Friday, November 30, 2012

November 8th 2012 Carbon tax, Internet truths and AIDS ...

The club's agenda for the evening introduced by the secretary D. Brooke.
Subjects presented in order:-

1.  Recorded INTRODUCTION :
Link to to Google Sites 
 Secretary's Introduction
 Link to alternative hosting site for immediate play

First clip seen.

A interesting 5min 10sec commentary from M's Anna Luis in Manilla on fallacies regarding taxing carbon (carbon oxides). Whereby private money e.g. R. M. Williams and Qantas, financiers and government money (i.e.from tax payers) -- as then legislated(?) -- potentially bring sizable profits in comparison with outlays.  However, those not contributing, more likely to experience financial stress with increasing costs.  She or the script from which is read, suggests farm produce is replaced with carbon sequestrating alternatives intended to keep the planet clean.

Preliminary to the following:-
Link to Google Sites
Link to alternative hosting site for immediate play

Second clip as introduced.
  • Internet facilitators IXP's (Internet Exchange Point) and ISP's (Internent Service Provider)
  • Rogers one such provider and your "personal information"; question asked to consider as a web user, (did you know?) because of service agreement your information can be shared, say with Third World regimes.
  • Apparently it's IXP's (Internet Exchange Point)that scrutinize online data.
  • Example, Max (an Austrian) obtained 1222 pdf pages from Facebook, stored about "Max", obtained by FOI as Max is a European.
  • Social network providers e.g. Facebook and Twitter etc. have operations in multiple jurisdictions.
  • Apparently even Skype can be censored, example mentioned was China with "trigger word" "Tiananmen Square" eliminated from communications as political sensitive. Verified New York Times 2008.
  • The presenter an employee of firm "Cyber Lab."
  • Presenter does not liken cyberspace to a filing cabinet, cyberspace beyond an individuals control, cyber crime proliferating security inadequate and "rate of change cannot keep up".
  • Presenter talks about offense and defense tools e.g. "Bot-nets", spyware, Cyber Lab's "Ghost Net Report" and a surveillance tool "Host Track".
  • World governments forced to react to "hacking" primarily to protect government data. In so doing, " ... given abilities unimaginable" to impinge on "human rights" and "liberties".
  • Attention turned to geographical Internet growth, to parts where torture is known of resulting from authority surveillance. Software from Britain and Italy developed, ALAS for the purpose of repression.
  • A benign vision a "Global Library" originated with H G Wells.  The conservation movement and the "Net" seen as a means whereby (Ed. handled correctly) to protect the Earth.
  • Concluding with an invitation to think laterally, likened to that of a "hacker", with the question: just who may be intercepting your Internet communications(?)
Secretary's summary of preceding and what followed.
Link to Google Sites
Link to alternative hosting site for immediate play

 A documentary which could have been titled Research Into Polio Vaccine; Alternatively, Chimpanzees, Denials and AIDS. It is titled otherwise.

When HIV and AIDS became a concern in the 80's over two decades earlier, there was literature that came into my possession at that time.

Recall the names of the French discoverers Messrs Luc Montagnier and F. BarrĂ©-Sinoussi. Also literature to hand at the time  named another doctor, a Pole or Russian, who earlier in central Africa was experimenting with green monkeys,then suggested as implicated in the AIDS story.

I guess since the beginning of the 21st Century and some time before, we were told less and less about the subject other than pharmaceuticals had developed to control the disease. Though in the documentary we were told (or reminded) many millions in the third World still succumb to the "Reaper". So when a one time friend and co-worker in a Bible based movement during a discussion referred to white women pairing with men of dark complexion, he used the term for the women as "green".

It was confusing because this could not be in the context of the Bibles Ezek 17:22 (cf. Isa 11:1) he would know of "the tender (i.e. 'green' meaning immature) twig", so what did he mean(?!?!) Expressed during the documentary, long before the AIDS scare, there had been detected throughout the World a virus SV40* in human populations ... Was this term "green" as used by my co-worker, an immigrant from Holland, derived from an idiomatic saying out of  Europe?!?!  [ED. "In 1963, US authorities decided to switch to African green monkeys, which are not natural hosts of SV40, to produce polio vaccine."**]

The production mostly digitized from film shot during the latter half of the last Century.  [ED. the only criticism is the majority of sub-titles (translations) could not be read.]  The production viewed over 1 hour and half, and if someone had to determine a theme from the forgoing, will be me, is:-

1.a) The work done by three greats of the medical world: Doctors  J. Salk U.S.A; A. Sabin U.S.S.S.R. and especially H. Koprowski (believed to be the Pole or Russian 1st para.) located then in the Belgian Congo (now The Democratic Republic of the Congo).

(b) It is understood the three though working independently knew one another, had their differences, the latter and colleagues at Stanleyville (now Kisangani) was the supplier of the product with which the former worked.
Link:  Scroll: "First Polio Vacine".

2.   Polio vaccine was NOT prepared from "green monkeys" but chimpanzees (NB. Koprowski and colleagues) caused AIDS. It was in 1989 SIV* and HIV were linked by research of the two Frenchmen (above), with SIV discovered in chimpanzees according to the story.
Link:  Scroll:  "Transmission from non-humans to humans".

Complementing the narrative two independent assessor critics heard, they approximately given equal time. The first a Dr. Cecil Fox and for the second half a journalist-writer Mr.Edward Hooper, author of a book on the subject of  and the Congo etc. titled "The River: A journey back to the source of HIV and AIDS" published 1999.

Discussion amongst members and supporters: CONCLUSION to the evening's convene.
Link to Google Sites
Link to alternative hosting site for immediate play       

1.  In 1959 blood samples from Congo inhabitants showed HIV, 20 years before arriving in America.
2.  Because of deaths in the U.S., tests carried out in U.S.S.R. and Congo; result NO HIV recorded in U.S.S.R. but HIV discovered in the Congo.
3.  As mentioned there where differences of the accusatory type documented between these protagonists. Resulting from one such what was termed factor X(?) named "Chat" virus.
4.  Chat 10A11 vaccine used between 1959 - 1960 used in the Congo, but no vaccine in existence to determine purity.

"When Salk developed his vaccine, instead of using human tissues, as did the scientists who won a Nobel Prize for first growing poliovirus in tissue culture, he used minced-up rhesus macaque monkey kidneys, which were remarkably efficient poliovirus factories."**

** The Lancet, Volume 364, Issue 9432, pages 407-408, 31 July 2004
*  Means Simian


Thursday, November 29, 2012

October 11th 2012 Club CANCELLATION

There was no meeting October a decision of members taken September.  November accepted as the next time for members and support to attend at Burwood RSL.  At the time of this blog post there was an ingathering at Burwood's RSL November 8th of ASC and this -- as in previous years -- the last semi-formal for 2012.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

September 13th 2012 Aust. radio 2GB and video reports US ...Aust. mentioned

 The club's agenda for the evening introduced by the secretary D. Brooke.
Subjects presented in order:-

1.  Recorded INTRODUCTION with some words trimmed:

Link to to Google Sites  ["client-asc-09-12"]
Intro. Don 09/12

Link to alternative hosting site for immediate play

2.  A podcast Sydney radio 2GB. Starts by naming a person in parliment once a union official, this person has apparently a "catalystic" effect, bringing to light alleged nefarious conduct as revealed in interview, this investigative journalist described as well credentialed. The revelation as broadcasted 20 July this year implied our current PM during an earlier time in her career and officials of the AWU,  as one mighty family (extended maybe?) AND thus far his assessment has as it's understood been correct. In that response/responses taken or lack thereof since is an issue complex and confused.

3.  A video showing random qustioning of attendees North Carolina Democratic Party's convention, leading to presidental election November 2012. The questioning of Democratic voters should B. Obama be re-elected what should he do to corporation profits. [Ed. Thankfully no question embracing gun control, which must have been mooted during the lead up. In Australia undoubtedly via the Internet, some people being made aware of US citizen misgiving with  potential election of the incumbent -- Still early days ...].

Discussion amongst members and supporters.
Link to Google Sites
712_0008 1.1
Link to alternative hosting site for immediate play wav

4.    A video, part one, two people discussing what the two regard as social disparity. A program broadcast three times a week according to a Google peruse, presented in much the same way as Don showed last month. The subject (of a developing theme) a rather large Australian business woman, who was repeatedly mentioned with digression: condemnation of those inheritors of influence due to ("superior") education and career advancement. A legatee system applies in America as elsewhere -- " To be born on the other side of the track" (a colloquialism), so no surprise with this as a subject that at times re-occurs. [Ed. There are undoubtedly losers both sides of " ... the track", difficult to categorize the presenting duo as conforming ... Likewise the alleged comment from the business woman believing her challenge to the community was according to reality. Prompts the question, how far can can you raise yourself by "the boot straps" (another colloquialism). The first part of this two part report should had have us considering the duo's demeanor. Was it meant to be sarcastic, sardonic or a craving after what was condemned i.e., ethics of the influential at the end of an "up market" education in preparation for the "big end of town". Part two, is linked to part one when "South Africa's Marikana Miners ..." gets mentioned. The proposition aired in part two after skepticism of the effectiveness of the war on drugs and terrorism -- means whereby civil liberty is encroached -- and then the loss of purchasing power since GFC (2008), came the shock (also inferred in part 1. of this report). The guest interviewed claims there are two classes of people: those that can kill with impunity and those that can't. Then asked to explain the interviewed invoked a metaphor which seemed to imply, (as the host surmised) if money can't buy allegiance "an economy based on force" is the resolve. [Ed. Also from the dialogue it can be inferred a agency of nebulous involvement will do what's necessary to maintain a status quo. Referring to "those that can kill with impunity", "South Africa's Marikana Mines ..." from part1, was reference to a Frank/Hank Paulson, this identity apparently Henry Paulson and "Henry Paulson Confronted on Threatening Congress With Martial Law"?!?!

Discussion amongst members and supporters.
Link to Google Sites
712_0009 1.1
Link to alternative hosting site for immediate play

5.    A visual capture of a radio delivered report prior to the US presidential election. The presenter deliberates on America's debt and two voter considerations. Medicare and social services, and whatever "Obama Care" as promoted by the incumbent's party amounts to?!?! Historically there was a divergence of policy between Republicans and Democrats till the time of President Roosevelt 11. He (the presenter) mentioned four ways to reduce federal debt, and from previous talks (we've heard from this guru previously) his belief is that people would be better of if welfare is privately funded. In so many words he accuses old folk as "bludgers", in reality they have not by way of taxes provided for "entitlements"; an original initiative of the Democratic Party.

Discussion amongst members and supporters: CONCLUSION to the evening's convene.
Link to Google Sites
712_0010 1.1
Link to alternative hosting site for immediate play
Link to Google Sites
Link to alternative hosting site for immediate play

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

August 9th 2012 Visual capture eco. broadcasts, also Islam reviewed ...

The evening's gathering opened by ASC secretary. 

According to Don (secretary) the three contributions are something new from a person associated with Aljzeera - this association assumed current. I

 think we present would agree with Don the entertaining aspect of this person's approach to his weekly report can be distracting; however, I'm privileged by seeing what's screened again.  

What follows derived from this advantage and shared (now) by whoever may read further. 

Two things extracted during D.B.'s introduction: Libor (see later) and the suggestion from a guest to the report -- the current events program has two parts, the first a set routine with presenter and the same political analyst, thereafter presenter and guest. 

A guest (and we've heard this before) a re-installing of gold internationally as a currency value determinant.  Apparently replacing foreign exchange trading and currency weighting.  The person presenting at some stage after questioning Roseanne Barr (feminist) a forthcoming candidate in U.S. presidential election, remarked how now, and in the past, women are/have been predominant in movements for change.  But not so in our culture now days, Don sees suppression of "feminist" issues (Ed. later a supporter expressed a contrary opinion); a growing undermining of a specified aspect to freedom when compared to America. Don thinks accusations of the person presenting these (three) reports would draw attention of authority in this country.

Leading in by way of a less cerebral confronting proposition was a 7:59 min video, address by Paul Weston, Freedom Party U.K., " ... A Civil War With Islam" delivered to a Canadian audience.

The Reports:-

Alpha ###. 1.
The video a two part presentation:
(1)  The presenter interviews Stacy (political analyst); between both presenter and interviewed discussion of debt, its growth as applied to the U.S. and the part derivatives impact to distort the economy.  This part of the report  -- with quotes from respected commentators -- had cynicism voiced throughout, its theme was a questioning of who ("Aliens"!?!?) will or would buy out the humungous debt(?)
(2)  Next on a more serious note, a commentator-author introduced as Jim (i) Asked to speak on the global situation pertaining to recognised big players counties.  He indicating that (at the time) Germany was considered commercially stronger and more viable to with stand international economic pressure than other countries outside Europe.  (ii) The guest then questioned about Libor, at the time we (ASC) viewed the clip, I guess none present had understanding.  For an understanding of libor, url:

Alpha ###.  2.
Again a two part presentation:
(1)  Stacy heard earlier -- occurred to me is the presenter and the presenter becomes commentator -- explores aspects of Libor, the related law and regulation and lack thereof, the influence of the likes of J P Morgan, Goldman Sacks et al. and those proteges/protegees who happily move between government and international banking community. The Californian Pension Fund gets mentioned as an example of what happens to (pension) funds with Libor-bankers interaction.  (2)  From the forgoing the commentator resumes the position of presenter and introduces Roseanne Barr ( former theatrical etc.) a candidate for president, U.S. election 2012.  Her "cornerstone" to attract the female vote.  The concluding minutes of approx. 15 mins. of questioning summed-up  her platform: G.M. corporation control, debt relief (for people), encouragement for the establishment of a third major party.  She also cites an incident of a quasi-para-law enforcement gang operating in questionable circumstance somewhere in America (Ed. Where else in the developed West World ???? Big Shock Surprise, Huh!)

Alpha ###.  3.
Another two part presentation from those sourced  previously.
(1)  Metaphors "Justsimilator" and jellyfish with a rats heart (True, result of G.M.). The part the "Justsimilator": plays depends on the possessor, but the jellyfish ... is an exploiter, deceiving investors (particularly with reference to pension funds) who according to Stacy are end recipients of debt ridden assets.  Between the two in discussion is that a micro-Eco. problem eventually becomes a macro-Eco. one, with banksters reaping a (financial) gain.
(2)  The presenter and Mark ( London U.K. on (i) Libor -- interest rates and exchange rates -- are manipulated by markets, especially those of gold and silver.   (ii) The presenter (either a MBA or economics graduate or both) seems to contend that with "high velocity" and "wash" trading with doggy practices evident, macro-Eco. measures intrinsically will not curb inconspicuous conduct of those participants.  ONLY authority and regulation action aimed at micro-economic conduct should work.  Mark concurs and has the last say " ... buy gold and silver and put aside for the rainy day", this action to take as a hedge against recession if not (also) depression.

The last offering for the night a recorded a visual-audio debate April 2012.
1.  U.S. Federal Reserve (F.R.B.) its chairman according to spokesman seen in this visual, has drawn a wrong  conclusion and taken incorrect measures to stimulate post GFC economy.
2.  German currency stronger in relation to other currencies incl. America.
3.  Japan and China pursuing monetary policies that make imports costly without benefiting their exports sales.
4.  The spokesman said " the cost of capital becomes expensive", this with reference to a low interest environment. [Edit. Did he mean inaccessibility of capital due to a low rate?!?!]

Between showings and after, it's been realised for some months that some of the banter arising from thoughts prompted by Don and what he shows.  Since impressions and opinions were audio recorded, sound files could be a subject for inclusion to the blog.  This can only happen when time is allowed to digress to seek suitable software.                            

Thursday, August 30, 2012

July 12th 2012 Drug commerce, consummers and population consequences ...

The ASC was to be told  for the best part of one hour forty minutes of the pharmaceutical
industry, the psychiatric profession including a history of aspects of its development. But
first the secretary (Mr. Brooke) who sourced the information for the evening, said the
federal government had introduced a Act to inoculate adolescents with anti-cervical cancer
vaccine. Apparently to prevent head and neck cancers in latter life, D. B. then questioned
who would remember after 40 to 50 years whether they had the injection (Ed. if this is to be
the  mode of delivery). He then introduces two short videos:-

  •     We were reminded of the incident of 30 boat people lost in territorial water. followed by the clip of the "Rohinga people" a repressed Burmese Muslim minority, a party set to sea in open boat destiny Bangladesh a Muslim country expecting sanctuary, alas sent back to sea by authority.
  •     The next clip explained the impossibility of the Developed World solving the Third World's (over) population difficulty -- jars, gumballs and accompanying logical narration. 
D.B. represented the concerns of a businessman he knows.  The businessman complained to D.B. that if he told customers that he had to increase his prices because of the Carbon Tax he could be fined.

D.B. checked out this complaint by accessing the ACCC website and found an electronic brochure on the subject which he reproduced for the members on screen.

D.B. puts to screen the relevant wording (of the Act its Regulation) from a "brochure"
published by the government's ACCC. This after acceptable interjection by a supporter [see
end of this blog] who voiced impressions of incidents and law limiting freedoms ...      

D.B. continues with a reading aloud of examples of the way ACCC interprets enforcement of
the controlling Act. Before the screening the above bullet listed, discussion seems from the record of this time, to delve into consequences of free trade. Both  contemporaneous and historical, Germany and
Korea get mentioned. Guessing if what was said passes as deliberation, a question: Who are
those that benefit from a carbon tax(?) Some opinions were then provided (also) at this time.

A minor feature as a lead-in to what followed. A lady with 15 years behind her talks in front
of camera, talks on exercise and nutrition as an alternative to pharmaceuticals. She said
people display categories of health issues: disease, disorder and syndrome. Then drugs
tested by human participants where some are given placebo, really have not been efficacious. Gives explanation how drug companies dupe the public. This lady will appear in the main
feature, which D.B. quickly puts to screen.

The feature was to last 1 hr 35.5 mins -- INTRODUCTION, Part 1:-
#  Treatment of mental disorders through the ages till now.
#  Development of psychotropic drugs and claimed adverse results: (i) Individuals express
dis-satisfaction. (ii) Number of people affected adversely that die one way or another.
#  A disorder NOW treated as if a disease -- prescription issued ... even for humane
frailties, not accounted for previously with examples listed.
#  Narration then questioned how this all came about, in view of evidence to contrary?!?!

Part 2.
Drug evolution: Morphine, Opium, Cocaine, Thorazine ... Valium to Prozac ...

Part 3.
Psychiatrists and the foundation of the profession 19th and 20th centuries. Dubious
experiments and revelations of ethical concern. Psychiatrists and the pharmaceuticals, and
psychiatrists and the DSM 1 to 5. DSM and practitioners in relation to drug companies.
Escalation of DSM disorders and children. Leads to the question: "How do psychiatrists
convince people they have a disorder and need treatment?"

Part 4.
Marketing ploy - "Disease Management" i.e. three techniques used to promote use of
psychotropics i.e. convincing people they are mentally ill -- modification of drug chemistry
to cater for new defined disorders. Then the question: "How safe are drugs intended to treat

Part 5.
A answer to the foregoing (Pt. 4), it's the drug companies that do testing for patent application, after
animals comes three phases of tests with humans. Criticism of tests, was they are not long
enough to determine consequences. Tests involving placebos throw doubt on effectiveness of
psychotropics -- from documents obtained from FDA America. A lot of accusations presented
(case histories etc.) as to practitioners and academic independence in testing or endorsing
test outcomes -- then the question: "So who protects the end user?"     

Part 6.
Federal Food and Drug Administration is supposed to be the answer the foregoing, but practitioners
employed by the administration invariably have "conflict of interest" issues because of
involvement with the industry. Many years may pass before -- not weeks or months as with
initial tests -- "side effects" become evident. Leads to a forth phase of tests with little
enthusiasm to validate. Because the industry allowed to "print" its own money (i.e. big
mark-ups and profits) -- to the next question: "How to convince the medical profession  that
psychotropics are safe to prescribe, when tests prove otherwise?"

Part 7.
Psychiatrists are at the apex of the hierarchy, abetted by drug companies in the education of
non-specialist practitioners. We learn of strategies employed by well financed and equally
well developed conferencing system to promote psychotropics. The mystique of literary
endorsements and exposures ... through-out the Parts (1 to 7) making the 1 hr. 35min. whole,
names and incidents of psychiatrists and entities scrutinised and/or implicated. There may
be a sequel as there was a concluding question: "How can the industry get the general public
not only to accept psychotropics but demand them from the profession?"

[Note. Each Part (1 to 6) intended to provide a answer to the preceding question.]

Discussion amongst some attending on the three topics shown. A supporter related his
experience with either Stilnox or serepax, then digressed to the social outcome, whereby
instilled "fear" is either intentional or inadvertently engendered in society. We
undoubtedly held profound thoughts after the viewings, and it seems especially on this
supporter (Ed. No phlegmaticalness shown here).  Before we broke-up and headed to the bar, a
elderly participant mentions a book titled "The Cane Toad Republic" author David Flint. This publication he said explains why less centralisation of government power is desirable; please note, this before the federal government accepted the Angus Houston committee's Report on illegal people entry to Australia. 

Remember, prior to the presentations, "... acceptable interjection by ..." this gentleman
was also an attendee of the now defunct Rockdale Speakers Forum. He told us that the Rockdale Forum no longer meets  at Rockdale RSL and the venue has now changed to Bexley RSL. On the advice of ASC secretary led to the removal of the plug on this blog site -- ref. to ASC July 2012.  


Wednesday, July 11, 2012

June 14th 2012 A Address to Club and videos politic & eco. resp.

We were to see two videos this evening as time given over to an invited guest, who's words later paraphrased REMOVED 19/07.  Hereby the second video introduced by Don and no more blogged later in review.

 The members watched a video produced by Mr. Peter Schiff. Mr. Schiff is a commentator on the worlds economic situation. His opinions differ significantly from mainstream economists.

In this video Mr. Schiff appears at a US Congressional Committee hearing to answer questions put to him by Congressmen and Congresswomen about Federal Grants to the Federal Housing Authority.

 There were 6 to 8 people making submissions to the American Congressional Committee in the aftermath of Freddie Mac and Fanny May debacle.  Testimonials from all but one or two were in favour of "multi family funding" Through the F.H.A. et al. 

The other witnesses at the hearing were representatives of builders, mortgage brokers, insurers and government organisations. 

Mr. Schiff asserted at the hearing that the testimony of the other witnesses was flawed by a conflict of interest. All the other witnesses and the organisations they represented stood to make money from funding to the Federal Housing Authority.

Mr. Schiff opposed tax payers funding of "loan guarantees" and maintained that with government using "... guarantee" money elsewhere (say appropriated to infrastructure), the private sector capital utilisation in this and other respects would be beneficial as well as sustainable.

Mr. Schiff asserted that the previous funding policy was a failure and the proposed policy would also fail for the same reasons.

Mr. Schiff objected to the Federal Government's use of taxpayer's money.

Mr. Shiff asserted that housing should be left to the private sector so the market could provide people with accommodation suitable for their needs and income.

Don regrets that free to Internet/air information lags that from the subscription media -- Edit. meaning until club support becomes relevant for a review, what is brought to the club cannot be from seminal capture.

REMOVED 19/07/2012

VIDEO [First to be shown].
"Collapse ..." a Video presentation from a counter-intuitive named service provider. Be that as it may, the presenter's a pessimistic outlook for European countries he identifies, in view of overwhelming debt.  Greece is one such named and a audio/visual extract from a Greek media source shows the leader of 'Golden Dawn Party" interviewed.    Greece apparently has a communist-fascist representation of 20% in its parliment.  This interview with Mr. Nikolaos Michaloliakos was produced prior to election 18 June this year.  So the contained interview is within a "kernel" of what Don discovered, and both pre-date the recent election.  Thereafter the spokesperson condemns what he calls the "international elite" for a potential crises, and why gold is being purchased by the I.M.F. et al. in inordinate amounts.  The non-elites not privy to what might be pending, and whether the US and the World at large would be affected was not made clear.  However he does say Europe community is in hock to America's banks for hundreds of $ billion and should things "snow ball", result CALAMITY!  He advises the best hedge is gold and silver.

Privileged to have Jim at the club to give summation on contemporary Greece -- Jim is a PhD. in political science -- its politics and social injustices and what might happen after the (then) imminent election.  But not only surmising,, he provided facts from reputable media outlets."

Saturday, June 30, 2012

May 10th 2012 Eco. surveys 1st_1/4_2012 and foreign workers in Aust.

For me the May meeting was likely to be a non-event. I got no further than the foyer of Burwood RSL, the security would not accept what I could produce in the way of ID. Surely the ASC is in its fourth year and I've attended at least 9 of the 10 meetings each year if not all. Never had the indignation of being challenged before. I did remedial driving tuition 2006/7 and when my provisional licence was cancelled, with issue of a class C photo card, told at the time the cancelled (provisional) card could assist in the matter of ID in lieu of a C class licence. Comparing the cards shows very little difference, and apparently what difference is detected is not relevant in the circumstance above related. So I primarily depend on a RTA (now RMS) card superseded, and one issued by AEC (Australian Electoral Commission) to claim status as a Subject of Australia in N.S.W. So far has worked well, so why not at this club? The answer came from ASC secretary with words to effect "... there are politicians who have financial interests in hotels, they hate the clubs". The secretary had to sign me in on this occasion.

For the June meeting the current RMS issued photo card will be removed for the purpose of taking out membership with the Burwood RSL club -- it only costs $2 for a year. However on searching the Internet I did come across this:

"To prove who you are to Roads and Maritime Services, you need to provide either a NSW-issued driver photo licence or NSW Photo Card that is current or expired within the last two years (provided it is not recorded as lost, stolen or destroyed), or two other documents - one from List 1 and one from List 2." []
Further to the above the following was turned up:

"Unless authorised by law, Roads and Maritime Services (RMS) will not release a driver's or rider's licensing information to a third party organisation without the permission of that driver or rider.

RMS provides an online Driver Licence Check (DLC) service to authorised organisations, such as heavy vehicle operators and CTP insurers to assist them to fulfill their duty of care responsibilities concerning road safety as well as to encourage the promotion of good driving practices.

Interested organisations can click here for further information"  []

Though having instruments valid (and/or verifiable) in May, as I understand it - the card held for preceeding 5 years - why rejected? What's the difference when a club's duty is to comply with the law -- matter of bona fide -- and that of a policeman(sic) who can do a DLC. Intend to refer to Don (ASC secretary and a lawyer) for opinion ... 

By the way this blog done 30/06/2012 so I can add a little more. Between May and June I was away, I (we) returned from a trip the morning of the June meeting, another late night Friday morning after the meeting, a week past before the current licence was returned to its rightful place. In its absence "swanning around" in a vehicle without its accompaniment i.e. the precious life-giving(sic) licence.

FROM the ASC club's assemblage a SUMMARY

Apart from economic and financial recorded information, recent postings on the Internet. Predictable from the last meeting, Don showed the ABC's '7.30' Report from 29/03. This report was an exposure of where migrant workers are sourced and the unreliability of details given to obtain visas to enter Australia.

Before the viewings some points and other comments:-

(1) The Soviet styled government in China, according to Don is (or has) eased restrictions on other banks; The government controlled Central Bank of China, doesn't (or will not have) a monopoly. 

(2) Don suggested that Futures Traders are gambling on gold price to fall. 

(3) The White Australia policy of the past -- till circa 1970 -- gets a mention and the history behind its inception  -- Chinese attracted to the gold fields during the 19th century. 

(4) As an introduction to the first presentation, where the term "derivative" was mentioned, Don told us there are two types of derivatives: "Over the counter derivatives" and "Exchange derivatives"; the latter derivatives Don gave in dollars ..., [Edit. regardless an astronomical figure].  

Other comments from the club members taken from a cassette: North America doesn't have an active steel mill, gets its steel from China?!?! AND radio station 2GB (Sydney based) offer listeners Ross Greenwood, who comments on economic and financial matters.

A total of just under 2hrs of video, including two interviews and the ABC report fore mentioned Report.

Things covered by one commentator:

How successful is the American federal government dealing with economic recovery since GFC(?)

Critical of government stimulus as wrong jobs; wrong balance of trade; wrong current account direction; wrong assessment of CPI; wrong policy of FRB and bonds V's interest rates,a potential for inflationary outcome.  

On taxation of corporations and individuals in a capitalist society, compared with that in a communist country; the question becomes (as in America) is it capitalist or fascist in reality(?) 

Unemployment i.e. work participation in US is lowest since 1981, then the correction was austerity, not as with President Obama with financial stimulus. 

The commentator refers to the "phony economy", the true position is not reflected in the price of gold and currency $US when compared with Europe and its euro. 

He corrects B.Obama's claim that America's economy was built by the middle class, but by entrepreneurs (e.g.s cited), that higher taxes and government spending is a reversal of his predecessor.

The first video a 20min. interview with the Shadow Open Market chairman during an American conference.

Q and Ans. followed in respect of:-
  1. "Dual Mandate" should economic concerns be embraced whole or individually.
  2. Higher job growth as a precursor to increase interest rates. Though without reviewing recorded info. again, it was suggested the mechanism could works in reverse?!?!
  3. The questioner asks should banks be "stress tested" on issues pertaining to interest rates and bonds.
  4. Suggested if there were to be a collapse in the bond market the result harmful to the economy.  
  5. Rising interest rates -- apparently without jobs growth -- is a concern, as half of total interest payable to foreigners.
  6. Another concern is the servicing of foreign debt.
  7. The solution to trade imbalance is more export.  AND
  8.  The chairman says banks hold bonds and mortgages sufficient to withstand shock (Edit. presumed orchestrated be the Fed's) and its not for the government to "bail-out" banks.
During the next 5mins. the questioner put to the chairman, why does China export to the US and retains increasing amounts of $US in US bonds; rather than utilization of trade advantage for betterment of their people.

The last 5mins. the chairman draws on many years of administration service. He mentions two years 1966 and 1979 when either, inflation was under control or out of control, and no surprise where intervention came from. 

William McChesney Martin member of the Fed. from 1951 to 1970 the later years as chairman. 

"After the presidential election of 1960, Republican Party candidate Richard Nixon blamed his defeat on Martin's tight-money policies (NYTimes Magazine, 01/20/2008.) "  [Edit. It seems from what follows this oversight(sic) was not to be repeated].

The elderly gentleman questioned told his questioner (and views): A Congressional formed Federal Reserve Consultancy came into existence apparently after 1960?!?!  

Lastly asked if interest rates go up, inflation accelerates and bonds lose value?  He replies, by evaluating the history and what incumbents did when likely to suffer election loss.
The last video interview with an economic-financial guru was conducted with a lady interviewer.  Questions put on economic possibilities brought answers of an advisory nature: as to the future, and what a person could do to minimise a financial catastrophe.  Markets and commodities mostly fluctuate independently and move between highs and lows. However when catastrophe does eventuate "derivatives" will be greatly affected, the financial world and systems will shrink as a result.   




Tuesday, May 8, 2012

April 12th 2012 Financial snippets and 9/11 of 2001

Because of delay caused by confused room allocation at the RSL, the meeting commenced once our secretary (ASC) had connected his electronics to that provided by the RSL. 

Don already having told those at the last meeting of the 9/11 documentary contents. From attendee comments after the viewing: 1) Where other aircraft hijacked on the same day? 2) Where seven buildings -- excluding the Pentagon building -- destroyed on that infamous day?  AND of course 3) Was public indignation turned in the right direction; "... buildings don't fall that quickly".

Sufficient time remained for three economic discourses, one a audio cast the other two from the same sourced back in February (audio-visual).

The three covered subjects:-

  •  Validity of statistics, how reliable are they as related to those attributed to China and the US currently.
  • Government released financial statements at variance with "GAP/GAAP based accounting" goto for definition.
  • Immediate above and the G.A.O. (Government Audit Office) -- Why it will not "sign off" submitted financial statements.
  • National insolvency
  • Money creation
  • Budget deficits
  • Hyper-inflation
  • Affects of stock and bond prices both domestic (America) and in Europe.
Criticism of government and federal agency's actions since GFC and possible economic, social and political consequent.

Following Don summed up the comments presented in the dialogue question and answer format just viewed and heard:-

  1. Taxes raised don't cover debt.
  2. Unemployment figures in America more likely at 22%, an increase to that officially stated.
  3. Wages less than what they were 10 years back in the US.  Don thinks it most likely the same here as  would be that for unemployment.
  4. Funding from Europe supporting Asian business's have sharply declined e.g. The Chinese government intend removing the central bank's monopoly to lend.
  5. In America because of homeland security and welfare etc., the federal government can barely raise money by taxing and cannot borrow sufficient funds for much else.
  6. Apparently banks as well as government since the GFC burdened with debt print money into circulation.
  7. From 2. and 3. above, the economy is worst than in 1930's.
ABC 7.30 Report 29/03 Don said told viewers there are 80,000 457 visa workers -- Chinese miners and Irish scaffolders -- with visas issued to people claiming to be administrators.  He is not chuffed by this as he has been looking for work.  Don has since being retrenched now has university graduate qualification ... I guess ... have to watch space?!?!

Friday, May 4, 2012

March 8th 2012 Criticism of Utopias and Technocracy

The meeting opened Don went on to summarise what we would hear, taken from a radio talk program, broadcasted from of all places Japan, by an American, so it was heard in the English language. 

The subject of this 1 hr. audio documentary covered concerns raised by outcomes of technocracy.  Technocrats "who harvest technology" selling their ideas to a populous but do so on behalf of a social elite.

Taking from the pod cast yet to be heard, Don emphasized the presenter/narrator's attitude: technocracies are failed utopian concepts, and examples provided, prior to and since the Industrial Revolution of the 18th century.  Both in his summary and later confirmed when listening to radio blog, currently Mediterranean countries identified where economic eminent(sic) people appointed by fiat to resolve debt crises.

Resulting from what was a long production the following provided:-

  1. Apparently technocracy is a consequence of population numbers.
  2. The author H. G. Well's tome of 1933 "The Open Conspiracy" is quoted from by presenter/narrator. 
  3. Technocrats who were "non-democratically appointed" i.e. "bureaucratically appointed" in two named South European countries heavely in debt.
  4. Machines endowed with reason and logic will be the determinant organisers making for a better society.
  5. Presenter introduces two technocrats from Technocracy Alliance of Nth. America (and Canada) --     Summary answer of 1st questioned (Technology Incorp.): WW1 did not affect production with its  demand on military service, however by 1930 to much production, so system of exchange NOW out modded due to latter day technology.   Summary answer of 2nd questioned: This commentator's expertise in city planning probably after WW11, in any case the opposing views at the time were: Should development follow a linear concept or should cities grow outwards in a circular design.  Stating that technocracy is a process of inquiry.
  6. At this point the presenter says that technocracy can lead to "totalitarian ends".
  7. A satirical monologue by a lady what living in a future technocracy could be like -- from the narrator a  planned/plan "obelisk"  [Edit.a reference to society structure].
  8. Technocracy equates to tyranny -- people beholding to others who promote them, in this instance economic [Ed. in reference to 3 above].
  9. Bio-ethics as another social engineering concept.  For meaning and association goto see "Related Words".
  10. Technocracy according to presenter is the combination of bio-ethicists, multi-nationalists and bankers ... convincing the public of their right to dominate in their respective fields.
  11. A pod cast borrowed from Empire, Power and People inserted, extracts from the author W.  Lippmann's works "Public Opinion" and "The Phantom Public" spoken -- Web search " Of Prophets, Power and Purpose of Intellectuals: Class War; Part 3; Andrew Gavin Marshall".  Apparently this man's writings gave rise to the epithet "Think Tank" for technocracy.
  12. The sound track from "Against Utopia" introduced, citing instances of failed utopian initiatives, and the joining of "technological" with "utopia" (Technological Utopia).  "In this utopia the proponents of this movement tell us there will be no evil people, no elite class wanting to control others, no one at all trying to control others, no one at all trying to control the system because human nature will no longer allow for it."  More said on the subject but this should suffice.
  13. The presenter concludes with a questioning of who controls technology, who programs the computers. From past experiences technocracy (i.e. the utopian dream) if unchecked will lead to tyranny.

After the radio blog Don brings attention to a video track exposing questions arising from 9/11: 1) Free falling buildings consistent with planned wrecking NOT as a result of airborne attack, as in the case of New Yorks twin towers. 2) Molten metal (presumed to be steel) running down stair well within the said buildings, but NOT consistent with burning fuel BUT consistent with heat generated by explosion. 3) A 3rd or 4th building somewhat removed NOT attacked but filmed in free fall. 4) Questions arising from the strick on the Pentagon Military HQ building and why the unexplained cover-ups?!?!  Though familiar with the foregoing, no mentioned made by attendees of seeing this particular production.

Then Don told us of another clip yet to be seen, how the American War of Independence and thereafter, the problem associated with circular credit creation and money by financial institutions.

The meeting wound down with an attendee mentioning a publication "Twenty two Steps to Global Tyranny", the restructuring in Australia and centralisation of government, raising the question of how to stop it?  The attendee answered his own query with "by keeping the human contribution alive".  Don 's response was that a lot of people get "... what they have been told from TV".  As for the "Good" book (Bible) its bearing on the federal constitution (from the attendee) a member said most people know nothing about history pertaining.  The member comments on impressions of attitude held by an "underclass", a rejoinder to another comment from attendee regarding "God's love ..." with "plenty of that around".  The member then elaborates by asking: with the Mardi Gras, euthanasia and the UK riots last year as rejections of standards, questioning with this "where's the utopia ...(?)".    

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

February 9th 2012 Boeing et al. Air Safety

After the secretary opened the first meeting for the year, Don indicated there were to be forthcoming radio and pod casts on global economic circumstances.  These presentations to spread over forthcoming meetings, virtually during the first quarter of the year.  For this evening Aircraft Safety was the main attraction, a 52 minute documentary.  Don's introduction stressed an inability of government agencies do their job in this vital matter of safety supervision. 

The video dealt with the production of Boeing's 737 NG commercial jet between 1995 to 2002 -- revealing three recent landing accidents -- assertions by employees and independent experts of poor quality control i.e. "non-conforming parts".  If what we were shown is true, a truly disgraceful situation involving America's FAA, NTSB (National Transport Safety Board), FJD, The Federal Government, Boeing and its supplier Ducommun Technology.  Then there is the "whistle blowers" (Boeing ex-employees) lawyers and hundred of thousands of documents for court adjudication.

After the viewing a club member commented on what might await those ex-employees, when big money and the legal system come together.  How a well known media entrepreneur in this country dealt with a "whistle blower" situation some time ago.

Next presentation was the first of three Internet gleanings on and from the United States.  Spokesperson critical of post GFC actions in part taken by federal government and its agency.  Dealing with the background to the situation and the fallacy of borrowing by government to get out of (deficit) trouble.

Before closing the meeting Don talked about economic commentaries (mentioned earlier) and those economists he would subsequently present.  He talked on unemployment statistics and erroneous economic stimulus's, drawing from content found.  Mentioning that economists and politicians are divided on how to avoid GFC's.  Debt, disappearing currencies and consequence of (currency) inflation, citing recent known facts regarding debtor and creditor countries. 

Recorded talks later to be heard, though dealing with woes confronting other nations, can be analyzed with application here, whereby those with power conceal truth ... "by concealing they (politicians) control public opinion"; as in Australia he said so they do elsewhere.  Tells the meeting of one commentary dealing with negative aspects of technocracy, elaborates by explaining that technocrats usurp democratic process.   Then a member mentioned something contemporary with a US presidential nominee's platform to introduce the "gold standard", he being an adherent of the Austrian School of Economics [Edit. A. S. of E. an explanation goto].  Concluding this blog (and ASC formality 09/02) by another present relating how check-out machines at libraries and super markets could affect employment.