resulting from one such what was termed factor X(?) named "Chat" virus.
4.  Chat 10A11 vaccine used between 1959 - 1960 used in the Congo, but no vaccine in existence to determine purity.

"When Salk developed his vaccine, instead of using human tissues, as did the scientists who won a Nobel Prize for first growing poliovirus in tissue culture, he used minced-up rhesus macaque monkey kidneys, which were remarkably efficient poliovirus factories."**

** The Lancet, Volume 364, Issue 9432, pages 407-408, 31 July 2004
*  Means Simian


Thursday, November 29, 2012

October 11th 2012 Club CANCELLATION

There was no meeting October a decision of members taken September.  November accepted as the next time for members and support to attend at Burwood RSL.  At the time of this blog post there was an ingathering at Burwood's RSL November 8th of ASC and this -- as in previous years -- the last semi-formal for 2012.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

September 13th 2012 Aust. radio 2GB and video reports US ...Aust. mentioned

 The club's agenda for the evening introduced by the secretary D. Brooke.
Subjects presented in order:-

1.  Recorded INTRODUCTION with some words trimmed:

Link to to Google Sites  ["client-asc-09-12"]
Intro. Don 09/12

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2.  A podcast Sydney radio 2GB. Starts by naming a person in parliment once a union official, this person has apparently a "catalystic" effect, bringing to light alleged nefarious conduct as revealed in interview, this investigative journalist described as well credentialed. The revelation as broadcasted 20 July this year implied our current PM during an earlier time in her career and officials of the AWU,  as one mighty family (extended maybe?) AND thus far his assessment has as it's understood been correct. In that response/responses taken or lack thereof since is an issue complex and confused.

3.  A video showing random qustioning of attendees North Carolina Democratic Party's convention, leading to presidental election November 2012. The questioning of Democratic voters should B. Obama be re-elected what should he do to corporation profits. [Ed. Thankfully no question embracing gun control, which must have been mooted during the lead up. In Australia undoubtedly via the Internet, some people being made aware of US citizen misgiving with  potential election of the incumbent -- Still early days ...].

Discussion amongst members and supporters.
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4.    A video, part one, two people discussing what the two regard as social disparity. A program broadcast three times a week according to a Google peruse, presented in much the same way as Don showed last month. The subject (of a developing theme) a rather large Australian business woman, who was repeatedly mentioned with digression: condemnation of those inheritors of influence due to ("superior") education and career advancement. A legatee system applies in America as elsewhere -- " To be born on the other side of the track" (a colloquialism), so no surprise with this as a subject that at times re-occurs. [Ed. There are undoubtedly losers both sides of " ... the track", difficult to categorize the presenting duo as conforming ... Likewise the alleged comment from the business woman believing her challenge to the community was according to reality. Prompts the question, how far can can you raise yourself by "the boot straps" (another colloquialism). The first part of this two part report should had have us considering the duo's demeanor. Was it meant to be sarcastic, sardonic or a craving after what was condemned i.e., ethics of the influential at the end of an "up market" education in preparation for the "big end of town". Part two, is linked to part one when "South Africa's Marikana Miners ..." gets mentioned. The proposition aired in part two after skepticism of the effectiveness of the war on drugs and terrorism -- means whereby civil liberty is encroached -- and then the loss of purchasing power since GFC (2008), came the shock (also inferred in part 1. of this report). The guest interviewed claims there are two classes of people: those that can kill with impunity and those that can't. Then asked to explain the interviewed invoked a metaphor which seemed to imply, (as the host surmised) if money can't buy allegiance "an economy based on force" is the resolve. [Ed. Also from the dialogue it can be inferred a agency of nebulous involvement will do what's necessary to maintain a status quo. Referring to "those that can kill with impunity", "South Africa's Marikana Mines ..." from part1, was reference to a Frank/Hank Paulson, this identity apparently Henry Paulson and "Henry Paulson Confronted on Threatening Congress With Martial Law"?!?!

Discussion amongst members and supporters.
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5.    A visual capture of a radio delivered report prior to the US presidential election. The presenter deliberates on America's debt and two voter considerations. Medicare and social services, and whatever "Obama Care" as promoted by the incumbent's party amounts to?!?! Historically there was a divergence of policy between Republicans and Democrats till the time of President Roosevelt 11. He (the presenter) mentioned four ways to reduce federal debt, and from previous talks (we've heard from this guru previously) his belief is that people would be better of if welfare is privately funded. In so many words he accuses old folk as "bludgers", in reality they have not by way of taxes provided for "entitlements"; an original initiative of the Democratic Party.

Discussion amongst members and supporters: CONCLUSION to the evening's convene.
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