Wednesday, November 28, 2012

September 13th 2012 Aust. radio 2GB and video reports US ...Aust. mentioned

 The club's agenda for the evening introduced by the secretary D. Brooke.
Subjects presented in order:-

1.  Recorded INTRODUCTION with some words trimmed:

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Intro. Don 09/12

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2.  A podcast Sydney radio 2GB. Starts by naming a person in parliment once a union official, this person has apparently a "catalystic" effect, bringing to light alleged nefarious conduct as revealed in interview, this investigative journalist described as well credentialed. The revelation as broadcasted 20 July this year implied our current PM during an earlier time in her career and officials of the AWU,  as one mighty family (extended maybe?) AND thus far his assessment has as it's understood been correct. In that response/responses taken or lack thereof since is an issue complex and confused.

3.  A video showing random qustioning of attendees North Carolina Democratic Party's convention, leading to presidental election November 2012. The questioning of Democratic voters should B. Obama be re-elected what should he do to corporation profits. [Ed. Thankfully no question embracing gun control, which must have been mooted during the lead up. In Australia undoubtedly via the Internet, some people being made aware of US citizen misgiving with  potential election of the incumbent -- Still early days ...].

Discussion amongst members and supporters.
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4.    A video, part one, two people discussing what the two regard as social disparity. A program broadcast three times a week according to a Google peruse, presented in much the same way as Don showed last month. The subject (of a developing theme) a rather large Australian business woman, who was repeatedly mentioned with digression: condemnation of those inheritors of influence due to ("superior") education and career advancement. A legatee system applies in America as elsewhere -- " To be born on the other side of the track" (a colloquialism), so no surprise with this as a subject that at times re-occurs. [Ed. There are undoubtedly losers both sides of " ... the track", difficult to categorize the presenting duo as conforming ... Likewise the alleged comment from the business woman believing her challenge to the community was according to reality. Prompts the question, how far can can you raise yourself by "the boot straps" (another colloquialism). The first part of this two part report should had have us considering the duo's demeanor. Was it meant to be sarcastic, sardonic or a craving after what was condemned i.e., ethics of the influential at the end of an "up market" education in preparation for the "big end of town". Part two, is linked to part one when "South Africa's Marikana Miners ..." gets mentioned. The proposition aired in part two after skepticism of the effectiveness of the war on drugs and terrorism -- means whereby civil liberty is encroached -- and then the loss of purchasing power since GFC (2008), came the shock (also inferred in part 1. of this report). The guest interviewed claims there are two classes of people: those that can kill with impunity and those that can't. Then asked to explain the interviewed invoked a metaphor which seemed to imply, (as the host surmised) if money can't buy allegiance "an economy based on force" is the resolve. [Ed. Also from the dialogue it can be inferred a agency of nebulous involvement will do what's necessary to maintain a status quo. Referring to "those that can kill with impunity", "South Africa's Marikana Mines ..." from part1, was reference to a Frank/Hank Paulson, this identity apparently Henry Paulson and "Henry Paulson Confronted on Threatening Congress With Martial Law"?!?!

Discussion amongst members and supporters.
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5.    A visual capture of a radio delivered report prior to the US presidential election. The presenter deliberates on America's debt and two voter considerations. Medicare and social services, and whatever "Obama Care" as promoted by the incumbent's party amounts to?!?! Historically there was a divergence of policy between Republicans and Democrats till the time of President Roosevelt 11. He (the presenter) mentioned four ways to reduce federal debt, and from previous talks (we've heard from this guru previously) his belief is that people would be better of if welfare is privately funded. In so many words he accuses old folk as "bludgers", in reality they have not by way of taxes provided for "entitlements"; an original initiative of the Democratic Party.

Discussion amongst members and supporters: CONCLUSION to the evening's convene.
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