Thursday, September 5, 2013

11th July 2013 Google link denied, Events interview and S.E.C (U.S.) & gold


A Preamble this month cannot be provided. Though one was prepared Google has repeatedly disallowed its upload, the excuse conveyed in the "error message" a server error. At least three times Google notified of their server error during the week starting Sunday 18/08. This failure to correct the alleged ("server error") anomaly persists till now 03/09, even after following instruction to over-come the predicament.      

Link to report Daily Telegraph 19.08.2013 published Sydney Australia -- Google.
2013-08-23 19-21pdf

The club blog for the preceding two months carries voice files where Don -- club secretary -- defends an action that brought him to a coroners court earlier this year.  Don, legally trained, has provided material and consented to what's in the blog. So if there is no impediment for him to defend himself at club meetings, and coincidental with the problem besetting Google as reported above; why is this aspect of service denied? So Mr (sic) Google the voice file is not exceptionally long, has nothing therein related to Don and the law-justice system (here). Have to conclude that American law limits a persons ability (in the public domain) to defend themselves, that's after courts intersection.  Then it becomes a "no brain er" why the people would have demanded the right to have guns and keep them close by, back in the days of James Madison 1789 circa.

Further to the above in an attempt to resolve what is assumed  -- a legal prohibition regarding Don -- page "Client ASC 07/13" removal resulted in all pages being deleted from Google-sites.  The client page mentioned re-established and those sound files "permitted" linked.  For followers, files related to Don's predicament, attempts to be made to restore.  Sound files accessible from the alternative site.

Thanks to Spreaker for the time being -- it's not known what happens when total upload reach service limit -- can be linked.  [The all files are uncompressed wav. format.]

EDIT.[1]TapeA&B Preamble Don et al. 07

The agenda presented by the club secretary Mr. D. Brooke
Subjects presented in order

1. Recorded Introduction:
Link to Google Sites ["client-asc-07/13"]

Edit.(1)TapeB.Intro.Don et al. 07
Link to alternative site for immediate play
EDIT.[1]TapeB.Intro.Don et al. 07

1. Traces the genesis of "Security and Exchange Commission" 1934.  Then brought to the last decade of fraud exposures -- Madoff and ponzi -- even recent attempts to control financial trading -- Dodd-Frank Act -- empowering SEC according to the speaker.  C.F.T.C. commenced 1974 enactment "C.F.T.C. Act" [cf. Sarban-Oxley Act 2002]. We were told of Sarban-Oxley and a "whistle blower" R. Grove.  This was a short informative exposure on how regulation doesn't work [Ed. I guess intended by Don (secretary) for us to take heed.  Don has it what happens elsewhere correlates to what can happen here].

2.  A interview conducted with participants from geographical different countries.  The questioned asked about diverse matters predominantly regarding the Northern Hemisphere.  Residing North of Africa and the Mediterranean with family connections in Algeria and Egypt, first asked about the position in Egypt.  He relates to what transpired in Algeria 30 years earlier and expectations in store for Egypt -- the US presence and motivation, the Muslin Brotherhood -- and its strategic importance.  Commenting the interviewed regrets people suffer when there is social unrest and a questioning as to democracy being the answer for attaining stability of conduct between people thereafter.

Then questioned on the aircraft intercepted on its way to South America, allegedly carrying Edward Snowden to freedom(sic) and exile.  Apart from J. Assange in similar circumstance others mentioned who ran foul of that acknowledge Western super power -- acting contrary to the intent of its Constitution's 1st. amendment -- and actions questionable towards other sovereign nations.  We were reminded of the past and this super power: : Josef Mandssenty, Hungarian Catholic cardinal.  He spent 15 years in the US embassy in Budapest from 1956 - 1971." (BBC News Magazine)
Followed by an increasing tendency for reporters and journalists who write-up on irregularities, when it comes to "whistle blowers" in their turn be ill-fated.  Such as the recent controversy, "Michael Hastings, top US journalist killed in crash".
With a new governor installed at the Bank of England, asked to comment.  Essentially central bank bosses defer to Goldman Sachs -- maybe represent a class of international investment bankers -- who apparently figure largely in setting the global economic agenda -- low interest rates and money printing.    
Finally the current fall in the price of gold.  Understood the situation has debased gold as a store of value, "a dichotomy" as it was put, whereby fiduciary issue to be seen as "paper money" (nonbacked by gold) and the other "paper gold".  We were told of market positions taken by "hedge funds" and "banks".  Advice to a audience to this radio show is to place trust in gold ...  However the speaker seemed compelled to say the abilities -- a personality named --  of market manipulators to sustain eco. survival is unquestionable (they know what is wanted), but what is questionable, who's advantaged(?)

3.  A radio report with participants electronically linked, they were either economists or financial business people.  For about 10 minutes we lay persons (club members) were given a educational insight into economic thought and analysis.  It is said if you have a room filled with economists you will hear a room full of differing opinions.  Thus it was ..., with no conclusions drawn for the US economy, nor the future of precious metal markets.  Australia like elsewhere gold etc. is internationally traded, so a nexus of similarity with America [Edit. For Aust. the $AU is falling compared to $US,in the US there is QE, here we have public debt.  From the lesson by listening intensely, nothing conclusive can be drawn confronting this nation's economic situation.  Ascertain we have not travelled the same eco. path as the US.].

  4.  The last report for the evening and current at the time of the meeting dealt with the cause of the price of gold falling since about April. the speaker attributes the cause to "speculators" and the consequent affect this is having on producers. In a eco. (America) the indications were for improvement with moderate inflation, rising property prices and the FRB buying bonds; markets -- especially gold -- should be bullish. However gold price was going in the opposite direction. But the lessons from history of gold, tells this trend will not continue indefinitely. The message conveyed for now (Ed. yet to come) is eco. "recession" eventually. [Ed. So has history also told us at any price(sic) gold held is the best of alternatives as a store of value?!?!]

Link to Google Sites ["client-asc-07/13"]
Link to alternative site for immediate play

Discussion among members and supporters present (#0044 and #0045) and CONCLUSION to the evening's convene.

Link to Google Sites ["client-asc-07/13"]
Link to alternative site for immediate play

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