Tuesday, March 19, 2019

10th May 2018 Atlantic trading Co.;Civilisation;US cf. China capital expenditure

The agenda presented by the club secretary Mr. D. Brooke
Subjects presented in order with the secretary's recorded introduction

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Recorded Introduction:
Link to alternative site for immediate play 
[ Don.s Intro. ASC Audio_48_05/18]

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Present 1.

A history of the South Sea Trading Co.  Debt of government or government debt and the first instance of the means whereby a national government went about resolving its indebtedness.  Parliament in England then it seems had little socialist input, so the formation of the SSTCo was  a new stratagem.  It involved the public sector and the private, coming together to address the indebtedness of the nation.  Shares in the SSTCo traded for privately held debt bonds (of government issue).  Over a relatively short period of time the promoters escalated the issuing of bonds for shares in the company till the eventual “bubble” burst, investors got caught with loses.  However the government debt was reduced so that the prime minister of that time  – regarded as one of the greatest -- saw the way to extinguish the remaining book debt.  By passing the debt on to future generations with the expectation of the economy expanding and inflation commensurate.  Dare say since then i.e. the very early 18th century governments have used this stratagem when it suits.  Socialists in Australia represented largely by the Labor Party use a different tactic, tax and spend, so it seems to get out of (debt) difficulty.   In so doing, minimise repayments for debts incurred, leaving it to following generations  to ponder, how residual debt relief can be achieved.  While maintaining a healthy credit in account/accounts held in the name of the Commonwealth  of Australia Inc. with some central bank or banks somewhere .  So to consider the International Bank of Settlement and the International Monetary Fund, as these institutions were not in existence when the SSTCo. and the English government were in league 300 years back in time.

[COMMENT as a after thought: With “big brother” economics are “little brother” and “little sisters”  expected to comply, push for improved financial awards and spend what expenditure surplus are available, regardless.  Or with bracket creep the outcome of income improvement, a party(sic) in government has the expectation the advantaged will spend to stimulate the economy and a “big brother” treasury, thereby defraying further debt(?)
In the event Labor forms government, and without a John Howard who invariably when answering a question started with "I believe ..."; when pointed out by a astute observer -- now dead -- of politics this frequency of use ...,  replied to the effect, so should the listener by lending a ear to PM Howard's answer as worldly wisdom  to assist (the listener).   Provided for balance as I intend being here till after the declaration of poles on the outcome of the federal election 2019.] 

Link to alternative site for immediate play of discussion following. 

712_0247 05/18

Present 2.

A address by a academic historian.  Commences with a short course in history, with some good outcomes immediate, with others devastating only to be resolved in time producing positive outcomes.  The professor comments on human nature as relevant  in advancing civilisation.  This a “platform” for quoting post medieval philosophers having relevance to the promotion of Western Civilisation.
It was the last quarter of the address that amounted to a summing up of what came before.  This historian seemed to be challenged as to the part natural laws – if they exist – of social behaviour plays in Western Civilisation and those man made rules and institutions.  So be it, concentration wanted to listening to what was said, as members were required to assimilate competing aspects comprising Western Civilisation  handed down by past human conditioning and experiences.  We looked, we listened and went away to work it out for ourselves.

Present 3.

The economic imperatives as compared: China’s industrial capitalisation to America’s investment in infrastructure e.g., airports and roads.  However China’s population has made possible city expansions at the same time planning territorial expansion.  With naval military expansion by sea, a international concern.

CONCLUSION with a vote of thanks for the secretary evenings events.

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