Saturday, March 24, 2018

13th April 2017 Australia jeopardy; Rights per. people questioned

The agenda presented by the club secretary Mr. D. Brooke
Subjects presented in order with the secretary's recorded introduction


Recorded Introduction:
Link to alternative site for immediate play 
[ Don.s Intro. ASC Audio 
_35 04/17]

Those who listen to the  audio will quickly learn the night's event didn't go off without a hitch.  When recording the event sometime later, how Mr. Wayne Glew's name surfaced.  Assuming a member whilst perusing the night's agenda questioned Don who brings the information to our meeting.  Mr. Glew regarded by those who know (of) him as a True Blue, a battler for decency attempting to turn back the regime building attempts of governments.  Governments in this country who would destroy time honoured concepts  that gave rise to the Westminster System.  A System among others, having sustained a degree of acceptance and social stability unequaled.

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Present 1.

A Australian with a maturating brain, such as myself, I try to keep up with the news and take particular interest in what's happening here.  So some information coming to hand and ear via media conformed with this alternative media recorded radio session.  However it was encompassing filling gaps of specific comprehension, supposing this also for members.  Facts, figures and graphs shown -- for the blind narration -- of macro trends going back prior to the 50's and earlier, when statistics displayed graphically were linear.  Since then exponential growth in so many aspects of domestic debt public and private -- money presumably owed eventually to external banks. The host dealing with Australia's predicament, "basket" with Scandinavian states coincident with Australia at a time with equivalent economic rating internationally. Latter in the program micro economic and social consequences as pertaining to the youth of this millennia: increasing pessimism for employment opportunity, their future and where the body politic (associated government) will take them; you only have to look to the most recent UK election and the alleged balloting of those youthful participants enfranchised.  Saying no more as I could be labeled sexist. The host makes passing reference to private gun ownership and good government as a ship-of-state stabilizer.  Homeland protection inferred, but here ... you're a "red neck" and racist.  The information for tax payers and others concerned excellent.  You just have to wonder what our two party regime building, power sharing duo, have in store for the Australian people.           

Link to alternative site for immediate play of discussion following

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Present 2.

As presented, two people in sophistry exchange, when the host argues against the application of the word "right" as applied to humans.  The definition of a dictionary e.g., "adj just; true or correct; proper" [Collins Australian Gem Dictionary] and what other dictionary's have to say apparently not good enough for the host. True what he said "right(s)" due to democratic effects now replace traditional concepts with social rights colloquially called entitlements. On the thought process of the radio host, who would have it, "universal" acceptance of a standard is a better way to define what volition people can exercise. Accordingly (the host) if you accept there are rights for some, can imply someone else's rights infringed. So apart from the US as understood, where rights have been "universally" documented -- applying the hosts "universal" conceptualizing -- seems governments elsewhere invariably legislate away (righteous) of subject peoples' entitlements, when it comes to the subject of "universal" ... or Rights.

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 CONCLUSION with a vote of thanks for the secretary evenings events.

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