Tuesday, March 19, 2019

13th September 2018 Disagreeably reporter;IQ revelation;gold mkts

The agenda presented by the club secretary Mr. D. Brooke
Subjects presented in order with the secretary's recorded introduction

Voice files might not be active immediately after this post is published. 


Recorded Introduction:
Link to alternative site for immediate play 
[ Don.s Intro. ASC Audio_50_09/18]

 AGM for the club was conducted during the recorded introduction and excised.  Sound file rejoined so Dr. James Saleam's summary of the Wagga bi-election etc., made available to the blog.  

Audio_50 09/18

Present 1.

A carry over from the last club meeting.  The same “political incorrect” campaigner.  Over a period of half an hour or less four women of ethnic appearance, excluding one white and another transvestite, here questioned on a suburban street somewhere in Sydney.  The campaigner questioning on the subjects ..., friendly adversarial and they without demur.  The answers were entirely subjective and seemed entirely emotive, perhaps the questions too involved for impromptu fairness.  However should such unbalanced thinking arise at the time to ballot – Australia is in a election year.  Like Brexit before things become desperate – expect club members would agree – a referendum on compulsory voting be a matter of urgency.

Link to alternative site for immediate play of discussion following. 

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Present 2.

Following Don’s recommendation this radio stream complemented the preceding present.  Nothing sexist about it, but a discourse with graphics from a prepared script.  Statistical information primarily the US, Sweden and Denmark based on IQ of service-men, criminals and ethnic populations.  Apologetic impressions conveyed, undoubtedly to ease listeners(sic) discomfort; as was compassionate understanding of afflictions that beset some (in life) more than others. 

Compelled at a earlier period of life to undertake IQ tests.  When considered those results with their variations, mathematically when the principle of “standard deviation” applied, with results below average, it is hearten to know scale pushed to the upper end of average.  So career denied and overlooked in a patron determining sponsorship as to career placement – a motivational fiasco.  IQ less than the optimal, four decades of tinnitus … haven’t come to a categorical conclusion on the truth of the existential.  Caused to wonder what do I share with ASC members and others for that matter, when this subject is presented to consciousness reflection.

Link to alternative site for immediate play of discussion following. 

712_0264 09/18

Present 3.

A short concise doco. On gold, current information of where gold could be heading.  Lucky is a investor who can put his hands on the physical metal.  Brokers sell gold to the jewelry creators, technology industry and what remains resides in central banks.  Much of the metal finds its way to Russia and China.  In many ways we were told potentially detrimental to other economies and currencies.  People who trade in the metal are really trading in “paper gold” which has been oversold and the market manipulated, two American international institutions named. 

 CONCLUSION with a vote of thanks for the secretary evenings events.

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