Wednesday, February 25, 2015

13th November 2014 Before the GFC was ENRON

The agenda presented by the club secretary Mr. D. Brooke
Subjects presented in order


1. Recorded Introduction:
Link to alternative site for immediate play 
[ASC Audio_7 11/14]

Edit. Tape Intro. Don 11/14

Audio_7 11/14


Part A. a explanation of Part B. which the secretary and convener objected and his words:-

"I did not publish it because of the inclusion of ‘Rabbis’ and ‘Jewry’ and ‘Rabbinical 

The Enron documentary did not attribute any blame for the criminal conduct of Enron 
executives and staffs to Rabbis.

If I publish this and then someone asks me to explain the connection between the conduct of 
Enron executives and Rabbis I would be unable to make a connection."

How anyone other than someone who's been instructed on what constitutes the sacrosanct, 
could make the claim the secretary attributed to the Part B., drawing the inference stated above, 
has misunderstood the blog intention.  On a misunderstanding being the reason for delay, delay to publish this original (Part B.) post. Now having to explain the self-evident (I would think!). This lead-in/out to the sound file is incidental, nothing to do with the promotion of or other intent regarding current Judaism. The wording on this issue neutral.  Surely the theme of this (Part B.) -- again claimed self-evident -- is how a question and particularly one "pointed" can have consequence and can be life changing, even when a answer in response is genuine.  

What our club secretary/editor must understand, the uninitiated on the subject of sacrosancitity/sacrosanctness haven't time etc. to go around the neighbourhood searching for by-laws listed on community notice boards, a different one each time a by-law is promulgated, enforced by the authorised sanctioned to interpret (or misinterpret) as they see fit. This by way of example of the position the blogger was put; the blogger told too independent, interpreted (by the blogger) a expression of a freedom post the reformation denied.   

So to put the issue to rest a blogger's liberty to self-expression .  It came by a video production viewed by DVD player.  "Holocaust", mini-series, first episode; a memorable scene of Jewish men being processed by officials, a question and answer experience, an believable as popular history has recorded  -- not in recollection ..., originally put to air 1980's circa.  Incidentally, another issue coming before the Federal Court in this country, on behalf of a child in (refugee) detention. Maybe after seeing the above ("Holocaust") the urgers could think kindly about the care and welfare they receive. Both circumstances that are arranged, nation changing and as history shows the first victim FREEDOM.

As ASC members were involved in resolution.  A consensus on the documentary: the conduct of two chief financial officers working within Enron mention worthy.  One becoming the major land 
owner in Colorado and the other presented as an "innovative" accountant, ending this period 
of his life arraigned as his CEO boss.

The Part B. though amended was still unsatisfactory to the secretary.  In the Bible there 
is chapter 16 of the book of Leviticus, where the term "escaped goat" comes. The  
sacrificial goat is the one soliciting sympathy (would you not think?), and that's how Mr 
Skilling and others can be considered if the doco. is assessed fairly.

The blog explained should(?) satisfy the secretary and members and will be published 

Part B.
Something came to mind from a doco. titled Enron, reminded me of what a acquaintance told me 
many years back.  The acquaintance, non-Jewish had an interview with a Rabbi  --  a New 
Zealander  -- who put a question in the form of a statement to the acquaintance who was 
there for the same reason.  It was not the question but the answer " I believe (or think) 
you (the Rabbi) is right (correct)" [Remember it was some time ago].  This was the gist of 
the reply.  Immediately led to my acquaintance's dismissal and abrupt exit from the Rabbi's 
presence.  It wasn't the correct response!

So with Jeffrey Skilling --  much vaunted in the doco. as a prime villain in the collapse 
of Enron.  When questioned as a student "Are you clever?" he replied "fucking clever".  A 
aside comment on Jeffrey from the narrative, read from a prepared script.  Later Jeffrey 
was to end up on charges and seen (camera capture) manacled.  Taken as a answer considered 
intemperate, yet (Jeffrey) to be engaged in a career which Jewry traditionally 
predominates.  It seems that his answer too(sic) was to weigh on Jeffrey.  If you don't 
know it, Rabbi's have more than a spiritual-religious place in the life of a Synagogue.  
The extent of Rabbinical influence prevailing (as a consideration from the foregoing) in 
corporate business is discreetly hidden if this be the case.  This is not to say, those 
proprietaries, the upper echelon of commerce don't promote other than on merit.  As was the 
case with Jeffrey, and as I've been reliably told Zionism (Jewry included) don't agenda 
something only to serve one purpose.

To sum-up the Present, having previously viewed a doco. "Inside Job" -- a "dissection" of 
the GFC that occurred about 5 years after Enron's wind-up.  Too much fund money unable to 
find accommodation is evident in both instances. It didn't take long for the shrewd on the 
inside to personally realise opportunity was in the offering.

To read in conjunction with  Audio_7 11/14
Link to alternative site for immediate play of discussion following.

712_0103 11/14

CONCLUSION with a vote of thanks for the secretary evenings events.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

9th October 2014 Refugees a repercussion and examples of human cosmos-...

The agenda presented by the club secretary Mr. D. Brooke
Subjects presented in order


1. Recorded Introduction:
Link to alternative site for immediate play 
[ASC Audio_6 10/14]

Edit. Tape Intro. Don 10/14

Audio_6 10/14

First Present

All that need be said on the subject was outlined in the introduction.  In any case when in January the URL was visited for the hereby intention, it (the episode) had expired. By the way, on the same page ( a earlier episodes on related subject was able to be viewed -- draw your own conclusion!?!?  

Courtesy a synopsis:-

Twenty thousand Sudanese refugees have recently arrived in Australia. Some have arrived after years, even decades, in refugee camps, and as the community has grown, so has the discrimination and racism.

When Abraham arrived in Australia he knew two words in English, ‘yes’ and ‘no’, and he consistently confused the two of them.  He is now the Slam Poet Champion of Victoria and recently came third in the national titles.  He is also about to have his second book published and perform at the Glastonbury festival.  However, he still can’t get a job, is subjected to daily racism and won’t travel on the train after dark. 

Nick is the founder of a fledgling political party who says allowing Africans like Abraham into Australia is asking for trouble.  He believes they can’t assimilate, are a welfare drain on the economy and have nothing to contribute to a society built on Anglo-Celtic foundations. This is one of the most explosive and moving episodes in the series.

Link to alternative site for immediate play of discussion following.  [ASC 712_0099 and 0100 10/14]

712_0100 10/14

Second  Present

The member selected a good choice.  A program where dialogue moved from Earth science aspects, geographically, and aspects of human behaviour. Condemning people who conduct themselves according to financial elitism, but recognising others, in that they adapt to their domestic surrounding.  Water was used in this context as a limited resource.  Its scandalous use in a arid region in the West of The United States by some people, seeing beauty in lush introduced vegetation.  Whereas others by landscaping and encouraging native plants of the region: people for survival accepting a less pristine environment.  Taken as a micro-cosmos(sic) -- not much order there -- of human endeavour.  Generalising, those advantaged by a money system (as emphasised in commentary) and a system subject to collapse. Alternatively folk possibly less well off materially, suggested as survivors by compromising with ecology.     

The next resource in context, ground gas and the science of "fracking".  Populations in specified countries of Southern and Central Europe, people "locked up" by tradition and probably agrarian based, caring not for the reality.  Apparently, people who believe because the Earth is not flat, in time no one will fall off the edges; and as populations grow so will Earth expand to accommodate.  Caring not for humanity as to future, increasing numbers and energy demand.  Because of the countries and diversification, taken as a macro-cosmos(sic) -- not much order there --  of indifference and/or ignorants.

By using water and C.S.G. (extraction) the programmers promoted the theme of a kind of end of days scenario.  Example of confronting challenges and those with a sense to relent when survival becomes imperative.

Last offering a interview with a writer on fossil fuel energy extraction and a market (America) distorted by the consequence of Q.E.  Major energy producers sell their product at less than cost, at the same time look to export, when factually the US is a net importer of LNG.  The author (the "writer") gave examples of supply, demand disparity.  Perhaps a consequence of unusual regional weather; be that as it may, some people paid 2500% more for the same unit of energy.  Apparently what to be learnt: buy in cheap (import) and sell (export) so that the difference in dollars makes for good business.  The author's claim is Americans are being sold a "pup" when it comes to CGE (coal seam gas extraction).  The US hasn't the sustainable resource (tapped and untapped) being popularized.   

Link to alternative site for immediate play of discussion following. [ASC712_0101 10/14]   

712_0101 10/14

CONCLUSION with a vote of thanks for the secretary evenings events.