Monday, September 14, 2015

9th July 2015 Opposer WW11, CSG opposition & Imperial ambition

The agenda presented by the club secretary Mr. D. Brooke
Subjects presented in order with the secretary's recorded introduction


Recorded Introduction:
Link to alternative site for immediate play 
[ASC Audio_ 17 07/15 ]

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Present 1.

Interesting video from the 60's -- either Thames or BBC television -- this black and white recording, an interview with Sir Oswald Mosley conducted by a well known presenter then and since. Sir Oswald a politician of the 30's and 40's during WW11, he believed had the Reich (Germany) won the war Britain would have been economically better off with this outcome. Difficult to argue with this position as what has happened since. Backing-up his impressions with now historical fact and as he understood the politicking taking place during that era.  There was a public gallery, the audience apparently drawn significantly from London's East End, with favoured* people representation. For others present the hostility towards Sir Oswald would have been palpable.  [ Sir Oswald was the former head of the British Union of Fascists]    

* A popular belief held as to the identity of the people of the Bible.

Present 2.

CSG (Coal Seam Gas) extraction, and the opposition of rural folk by the end of the first decade this century.  Fracking began in America in the early 1970's and by the end of the 70's had come to Australia.  Apparently it grew slowly, but the enormity as members saw and learnt, commenced "big time" from about the mid-nineties.  Apart from profits going off-shore, with 54% of Australian's continent either under license or extraction is a challenge to what the mind can conceive, 2% (or less) of the employed population was/is engaged in this activity -- it has to be seen (the aerial visual captures) to be believed.  The "opposition" comes from a genuine concern about health issues experienced in rural communities, agriculture and land despoliation.    

Present 3.

A threatening situation revealed in this video; whereby, eight countries dispute sovereign rights over the South China (aka Yellow) Sea and basically three group of islands (or reef) -- Spratly, Paracel and Scarborough -- presumed holding oil and gas wealth.  America has a presence there, resisting all contenders (the "eight") claiming sovereignty.  America has a naval presence and the South China seaway is strategic for the movement of its fleet and merchant vessels.  Be that as it may, Chinese claim to sovereignty of this seaway is historically spurious. Never the less the Chairman (Mao) in 1949 apparently decreed the South China Sea  was to be regarded as a continuation of the Yellow Sea (to the North).  A commentator said because of the chairman's dictate back in 1949, the Chinese will never give up on its claim to possess this China and other island nations encircled water. By thaw-ting US diplomacy particularly with rival claimants (to those of China), and by occupation of the most Southern Spratly group China hopes to get recognition to this sea territory. It is understood the stand-offs between the "eight" and the US has not been brought to the/a international court(s) for territorial determination.  Vietnam attempted to drill for oil but stopped, intimidated by China into submission.  So, inferred from the doco. a message for those who should be concerned, stave-off the day when either of the two "heavies" start drilling the sea as did Vietnam.  

Link to alternative site for immediate play of discussion following. 

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CONCLUSION with a vote of thanks for the secretary evenings events.

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