Tuesday, April 9, 2013

February 14th 2013; Post-GFC & banks, Arab lands and murder as it relates ..

The agenda presented by the club secretary Mr. D. Brooke
Subjects presented in order

1. Recorded Introduction:
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From The Daily Reckoning [Don -- Recorded Introduction] 
Regrettably due to a later arrival of a regular supporter. Also not having recorded the first economic present, and the discussions understood  arising from the visual captures, namely graphs of what transpired late 2012.  The FRB (Federal Reserve Bank) in the U.S., its chairman created what Don called "holding deposits" in the form of "Reserve Balances with the Federal Reserve Bank" this injection of money(sic) has taken place since the GFC.

"Putting all of this together, we can see that what Bernanke has done is fundamentally changed the function of banks and the role of the Federal Reserve. In seeking to save the banks, he has essentially nationalized them, disabling their lending function relative to the past and turning the Fed from being a clearinghouse to being a holding tank for newly created money. This is why he can stand up there at press conferences and so confidently claim that inflation represents no great threat right now." [The Daily Reckoning]

After defining the difference between a "holding deposit" and "interest bearing deposits", he tells the meeting of an incident where a bank -- maybe a non-bank money lender--  intended forclosure.  It has to be presumed the "holding deposit", with FRB (as quoted above), was cited by the mortgagor as a reason to delay forclosure.  As understood from the above quoted "holding tank" will one day "rupture" and funds flow to individual bank accounts in default.

The following extracted from an artical a couple of months later, came from the same media report as that sourced above. Comprehended to give insight into what the FRB chairman's current position was/is in relation to America's economy.

"We're five years and counting of Ben Bernanke's fight to the death with deflation. There's nothing new or path breaking about it. Experience tells us this modern version of a stupid policy will create many more years of stagnation." [The Daily Reckoning]

From the Introduction the Middle East and its recent history.
Divided into sections for the purpose of hereby relating, Narration covered period 1880 to circa. 1970.

Period 1.  British colonial interests to protect by division of the once Ottoman empire after WW1. Both Britain and France possessed dominion over the region.  The Mediterranean and Suez Canal vital to shipping and the security of colonial people and lands especially in South-East Asia .

Period 2.  With establishment of communism in Russia after WW1, there were influential territorial maneuvers in Arab lands where the recent revolutionary power in the North(sic) gave cause for identified players to emerge: ["Sauhund"(?)] or "sahud" (Ed. pronunciation of narrator); ("sahud" means 1. receptacle, 2. open hand, 3. salary, 4. compensation)  and Hashemite family clans.  Pictorially we saw how political events unraveled between the World Wars.  Jewish migration both before and after WW11 to what's now called Israel.  Interestingly the "turf" known as Israel was formally significantly owned by Egyptian and other nationals external to Israel-Palestine.

Period 3.  Greater Syria (incl. Palestine, Lebanon and Jordan) those included countries Syria resisted giving independence. Apparently from 1948 to 1967 Syrian control over the region diminished and Jordan gained possession of Palestine.  In 1970 and later engagements took place involving Jordan and Palestine, Palestinians moved North to Lebanon, there created the Palestinian Liberation Army and Fatah).  Syria moved against P.L.O. and Fatah, but for reason(s) unknown Palestine was not given recognition by surrounding states.  During this period we are  told of Egypt's Gamal Abdel Nasser's intention to create a unified Arab nation, virtually taking in the whole of the Middle East, the region to be turned into a "secular socialist republic".  In 1958 with Syria and  Egypt "joining hands" a failed opposition to the Egypt-Syria alliance sprang into existence when the Hashemite Kingdoms countered with "The Arab Federation".    

Period 4. Palestine, Nasser and Yasir Arafat; the latter Nasser's ally in Palestine co-opted or inveigled to bring the geographic locality into the grand unification.  This drew opposition from the conservative Arab country of Saudi Arabia.  We're told Palestine " ... is at the cross roads" being denied national independence by surrounding countries (Syria, Egypt and Israel).  The narration and pictorial representation -- colourful maps shown of the region throughout -- concludes; impressing the existence of the Jewish state makes little or NO difference in this turbulent Geo-political contest, with its competing strategical ambitions.

A film about the dangers of gun control

An intriguing production FOLLOWED referred to as a film.  Probably as a Subject person of British Commonwealth country to find merit later(sic) would classify me as "political incorrect".  Tradition and instruction on " it will be all right mate"; surely we (as Australians) are not living a delusion, one generation to the next, absolutely believing there's nothing in erstwhile democratic orderly societies that will not remain that way thereafter.  Club members saw (and heard)  what the film had to say on alternative " ... correctness".   One of the longer presentations brought to the club, fell into three parts.

Part 1.
Recounts international incidents many during my and club members life time.  I can say, the content of media news at respective times was never given a second thought.  The claim made by the producer/producers of the film "... 170 million ... killed".

1.    Prior to WW1 Turkish elimination of 1.5Million Armenians.

2.    1929-1934 Russia's Ukrainian Kulaks under order of dictator Joseph Stalin were starved or outright      
        murdered 10Million.

3.    1934-1976 Taking in the period of Chine's War Lords, Japan's invasion, and chairman Mao's take-    
        over in 1949 35Million dead.

4.    1933-1945 Germany, Nazis and Adolph Hitler 21Million dead.

5.    1975-1979 Cambodia, Pol Pot and Khmer Rouge killed 2.35Million dead

6.    1971-1979 Uganda, Edi Armin who was a practicing Islamist, also photographed along side christian
        clergy killed 300,000.

7.    1994 Rwanda, Hutu and Tutsi; with Hutu gaining upper-hand after Belgian withdrawal, 100 days of    
        mayhem Tutsi's 800,000 dead.

8.    1980's Guatemala and Mayan Indian victims, estimated over time 200,000 dead.

9.    1949 (and after) Tibet, Buddhist monks and China's invasion, persecuted monks 1/6 of population,
        total deaths 1Million.

10.    1971 Bangladesh, students, intellectuals and Hindus - philosophy of Pres. Yahya Khan "Kill three
          million of them and the rest will eat out of our hands". Liquidated 1.5Million.

11.    20th century late - Sudan, Animists and Christians - numbers murdered unknown.

12.    20th century late - Zimbabwe, white farmers and rival factions - numbers murdered unknown.

Part 2.
This as so much uncensored information, seems it might have come to ASC via the free Internet: an absorbing insight into why Americans hold to a concept others cannot see virtue.  However, to assimilate the content with Part 1. presented a conceptual difficulty.  To present the circumstance that arose in America after 1785 and the subsequent history of relationship with the indigenous (Indians) and Ethnics (Negros) during 18th and 19th centuries with 20th century events (above) seems disingenuous.  Undoubtedly disparity of diversity of racial numbers was not as great as it is now, it's known the white settlers had a fear of  black workers revolting, so it's not beyond belief there would have been suspicion of the indigenous who certainly didn't want "whitee" around.  Remember, the people -- both free and non-free descent -- that came with the Bible and law, inherit a society industrially backward, they must have had a compelling want to catch-up with brethren on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean. Whether it was the red men (of Nth. America) or the black men (from Wst. Africa) their persecutors was "whitee", conforming with the film's intention, so we heard later it was not due to who was franchised and who were not.

The film was then to hone-in on two emotive criminal incidences.  Truly when officialdom is allowed to determine what's best for society and its individuals, scary things can happen according to what was shown.  This minor (pun) detraction -- minors were victims -- emphasized what can happen, when in the wrong place at the wrong time need not be devastating; if authority/authorities their rules and laws didn't determine regrettable outcomes.    

Credits to production run to screen a Cantor providing catharsis.

"A single death is a tragedy, a million deaths is a statistic"  -  attributed to Joseph Stalin [Edit. In]

Discussion among members and supporters
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Part 3.

Three minutes of thirteen minutes from sound track: The real message for making the documentary and what was intended to be conveyed.

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Be assured a incisive, rational explanation for weapon possession in private hands.  As can be discerned, praise worth for the egalitarian condescension of peoples comprising the early American story. As an outsider on reflection (troubled), the line between use (defense) and misuse (attack) of weapons blurred.   Should a conclusion be drawn, finding one-self "state-side" best acquire a "piece" for a pistol whipping (or worse) to assist a mugger in the execution of intention, and believe providing a weapon a morality principle was sustained ... of cause this magnanimity might not occur to a victim survivor?!?!

Discussion amongst members and supporters: CONCLUSION to the evening's convene.

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