Friday, January 27, 2017

10th November 2016 Immigration-Emigration America, past and now

he agenda presented by the club secretary Mr. D. Brooke
Subjects presented in order with the secretary's recorded introduction


Recorded Introduction:
Link to alternative site for immediate play 
[ Don.s Intro. ASC Audio_32 11/16]

Don's Intro Audio_32 11/16

FY(listeners)I the following "waffle" and "red hearings" could be excised as sound line progresses:

23:30 to 24:45, 25:25 to 26:05, 26:30 to 27:23 (end); some consistency with established meeting conduct those times in between.  The file left intact due to latter, could have been terminated at 23:30 minute. Present.

This viewing was to take us over the permissible time -- very long stream.  The first fifty 
minutes taken up with a history lesson, covering legal and judicial implications regarding 
immigration to America from the mid 19th century to mid 20th century.   A year to remember 
1875 for a judicial reason, and later during the Civil Rights period of the 20th century a challenge to that decision .  A case of the Supreme Court of US reversing a previous decision which impinged on (state) citizen rights as it might bear on immigrants being welcomed.  A example in recent times of central government broadening its interference in state sovereignty.  In Australia the issue of sovereignty intentionally  confused -- excluding Her Majesty and Her delegates -- so laypersons kept ignorant betwixt state and federal legislative bounds; but no matter these legislators work in a similar liberty undermining manner; reminded oft are resident subjects their interests are uppermost a concern of government.  So during that 100 years like America, Australia developed a policy called "White Australia", as in the US the people allowed into the country would be determined by policy (then) enacted by governments elected to carry the wishes of voters. The commentator before concluding the 50 mins segment tells us, the post WW1 revolution in Russia and the unrest in Germany -- leading to WW11  -- brought more people to the New Worlds (Australia incl.). He (presenter/commentator) interestingly states the situation in Germany with socialists: communists one day, brown shirts the next, it took a little bloke with a mustachio (apparently), to put a stop to the nonsense.        

So a imaginary line drawn after the above, and sub-headings hereafter introduced as what 
followed: quotations, explanations, some analysis and graphs when applicable.
For conciseness starting with "Communists and the Hart-Cellar Act" US government intrigue 
with communists.

"Immigrant Demographics" people flee from communism, or immigrate from Asia and Americas

"Refugees and Asylees" tax payers cost to establish new-come enclaves  

"Nation" Stalin on culture (ED. cf. Aristotle) multi-culture its uses and failures

"Multiculturalism" Racial diversity and distrust (F. Salter-Ethnologist), A. Merkel German 
Chancellor - multi-culture failed Germany

"Violence and Diversity" Greater diversity more violence

"Property and Diversity"          "        "            "      "

"Multiculturalism" INSECURITY,  consequence  "... misery for all"

"Immigration Reform" 2005 US government attempt to regain secure borders

"Recent Events" 2012-2013 lax border security with Pres. Obama; US, Latino children 
attracted to come North

"Immigrants Vote" Non-industrial countries produce leftist/communists Democrat vote captures

"Immigrants and Taxes" Homelands taxed and welfare advantaged, immigrants provide less tax

"Immigrants and Jobs" Wage and opportunity (relevance education), disparity 1st decade 20th 
century 3.7%, 08/2012 8.1% 

"Immigrants and Real GDP per Capita" graph shows from 1830 to 1920 linear growth both

"Education" less qualified to homeland educated

"Remittances" approx. 10% remitted abroad - $ Billions 

"Agribusiness and Republicans" Employer market advantage, subsisidised, US dumps excess 
produce on Mexico

"Immigration and War on Drugs" See immediately above ... linked consequence

"Importing Criminals" a question, Ans. seems agents ah, ah, kept very busy

"Border patrols" Budget $3.5 billion, mmh, think 21,000 employed(?) 

"Border Deaths" fluctuate as graphed: subject class(?) or unfortunates involved one way or 
another, agents, trespassers and i assume a scattering of low order criminals

The summary conclusion by a self-confessed free marketeer.  All welcomed, find a  economic 
footing, regardless it must be better than from whence you came to the homeland and should 
you stay.  Where numbers count don't challenge home-landers with existing residency ... with 
intention at some later date you might, by virtue of numbers or by other intended means 
interfere with the status quo. and especially, the free market concept on which the country 
was established. 

  Link to alternative site for immediate play of discussion following. 

712_0203 11/16

CONCLUSION with a vote of thanks for the secretary evenings events.

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