Saturday, June 5, 2010

2009 and was the secretary's expectation fulfilled?

The impression was Don A.S.C. secretary had a good relationship with the Function Manager/Coordinator. Printouts of the calendar for the 2009 year were accepted by the staff, placed at an inconspicuous location within the foyer. On the other hand, I was told by other members of A.S.C. the Burwood R.S.L. promoted our venue via the club's member area c.c.t.v. screens. These initiatives were not in place from the outset, but were the earlier attempts intended to endow minds; apparent from observation not all present were there to participate in the R.S.L.'s Thursday night function(s). Another frustration for our secretary was the garbled manner in which the foyer staff would announce(sic) over the p.a. on the night of A.S.C. meeting: the place (convention room) and times (reasonably requested) to commit to the microphone. By the time of our last attempt i.e. a personal approach was for A.S.C. members were to identify and invite patrons, those not there for the regular Thursday function or gaming to join us.  Formally suggested to R.S.L. management, there was no response - The Staff WON!

We realized by May 2009 that more had to be done. Advertisements were run in Torch Publishing's Auburn Pictorial Review, Cumberland/Courier (N.S.W.) Newspapers' Inner-West Weekly and Cumberland News Ltd. Village Voice Drummoyne. Since the cost prohibited running our club's advertisement over more than a few issues. The secretary prompted the idea to approach known right wing journals and newsletter publicists. After documentation and a calendar compliant were issued the following conservative publishers acceded to assist:
- Australian Heritage Society [ Heritage Magazine ]
- Australian League of Rights [ On Target ]
- The Strategy Newspaper [ The Strategy ]
- The Australian Beacon [ Australian Beacon ]
- The Australian Monarchist League [ "Liberty" a newsletter ]
- Australians for a Constitutional Monarchy [ ACM News ]
Documentation archived doesn't show a request made to progressively remove date redundant entries, and insert remaining calendar in subsequent issues; this respectively related to the foregoing.

As with the mentioned publications, so it was with SydneyTalks (an Internet Bulletin Board), a modicum of interest resulted in both instance. When the secretary applied to the principals of SydneyTalk to have A.S.C. talks posted (remainder of the calendar for 2009) i.e. August to October.  Don increasingly came up against difficulties. The principals placed unreasonable compliance demands. Apparent to Don this site was primarily intended for "left wing-footers*" groupies etc, i.e. "Politics In The Pub" and such like. "Left or Right ... our brain shapes us" [The Australian, 30/12/2010, THE NATION 3]

[*  meaning used by the Right of politics applying to current society. ]

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